<<@SarahSherwin-vo2vi says : What about food for worms? Did that prophecy come true? What about her prophecy regarding airplanes? I highly recommend checking out Steve Daily’s psycho biography on Ellen White. She was a con artist fraud. So glad that I learned about her deceit before I became a baptized member.>> <<@jamaicanwisdom3801 says : "The keeping of God’s holy law, the Sabbath, is a test, a sign between God and his people throughout their generations forever. Forever this is the burden of the third angel’s message— the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ." - 3Selected Messages pg 287.1>> <<@jamaicanwisdom3801 says : The "testimony of Jesus" is the Gospel. The truth of how we are saved by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ only. "If we would have the spirit and power of the third angel’s message, we must present the law and the gospel together, for they go hand in hand. As a power from beneath is stirring up the children of disobedience to make void the law of God, and to trample upon the truth that Christ is our righteousness, a power from above is moving upon the hearts of those who are loyal, to exalt the law, and to lift up Jesus as a complete Saviour. Unless divine power is brought into the experience of the people of God, false theories and ideas will take minds captive, Christ and His righteousness will be dropped out of the experience of many, and their faith will be without power or life." Ellen G White, Gospel Workers pg 161.3 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾>> <<@DelkaJacksonSteve-ix2xi says : Amen🙏>> <<@richardsenner4173 says : The Joy Is NOT IN DOING THE WORK, But Seeing The Receiver THRIVE?>> <<@ENOCKKIPKORIR-x6t says : God be glory 🙏>> <<@annedarliebonneannee8953 says : God friend faithful God bless you président pastor Ted Wilson and family>> <<@theleavenoftruth says : Without the Spirit of Prophecy non will enter into heaven. For it is the Extra oil that foolish ones seeking from the wise virgins. The SoP clearly points the great and marvellous character of Christ Vs a sinner. Only by beholding the character of Christ and growing in His given grace a sinner can change into the image and likeness of God. And this is the whole purpose of the SoP. Amen to the message Ps Ted. 💐🙏>> <<@revealone6293 says : Ellen G White fails the test time and time again…read the book of Hebrews thoroughly and it’s obvious that her statements on the investigative Judgment are wrong, and this is the “Pillar” belief of Adventism. It is anti-gospel, and leaves an uncertainty in the heart…Though SDA’s have reframed it, Ellen has not…she doesn’t agree with the Bible…😢>> <<@Nunyabidness202 says : EGW and her peers embraced semi-pelagian and Arian heresies. Her husband was an anti-trinitarian at the same time she wrote the Great Controversy. Her writings consistently demonstrate that she was following the Victorian trope of feeble, sickly women having a miraculous connection to God. Her accounts perfectly parallel that of other women of her day - holding large books out for extended periods of time, consistently feigning illness only to “be revived by prayer”. It’s sickening and the fact that the church defends someone who explicitly teaches justification by the works generated through faith is why I left. The SDA church teaches a different gospel, full stop.>> <<@JDsvegetariancuisine says : Thank you Pastor Ted for the wonderful lesson>> <<@Ronriko1 says : An Appeal to Mark Finley APRIL 4, 2024 COLLEEN TINKER ADVENTIST DOCTRINES, COLLEEN TINKER, DOCTRINE, FEATURE, GREAT CONTROVERSY COLLEEN TINKER | This second quarter of 2024, the Seventh-day Adventist organization has published a new set of Sabbath School lessons entitled The Great Controversy. We have been doing weekly podcasts giving our former Adventist commentary on each week’s lessons—and of course, nothing within the Adventist worldview or assumptions has changed. Because I’ve become invested in exposing and correcting the contents of these lessons, I was doing some research on YouTube to see what various Adventist groups are saying about these studies. I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me, but I was startled to see how many Adventist channels are doing commentary on the Sabbath School curriculum: 3ABN has a panel discussing the lessons; Amazing Facts, Hope Channel, Hope Channel Brazil, Home Channel Zimbabwe, and many other including independent channels also have their own discussions each week. Prominent among these Adventist channels is It Is Written featuring discussions on these lessons between associate speaker Eric Flickinger and lesson author Mark Finley. Mark Finley, formerly the host and director of It Is Written, was also the first Adventist pastor to do a satellite evangelistic series, Net ’95. Today he is Assistant to the President of the General Conference. As Finley introduced this quarter’s