<<@liia9736 says : If it's true that the Sabbath is for man not man for Sabbath then why does God command a man to be stoned to death due to the father gathering wood on the Sabbath. Presumably he wasn't it doing for fun, probably for food or warmth. Numbers 15:32-36 32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put him under guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him. 35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.>> <<@TonneMiessek2442 says : God is righteous. The Melchisedek Priesthood was subject to error and this Priesthood does turn into Jesus Christ's. The true Israelites were sinners however, this does not give them a license to sin. You should always try to better yourself. The overrighteous or rich and elite judge and condemn the Melchisedek sheepfold. That's why it's written you you shall not judge. Jails, prisons and institutions is one of the places Jesus saves you. In Proverbs it states you shall not condemn a man if he steals because he's hungry. The Antichrist, Devils and False Prophets legions have stolen the Melchisedek finances justifying their actions>> <<@sa777 says : Submit to God's righteousness (present)>> <<@annsoforsman733 says : I can´t agree with all Mr Prince is saying in this video: if the purpose with the law is to make us love God and our neighbour then how do we achieve that - not by sinning not by not caring about the commandments. I think we have commandments, rules from God that is about our own behaviour towards our fellow humans - to not harm ourselves or others. Then we have the charitable helping others that might even prevent sinning- I think we sin less when we have what we need. To love God is to love what he loves and hate what he hates. I did a blogentry on this of sorts and it is difficult to understand this in a way that feels correct and that we can apply in our own life. If you want to enter life keep the commandments Jesus says and he mentions some of Moses commandments. We have the 4 rules in Act15:29 that is a must for us to keep- then we need to understand the word fornication (unlawful marriages that contain unnatrual sex according to my understanding). Go and sell all you have then follow me, Jesus says. Anyone who have forsaken something to be a disciple shall be revarded 100 times over even in this time and later inherit eternal life - so a christian may own things. Phew... Learn from me, Jesus says, who have a mild and merciful way. Anyone who sins is a slave to sinning, you shall learn the truth and the truth shall set you free. 1John have: christians don´t sin...more or less. The truth I think is the key above all. And I shall continue to add The Book of Enoch and Book of Jubilees to the Bible since NT and apocryphic texts contain info that can only be read in these scriptures. To speak the truth and live according to it (Act15:29). Is not my word like a fire God says, Jesus says I have come to ignite a fire on earth....>> <<@chidumeblessing9872 says : Lord , deliver me from unbelief , self righteousness & disobedience in Jesus name. Amen>> <<@chidumeblessing9872 says : I’m blessed with this message. More grace to you.>> <<@joantay9683 says : Thank you❤>> <<@Shalom-k4y says : Glory be to God in Jesus's. Amen n Shalom🇮🇱❤ tnku❤>> <<@karenlynch8348 says : I’ve pointed out to several Christian friends denomination isn’t perfect but, Jesus is. Same with Catholics as they don’t realize their idol worship of Saints & works won’t be accredited>> <<@wavstudionet says : The LORD delivered me from a deaf and dumb spirit that came now and again throughout my life ? He has, And a heretic, back biting, and gossip spirits. Witchcraft too. They have tormented me for years I confess them to testify that the power comes God, not from me, (2 Corinthians 4:7), and I want to keep my deliverance. So I must share it. Because of Jesus' blood on the cross, I hate the enemy inside, so Christ can destroy it!>> <<@bennybaragona7741 says : I missed the fith example if a legalistic or self right person. What is it plz.>> <<@cliz30770a says : 13:45>> <<@carriebishop8838 says : Self righteousness produces spiritual blindness. Once that is removed, you are cured.>> <<@jonathanhammond_3v16 says : Predestination has Choice in it. For instance, you'll choose This Day to Check out this video or you won't... But IF you ARE Spiritually Blind then WILL you even see This Post let alone see that This IS your Spiritual Condition...? The reason the religious people of Christ's Literal-day couldn't see him Spiritually in The Holy Spirit was-is because they weren't OPEN to Hear The Holy Spirit who ALWAYS leads us to SEE & HEAR Jesus's Shepherd-Voice...! And.... IF that doesn't make Total Sense.... Read The4Gospels and begin here: John 3:3-17&21... & Choose to be Born-Again all you Nicodemus-types of Churchgoers... Receive The Holy Spirit, Do NOT quench The Holy Spirit, Do NOT resist The Holy Spirit, Do NOT oppose The Holy Spirit, Do NOT blaspheme The Holy Spirit of my-our1HolyGod... Be Forgiven whilst there is yet Time.... Today! Today is The Day of Salvation & NO-ONE is promised tomorrow.... ONLY The Father-God KNOWS..!