<<@parsifal8232 says : 1:00 so how to be a child?>> <<@josephbrooks7590 says : ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH MY BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU MY BROTHER'S AND SISTER'S ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@spiritguided655 says : I receive the Holy Spirit,in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen 🙏>> <<@elizabethrajan1813 says : Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah>> <<@alfredoaguilera3114 says : I Alfredo Aguilera Corona deny Jesus of Nazareth as my Lord and Savior.>> <<@JoseSanchez0795 says : >> <<@dandjconsultants8965 says : This is clearly a false teaching based on Holy Bible since many scriptures are NOT agreeing upon this teaching example 1 Corinthians 12 verses 10, 30 and Ephesians 1:12-14. Entire scriptures in the Holy Bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 will agree upon the true doctrines/teachings of God’s Word !>> <<@adrienlevoyant4569 says : Peter Didn't promise the new converts the baptism of the Holy Spirit merely that they would receive the Holy Spirit just like when Jesus breathed on the disciples days before.>> <<@adrienlevoyant4569 says : The 3000 converted and water baptized on the day of Pentecost received the Holy Spirit but only the 120 who waited for prayed received the baptism with the Holy Spirit.>> <<@adrienlevoyant4569 says : Many people receive the gift of tongues but don't receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit as that requires total consecration>> <<@adrienlevoyant4569 says : If you have received the Holy Spirit you can ask for and receive any of his gifts including tongues but if you seek the baptism of the Holy Spirit you WILL speak in tongues as the overflow of the Spirit comes out in inspired speech tongues and prophesy. If there is no overflow you have NOT been baptised in the Spirit merely received a partial anointing or received nothing because of unbelief. You may also experience as I did tongues of fire coming down from heaven into your soul>> <<@gloriahildasanta1989 says : No tienes en español bendiciones para todos>> <<@taiphan7225 says : Amen>> <<@esthermercado871 says : El hablar en lenguas es en otros idiomas como chino español inglés portugués. O sonidos.>> <<@shoppersdream says : This is so wrong and damaging. Everybody does not speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues is a Gift.>> <<@ladennayoung2939 says : 1 Corinthians 1:27 (KJV) But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;>> <<@ladennayoung2939 says : I will speak on what I personally ecperienced. This took place in 2004 or so, I believe. I was at church one evening and this pastor stated if anyone want the Holy Spirit come up. At this time in my life I started getting real close to the Lord. Myself and a few other people went up there. He prayed for us if my memory serves me correctly. From that point on I had the gift of speaking in tongues (and it isn't just gibberish). I didn't have the gift of speaking tongues prior to that moment. Please choose to be very cautious and mindful about what you say concerning to the things of God. Oftentimes HE use things that would seem awkward or peculiar to the world. Just because you may not understand it or choose not to understand it. Don't mean that it isn't of God. The Holy Spirit will and can help you. All you have to do is choose to talk to God about it in prayer. HE can and will help you with the things that is concerning you and choose to be willing to receive the insight from the ones God is sending your way to help teach and show you things concerning Him. No human being is prrfect. No human being knows everything. But we can learn from one another and help one another if we choose to do so. I pray you all's strength in the Lord in Jesus' name. I pray that you choose to grow in the discernment from God for your own sake IN JESUS' NAME. AMEN. Choose to stop chasing man (that can be a form of idolatry). But choose to seek, chase, follow, and pursue GOD and GOD ALONE. I pray you ALL'S strength IN THE LORD IN JESUS' NAME. AMEN.>> <<@bdubb5390 says : We're sealed when we accept Jesus as our Savior and believe he rose from the dead. There's often fake tongues. How would one know then if there sealed or not? They wouldn't. Shalom>> <<@omairafontanez says : Speaking in tongues is for every believer of Jesus Christ and is receiving by faith, like salvation, like God's promises, like our identity in Christ Jesus.. Our Christian life is by faith.>> <<@algernon_2023 says : There are many gifts of The Spirit and tongues is only one of them. Not everybody can speak in tongues and to suggest that speaking in tongues is required for proof of salvation is damaging and wrong.>> <<@twiinerogers7493 says : I receive it in Jesus Name❤❤>> <<@CatherineElkins says : How do I get baptized in the Holy Spirit>> <<@mig2cool982 says : Speak in tongues>>