lessons on The Great Controversy, he stated that 2024 and 2025 have been designated for a massive great controversy campaign which will include the Adventist organization mailing “millions and millions” of full-version hard copies of Ellen White’s flagship book The Great Controversy printed in various languages around the world. Additionally, various online versions will also be available. Moreover, this quarter’s Sabbath School lessons are the result of General Conference president Ted Wilson’s direct request that Finley produce a series of Sabbath School lessons on the book The Great Controversy. In fact, Sabbath School quarterlies generally take two to two-and-a-half years to write and prepare for publication. Wilson, however, only gave Finley a three-month lead-time to write the entire set of lessons. Finley took the assignment—and the entire membership of the Adventist organization is now immersed in a re-indoctrination into the great controversy worldview. This is the overarching meta-narrative which contains and also conceals every unbiblical doctrine on which Adventism is founded. Implications First, is seems apparent that Wilson’s idea to immerse Adventist members in The Great Controversy during their worldwide proselytizing push to put this book into millions and millions of homes was last-minute. Asking Finley to write this set of study guides, compressing the over-600-page book into thirteen sets of weekly lessons within three months was a huge task. Clearly this idea dawned on Wilson well into this project. Second, Ted Wilson and his wife have been releasing weekly videos of themselves reading and discussing The Great Controversy during the past months. Looking in from the outside, I believe Wilson has been working to refresh the members’ awareness of this central theme that summarizes Adventism. Many of us have experienced countless Adventists saying to us, “Oh, I never read Ellen White! I don’t even know what she said!” Others say to us, “I don’t believe Ellen White; everything I believe comes straight from the Bible.” Yet as we have been contending, the Adventist worldview is entirely extra-biblical. The Adventist physicalist view of the nature of man, the nature of the Trinity, and the nature of sin and of salvation is completely un-Christian, but Ellen White’s great controversy paradigm is the interpretive grid through which Adventists understand the Bible. They may not know that their view of reality is based on the visions of a nineteenth-century prophet, but it is. In fact, since Desmond Ford’s 1980 revelation of his research which proved that Adventism’s central doctrine, the investigative judgment, is not biblical, and since Walter Rae’s publication of his research proving EGW’s plagiarism (released in 1982), there has been a movement away from directly teaching Adventists Ellen White’s original material. The doctrines have not changed, but there was a movement to teach them with updated language without the anchoring references to Ellen White’s sources. In other words, the last two or three generations of Adventists, particularly in North America and Europe, know the worldview of the great controversy but do not always know that their beliefs come straight from Ellen White. Instead, they are taught proof-texts that cause them to believe that the Bible is the one source of their doctrines. Under the leadership of Ted Wilson over the past 24 years, however, there has been a persistent shift as Wilson worked to turn the organization back to its roots and to its dependence upon “the Spirit of Prophecy”. Under the leadership of Ted Wilson over the past 24 years, however, there has been a persistent shift as Wilson worked to turn the organization back to its roots and to its dependence upon “the Spirit of Prophecy”. This most recent Great Controversy project undergirded by the deliberate teaching (or re-teaching) of Ellen White’s central book to the members shows us that Wilson’s goal is not merely to make proselytes. Rather, he wants to be sure that Adventists everywhere know and trust Ellen White and her great controversy revelation which defines the Adventist worldview. He wants an army of Adventists who are equipped to explain Adventism and answer questions when their non-Adventist neighbors receive those Great Controversy books. He wants true believers to be on fire for Adventism and to shepherd their non-Adventist acquaintances. In fact, Wilson’s intentions are logical, given his commitment to Adventism. As he has said, people who don’t know Ellen White and her writings are likely not to remain Adventists. He needs to re-indoctrinate the membership in order to make them true believers! What Are the Lessons Teaching? Mark Finley states that he has anchored each week’s lessons by giving the chapters from The Great Controversy which each week summarizes. In consummate double-speak, Finley states that by doing