*¹ Test+Weigh+Pray into this &Feedback as led by The Holy Spirit *¹Jesus is Coming Soon..! Let's get Ready..!! Jonathan_Hammond Norwich-UK_180224>> <<@EricSmith-hq8gx says : It's about relationship, not religion anyway....>> <<@iamcedricpowell8051 says : Great teaching>> <<@vernonbowling5136 says : As a younger man I had a mentor pastor who would preach and teach twice daily on television 7 days a week. He said something so profound that has stuck with me for over 50 years. He asked those in his church and those of us watching saying " do you know why witches and sorcerer's get they're requests answered more than Christians. ? He is paused for a minute and then answered his question. " It's because they believe " and obey the commands required to get results. Ask yourself if the creation is able to do this, how much more can God our Father do for those who truly believe Him ..>> <<@lovenesswalter6650 says : Am learning 😊>> <<@josmith3247 says : Wow this is my church right now!>> <<@paularosed829 says : Hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord>> <<@fairtalk5674 says : Classic! Undated. Thanks be to the Lord!>> <<@mig2cool982 says : Why can’t I see??!! I want Jesus!! ✨>> <<@jewishbride5010 says : Praise God for making me fight battles that are not only in my advantage but also of others, praise God for using me as a vessel for his glory! I therefore bind to hell all ignorance of God his rigteousness and establishing one's own rigtheousness while binding one to be educated and acting upon God his rigtheousness in my life, the lives of my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquitances, opponents and the body of Christ while binding to hell to despise another, binding to hell every unequal yoke and common share with anyone being ignorant of God his rigtheousness and establishing one's own rigtheousness whill lacking to be educated and acting upon God his rigtheousness while despising another, in accordance with this word and romans 10:1-4, isaiah 64:6, luke 18:9-14, 1 timothy 1:5-6, matthew 22:35-40, exodus 23:12, mark 2:27, luke 13:11-17, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah, glory to God ❤!>> <<@sophiereynaud1108 says : Yes, Amen 🔥🔥💥💥 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.>> <<@patriciasmith7705 says : Mighty God who created us and not we ourselves 🙏>> <<@Adoniachild3 says : Always a powerful message!!!>> <<@alfredoaguilera3114 says : I Alfredo Aguilera Corona deny Jesus of Nazareth as my Lord and Savior. I'm Lord of my body and spirit. Fuck Yeshua. Fuck Lucifer. Fuck the Anti Christ. Fuck the Holy Spirit.>> <<@bullaashok1107 says : sunanda Ashok family from Hyderabad .>> <<@danamarieministries says : Thanks!>> <<@timeaaraouzou710 says : What a gifted teacher he was. Thank you for keeping these essential, convicting messages alive.>> <<@Asdfbedffhdsxe345 says : The way of Jesus is the way, not religion nor Christianity. Jesus made a difference in the world, Christianity has not. If you are a follower of the way of Jesus ( the way he did things) you won’t find yourself in church, you’ll be instead anywhere in the world followed by miracles signs, wonders, healings and deliverance etc etc.>> <<@susanflakes6968 says : BAD FRUIT AND OBVIOUS TO LOVERS OF THE TRUTH...>> <<@CECICEO-cz9ho says : IT STILL IS ISRAEL'S PROBLEM. I NEEDED TO HEAR THIS.>> <<@jamesf.6162 says : I started this video with a prayer. “Lord this may hurt, but it may also be Good for me. If there is Good for me here let it play.” I love this. This is a fantastic message. I am about to watch part 2 right now. Thank you for the Good.>> <<@michalslepcik1931 says : Jesus👣 is not a Catholic nor Orthodox and most definitely a not Protestant ! For Him👣 is Christ♥️ In Kingdom of Heaven there are no denomination groups but One&Only called Saved ♥️ LordJesusChrist👣 is MyPersonalSaviour Yeshua👣 is Risen ♥️ *AMEN*>> <<@anthonycampo490 says : He just described my church>> <<@jacquelinej2752 says : This UAE minister, Her Excellency Reem Al Hashimi, is currently enduring a defamation campaign by some Palestinian advocates. This is in response to her denouncement of the barbaric mass murders by Hamas on October 7. All the Palestinians know is to kill, steal and destroy! Sounds familiar?>> <<@gracekim8680 says : Amen>> <<@RightInChrist says : 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 00:05 🙏 *Self-Righteousness in Religious Individuals* - Discussing self-righteousness as a significant issue among religious people, including Christians. - Examining self-righteousness as a barrier to recognizing and accepting spiritual truths. 01:40 ✝️ *Israel's Missed Opportunity* - Analyzing how Israel's self-righteousness led to missing their Messiah. - Reflecting on the historical and spiritual consequences of Israel's inability to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. 