this, he is rooting these “Bible-based lessons” in The Great Controversy. The confusion is dizzying: the “Bible-based” lessons are rooted in the writings of an extra-biblical false prophet? This statement is irrational! Yet the underlying Adventist false views of the nature of man, of sin, of salvation, and of the Trinity are deeply formative. The average Adventist can’t explain HOW they arrive at their beliefs beyond citing proof-texts which fall apart when looking at their contexts; they need The Great Controversy and the whole Ellen Whit opus to anchor their own worldview to an actual source. In other words, Wilson’s push to reattach Adventists to their “Spirit of Prophecy”—Ellen White’s deathless words, according to her—is making them more nearly “honest Adventists”. Members who know and trust Ellen White’s revelations understand their own Adventist identities more accurately, and they will remain more loyal to the organization. In fact, we might accurately say that reintroducing Adventists to the prophetess and her words will make them more cultic in their Adventism. This immersion into historic Adventism, however, will have an effect on the members. It may cause them to ask their own questions about their beliefs as they see that their worldview is based not directly in the Bible but in Ellen White.>> <<@Ronriko1 says : EGW is not a modern-day servant of the Lord. She is a false prophet and the extent that SDA has gone to uphold her teachings is beyond me. The hottest pit of hell is reserved for such false teachers. I urge all SDA to relearn the scripture without any reference to EGW but with a sincere heart and asking the Holy Spirit for guidance. The gift of the Holy Spirit is not to reinterpret scripture but rather for the building up of the church and for reference back to the finished work of Christ on the cross. Any addition to that is heresy including these weird doctrines found in Adventism. Wake up from your slumber folks. This guy teaching the bible doesn't even have any joy in his facial expression, seems like he is even disinterested in what he is teaching but has to do it anyway. God have mercy on this lost soul.>> <<@itruth983 says : Do you suppose that Elder Wilson would be aware of The Desire of Ages Project? It was commissioned by the church and it took something like 8 years to complete. You can view the conclusions in the December 1990 issue of Ministry Magazine. You may not be aware of this publication as it's the journal for our pastors. I wasn't able to find the full report online but you can Google Desire of Ages Project Ministry Magazine for the conclusions.>> <<@deavenalajenio6777 says : God bless pastor ted Wilson🙏>> <<@bubalarose3419 says : I love this man>> <<@bubalarose3419 says : Amen>> <<@TimTestifies says : "It is a backsliding church that lessens the distance between itself and the Papacy." -EGW {ST, February 19, 1894 par. 4} And both the Prophet and the bible tell us, "Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings."-Jeremiah 3:22 Repent Ted. Repent.>> <<@NafkunDuguma says : how can saturday be a sabbath>> <<@davidsanganyi6888 says : Whoever still believes in Ted Wilson as the man of God whose message is inspired is greatly deceived. This man has turned against the beliefs and doctrines of the SDA church and he is serving his master the pope of Rome. Forget about his hypocritical teachings which he truly doesn't believe in. His participation in ecumenism and allowing apostasy in the church is a grave matter.>> <<@RS-ji6dl says : Let us pray together with joyful hearts with love and patient till the second coming of Jesus hopefully, by keeping His commandment the Saturday Sabbath.>> <<@nancyppolye says : AMEN 🔥>> <<@Feroxx65 says : Those who attack the writings of Ellen G.White are mostly those who don't read her writings. Some have read them but without subjecting themselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit through their earnest prayer. Some have read her books not to seek the truth but only for purposes of finding fault of her books serving as agents of Satan. For me another proof that Ellen G.White is the prophet of God is the fact that many people had been drawn to Christ whose lives had been transformed into a faithful Christian and one of those is my father. Before, he was a gambler, a notorious guy and alcoholic but after reading her books he was led to study the bible and finally drawn to Jesus and accepted Him as his personal savior.>> <<@carloscapino2971 says : Amen>> <<@alongcamejones309 says : It has been proven by countless Scholars that EGW was a Fraudster and a False Prophet. I cannot believe that Ted thinks she was the real deal. But Ted is also deeply deceived himself so I suppose it no surprise.