02:41 📖 *Defining Self-Righteousness Biblically* - Explaining self-righteousness as the effort to establish one's own righteousness instead of submitting to God's righteousness. - Paul's declaration that Christ is the ultimate means to achieve righteousness, excluding the law. 04:24 🌅 *Between Law and Grace* - Discussing the Christian struggle between adhering to the law and embracing grace. - Highlighting the insufficiency of personal righteousness and the need for a deeper understanding of grace. 06:06 📚 *Luke 18: The Pharisee and the Publican* - Analyzing the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican as an example of self-righteousness. - Identifying characteristics of self-righteousness through the Pharisee's prayer and attitude. 09:27 🔄 *The Cycle of Self-Centeredness* - Observing the link between self-centeredness and spiritual issues, including demonic oppression. - Discussing the pitfalls of praying with oneself and the danger of despising others. 11:14 🚫 *The Pharisee's Self-Made Rules* - Exploring the Pharisee's self-created list of do's and don'ts as a hallmark of self-righteousness. - Highlighting the static nature of the Pharisee's religious practice, with no room for growth or change. 13:22 ⚖️ *Understanding Legalism* - Defining legalism as the misuse of the law, losing sight of its intended purpose to foster love for God and neighbor. - Emphasizing the misapplication of the law when it becomes an end in itself rather than a means to love. 16:20 ❤️ *The True Purpose of the Law* - Clarifying the ultimate goal of the law as promoting love for God and one's neighbor. - Critiquing the legalistic approach that focuses on rule-following at the expense of love. 18:07 📚 *1 Timothy 1:5–6 on Love as the Goal* - Stating that the goal of Christian instruction is love, and deviating from this goal leads to fruitless endeavors. - Addressing the misuse of the Sabbath as an example of legalism, contrasting its original purpose with Pharisaical practices. 21:41 🚫 *Misuse of the Sabbath* - Jesus healing on the Sabbath to emphasize its purpose for rest and refreshing. - Religious leaders' legalism distorting the Sabbath's intent, making it a burden rather than a blessing. 25:14 🕶️ *Spiritual Blindness from Self-Righteousness* - Self-righteousness leads to spiritual blindness, as demonstrated in Jesus' critique of religious leaders in Matthew 23. - Spiritual blindness as a result of self-righteousness makes individuals unable to recognize or engage with God's work. 28:12 📜 *Contemporary Legalism in the Church* - Modern Christians creating personal rule sets, mirroring Pharisaic legalism. - Different categories of contemporary Christians adhering to their own standards, leading to similar issues of spiritual blindness and exclusion. Made with HARPA AI>> <<@ZestyAqua says : It's Derek Prince ministries who pointed out that Christianity is a way of life not a religion. Bible is non denominational stick with that.>> <<@saritapaloma8426 says : Thank you, God, that generational curses are broken through faith in the blood of Jesus. I put my faith in the blood. I believe Jesus is my mercy seat and that His blood cancels the curse and breaks generational iniquities. I believe, by the blood of Jesus, that the generational curse from the law is cancelled and broken off my family now, in Jesus’ name. Thank you that sins, bondage lo and iniquities are cancelled and the curse is stopped by the blood of Jesus. Thank you, God, that the blood of Jesus on the mercy seat is a barrier and that a curse cannot pass the blood.  Amen.>> <<@patriciadavis2506 says : And in Israel, you're one sided, there's two sides to the coin, but you're not interested in that, are you? You do know Meme, I,I,I vones between S & N, just so you kniw ut spells, SIN, Amen!😢>> <<@MarieVazquez-v5j says : Padre celestial gracias El negocio es Tuyo està en Tus manos pelea por mi Amen 🙏 Gracias Señor El telefono El o Ella que me està hasiendo daño aga justicia Amen gracias por tu infinito Divino Amor 🙏🏻 Gracias señor Amado Gracias.>> <<@MarieVazquez-v5j says : Señor gracias gracias por haser una mujer fuerte y decidida Firme a guedarme en calma perdoname gue fui al negocio furiosa pero estoy Canada del abuso te Amo tanto Jesus Sigue obrando en mi vida Gracias sana mi corazon y Alma 🙏 Amen 💖>> <<@AliciaM-p1n says : X favor ABLE ESPAÑOL NOSE INGLES>> <<@Dipalideka-k9f says : Amen🙏🙏>> <<@RUBYROSE365 says : Isreal has established their own righteous. Defying the ten commandments " Thou shall not kill " 🙏>> <<@RUBYROSE365 says : Who will cast a stone for the innocent babies murdered brutally in Palestine 🇵🇸💔🙏💔🙏💔>> <<@RUBYROSE365 says : The world is imploding . Seek Jesus Christ 🙏>> <<@jessyjonas4988 says : This is certainly the case for Israel This comes about as a result of unbelief The heart becomes hardened>>