>> <<@JasonBender-mo6qv says : You know let God be the judge I'm not here there's a lot to be said in our church in fond du lac we have people talking about in the sermons Ellen White and they make a big thing about it they read from her books when they give sermons they put a lot of emphasis in it but not Jesus and I don't understand I wasn't there in the 1800s but let's keep the judgment to ourselves when we're at church is a group claiming to have the truth for 1932 to 1986 Herbert w. Armstrong he claimed to be a teacher a apostle of God's and he was the only one taking the gospel to the world on television and radio 350 radio stations and he went to meet with leaders around the someone's got to be telling the truth everything you see is happening for a reason and time is running out so let's stop picking on each other and putting each other down and get along with each other every day not just on Saturday we're getting older people getting worn out people just waiting to see what happens the next 5 years so let's prove all things and hold fast to what is good and stop nitpicking on the 70th and the the 70th and the worldwide we're getting older people getting worn out people just waiting to see what happens the next 5 years so let's prove all things and hold fast to what is good and stop nitpicking on the 70th and the worldwide Church we're getting older people getting worn out people just waiting to see what happens the next 5 years so let's prove all things and hold fast to what is good and stop nitpicking on the 70th and the worldwide Church of we're getting older people getting worn out people just waiting to see what happens the next 5 years so let's prove all things and hold fast to what is good and stop nitpicking on the The Seventh-Day Adventist and the worldwide Church of God so let's pray for all these groups they keep Saturday they keep the Sabbath and the thing is the worldwide Church of God taught about the Andy holy days that they had to be kept in the modern age keep the holy days in the Adventist Church because of the curtain came down in 70 AD in Christ was our example he was crucified so God bless everyone God bless from Wisconsin God bless every member of every Sabbath group out there>> <<@philvdk6540 says : Perhaps there would not have been such a negative view of Ellen White's work if Adventist leadership since the time of Ellen White had been more open and transparent about the true nature of 'divine inspiration' across the years - as was discussed in the 1919 Bible Conference - and not promoting Ellen White beyond what she saw herself as. Perhaps instead of stringing together a series of 'proof texts' that are taken out of context to promote and maintain the alleged view that the SDA church is THE remnant denomination, progressively 'unpacking' the true nature and character of our Awesome God as we grow in knowledge of Him and His "higher ways" might be the focus of attention - something that when done draws people into the universal 'church'/body of God which transcends denomination. This is, after all, what the original focus of the Seventh-day Adventist pioneers (including Ellen White) was - and what they intended it to always be.>> <<@TheLukky12345 says : good job hiding the comments that you do not want people to see - but I guess that is how all cults work>> <<@Searcher-z5e says : Ellen White was not under the inspiration of Jesus - she taught a gospel that is contrary to the Bible. Galatians 1:6 - 9 confirms this. Below are a small selection of Bible verses calling out Ellen. #1 1 Timothy 4 Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. 2 These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.[a] 3 They will say it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods. But God created those foods to be eaten with thanks by faithful people who know the truth. (Ellen did this, alongside many other false prophets/religions in history). #2 Deuteronomy 18:21-22 You may say in your heart, ‘How will we know the word which the Lord has not spoken?’ When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. (Ellen White had multiple failed visions - read early writings to see some of the many). #3 Romans 5 13 To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law. 14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. Ellen is wrong again because the law (10 commandments did not exist for eternity) But was brought in due to Sin. #4 Matthew 7 15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Ellen's fruit was not Christian - those who hold completely to her words and testimonies are fault finders and back biters just like Ellen. #5 Galatians 1 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse! Ellen White had an angel who was her companion for years who gave her wrong/misleading information and also gave her a gospel different to the apostles. #6 Deuteronomy 18:11-12 11 or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, 12 for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. Ellen White had a dream where dead James literally communicated to her and gave her advice about what to do - she then claimed this was God telling her. #7 Matthew 12:40 40 Jonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of a big fish. The Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the grave also. John 2:19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” Ellen White claimed that Jesus could not see beyond the grave “The Saviour could not see through the portals of the tomb. Hope did not present to Him His coming forth from the grave a conqueror, or tell Him of the Father’s acceptance of the sacrifice. He feared that sin was so offensive to God that Their separation was to be eternal. Christ felt the anguish which the sinner will feel when mercy shall no longer plead for the guilty race. It was the sense of sin, bringing the Father’s wrath upon Him as man’s substitute, that made the cup He drank so bitter, and broke the heart of the Son of God.” -Ellen White, Desire of Ages, p. 753. This shows a small example of how Biblically incorrect Ellen White was - I haven't even got to her gospel yet, but it is completely unbiblical.>> <<@artemartem1024 says : Bible: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man³⁶ , no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only". Matthew 24:36 EGW knew the hour and day of the second coming of Christ, but then forgot. “Soon we heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming.”—Page 15. {EW 297.6} After the vision she was able to recall much of what had been shown to her, but that which was secret, and not to be revealed, she could not recall. As a part of the scene of what is to take place when God’s people are delivered (page 285), she heard announced “the day and hour of Jesus’ coming” (page 15; see also page 34). But of this she later wrote: {297.13} “I have not the slightest knowledge as to the time spoken by the voice of God. I heard the hour proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour after I came out of vision. Scenes of such thrilling, solemn interest passed before me, as no language is adequate to describe. It was all a living reality to me.”—Ellen G. White Letter 38, 1888, published in Selected Messages 1:76. {EW 298.1}>> <<@artemartem1024 says : Bible:¹⁴ But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.Matthew 19:14 EGW say: "Children born to parents who are controlled by corrupt passions are worthless. What can be expected of such children but that they will sink lower in the scale than their parents?" {2T 351:1}>> <<@artemartem1024 says : Bible: "¹² No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us."1 John 4:12 EGW: "And I saw the Father rise from the throne, and in a flaming chariot go into the Holy of Holies, within the vail, and did sit". {ExV 43.1}>> <<@artemartem1024 says : Bible: "But of that day and hour knoweth no man³⁶ , no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only". Matthew 24:36 EGW knew the hour and day of the second coming of Christ, but then forgot. “Soon we heard the voice of God like many waters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus’ coming.”—Page 15. {EW 297.6} After the vision she was able to recall much of what had been shown to her, but that which was secret, and not to be revealed, she could not recall. As a part of the scene of what is to take place when God’s people are delivered (page 285), she heard announced “the day and hour of Jesus’ coming” (page 15; see also page 34). But of this she later wrote: {297.13} “I have not the slightest knowledge as to the time spoken by the voice of God. I heard the hour proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour after I came out of vision. Scenes of such thrilling, solemn interest passed before me, as no language is adequate to describe. It was all a living reality to me.”—Ellen G. White Letter 38, 1888, published in Selected Messages 1:76. {EW 298.1}>> <<@TheLongBeardedHistorian says : Can someone help explain why there is a disconnect between what Ted Wilson states here and Scripture? For a couple reasons, he states, "various individuals," receive Spiritual gifts, and yet Scripture states that all believers receive Spiritual gifts. He also alludes to the fact that the gift of prophecy is again for, "various individuals," when Scripture from Moses to Paul points that prophecy or the Spirit of Prophecy should be for us all. Why does Ellen White break the biblical pattern of prophetic usage and appearance? Prophets never appeared in the singular, but in the plural, not at any given time. Under Moses, others prophesied and he even stated that all should prophesy. [Numbers 11:26-30] "26 Now two men remained in the camp, one named Eldad, and the other named Medad, and the Spirit rested on them. They were among those registered, but they had not gone out to the tent, and so they prophesied in the camp. 27 And a young man ran and told Moses, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.” 28 And Joshua the son of Nun, the assistant of Moses from his youth, said, “My lord Moses, stop them.” 29 But Moses said to him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the Lord's people were prophets, that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!” 30 And Moses and the elders of Israel returned to the camp." Elijah then thinks he is alone and yet there are thousands of others who are prophesying and alive at that the same time. If Ellen White is a last days prophet, then why does she break the clear biblical pattern in the Old and New Testament regarding the exercise and appearance of the gift of prophecy by appearing in the singular?>> <<@healinghumanity1782 says : Due to the gift of the Spirit of Prophecy that God has given humanity, Adventists have been able to make our world a better place. (1) emphasis on God's law in an age of lawlessness, (2) draw attention to healthful living, (3) inspire humanity with the expectation of-a-soon-approaching divine intervention in history, (4) have raised up a community of good citizens and (5) make a significant contribution in world relief where calamity has struck. As a member of Baha'i Faith, I am deeply thankful to Adventists & Ellen White.>> <<@conniegaby6275 says : I pray our GC never clasp hands with Babylon. I’m sure you do to, Mr. Wilson. We pray for truthful speakers with pure hearts.>> <<@Irgendjemand1986 says : Exercising the Spirit of Prophecy to tell Ted Wilson that he needs to go.>> <<@user-yg7sb4ld6i says : Ellen White is a unique gift to the SDA church that is being used as a weapon it was never meant to be. It was a lesser light to point to Jesus and His love for all humanity. Most of her writing was never meant for wide public distribution.>> <<@CharlesJasmine509 says : Thank you Jesus God bless you abundantly Pastor>> <<@AngeliacaVarga says : Domnul Isus Hristos să vă Binecuvinteze și familia dumneavoastră Din România cu respect și Credință pace Domnului Amin>> <<@orinmangar2333 says : Great blessed sermon, however "The Great Controversy " needs to be distributed to all people in the World, and the General Conference has failed to do this in my opinion!>> <<@vueneonee7144 says : Thank you Elder Wilson for such a powerful and enriching delivery. God bless you and please keep going in doing what you have been doing for years. For sure, Jesus is soon to come and with messages like you give here, the flock will be empowered>> <<@ndereyimanaaloys7274 says : Thank you so much Elder Ted Wilson for sharing this important devotion. What amazing gift we have been given! Thank you so much Our heavenly Father for Gift of Spirit of Prophecy through Ellen G. White.>> <<@steps2spiritualsolutions says : I am currently studying The Desire of Ages after studying the Four Gospels. As a writer of religious devotionals, it takes much prayer and supplication to receive the words from the Holy Spirit to feed Christ's sheep. Her writings are perfectly aligned with the Holy Scriptures. I thank God for Sister White's gift of prophecy. We are in desperate need of continuous instruction. Amen.>> <<@georgevanschalkwyk454 says : Amen>> <<@susankane8728 says : Thank you dear Pastor Ted Wilson for sharing Ellen White’s worth with so many. You are a great blessing🙏🏻🌟>> <<@susankane8728 says : Ellen G White writes beautifully, and all her works have inspired me to love the Bible and Jesus more deeply. The Spirit of Prophecy is a unique and marvelous 🎁 to God’s pure Church. Of course Satan hates such beauty and Truth and continues his attacks/ but Jesus protects these messages because they come directly from Him. They are the testimony of Jesus Christ!Praise His holy name!🌟❤️>> <<@juliejohnson7207 says : Thank you Pastor Ted. Very powerful, truthful accurate message.>> <<@joycerennard749 says : 🙏🌍 Yes, Sister E. G. White's,✍️ Prophetic Revelations 🕊️✝️📖📚🕊️ are 'timeless'. They are relevant for our era, and are used by many who are not necessarily connected to the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. **These people embrace the information found about: Healthcare; Healthy dietary benefits; Mental Health; Social support; Physical activity; Spiritual upliftment, and ALL that encapsulates ~ {the 8 Laws of Health}. May we who are privileged to have this 'Wealth of Knowledge', not take it for granted.🌎🙏>> <<@ArianeGonzales1 says : First SDA gen here, I wasn’t initially familiar with the spirit of prophecy and many beliefs. As I’ve deepened my faith, I’ve realized there’s always room to learn. Unfortunately, some encounters with elders have been less than understanding. It’s disheartening when there are ppl whom adopt a Pharisaic mindset, claiming a higher righteousness. Instead of fostering a love for the spirit of prophecy, these encounters sometimes lead to resentment. Personal experiences like these made exploring faith challenging>>