<<@sophiereynaud1108 says : Amen.>> <<@Maggie-zd9sb says : Thank you Jesus.>> <<@ChrisXMetal says : This is the best teaching. Thank You Brother Prince!>> <<@greenfish8233 says : Philippians 3:9 NLT and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith>> <<@StampedClay says : This is so wrong. Without the Law, there is no Sin. We are in a c9venant abd have the perfect sacrifice for the punishment of our sins. We must have both. Read Walk 8n the L8ght series to research and test everything. This man's interpretation and cute little stories of a college student, won't get you into the kingdom.>> <<@jehutiberiusaugustus7151 says : Where the law on your heart but dont be legal about it.>> <<@taiphan7225 says : Amen>> <<@veronicajoseph8833 says : ❤ thank you 🌸💝>> <<@angelamartekimarkwei8608 says : If you are led by the Holy Spirit you will obey the commandments of God.>> <<@Alexandra-db8kr says : Ya pude activar el video en español disculpe no se casi de tecnología mil disculpa>> <<@Alexandra-db8kr says : No puedo escuchar las predica en inglés por favor envíemela en español me gustaría escuchar para seguir aprendiendo 😢>> <<@Huskyfan-rn9zn says : Why do you need grace then? You need grace because you break the law. The grace is for breaking the law. Sin= breaking the law. The law applies always. Its not your obedience to the law that gets you salvation though. Thats what the pharisees believed was that obedience to the law is what granted them salvation. Salavtion comea only though Jesus/Yeshua. Only Him and what He did. Messiah says, if you love me obey my laws. James says, ill show you my faith hy my works. Once saved we need to be obedient. And we are granted grace when we make mistakes. Repent and turn back to the Father. Messiah Himself says to believers, get away from me you who practice lawlessness. No grace is needed if no law is needed. I love david but he is wrong here.>> <<@68HC060 says : Grace is above the law. Thus we're saved by grace, but when we love Jesus, we want to (by heart) to keep the commandments. He wrote His law on our hearts.❤ That's why there's no condemnation for those who are *in* *Christ* ...>> <<@mygirlsh65 says : If we try to keep laws to be saved why then would JESUS have to suffer and die when we could work it for ourselves. I take God's GRACE.>> <<@darienwilliams6070 says : Minister Prince breaks complicated things down and explains them in a simple, yet biblical and practical way.>> <<@richellepeace4457 says : Well that explains why the fornicators, gossips, etc. Are always loved by the church and blessed and walk around with proof that God loves them because they receive grace on earth. Meanwhile the rest of us....>> <<@beccagee5905 says : Jesus gave two laws, love God with all your heart, and worship no other, and love your neighbor as yourself. On which rests all other laws.>> <<@jassy3334 says : Such a gentle and wise man. I can't wait to meet him one day as well as you Dave. Gonna be a good day.>> <<@Barthaneous34 says : Yes and faith without works is dead. Which means you are obeying the commandments of God.jesues even said you can't be my friend if you don't keep my commandments.>> <<@bonniebon7335 says : Yeshua pretty much says that only those who love God with all the heart, mind and soul get to go to Heaven. The truth is, if someone loves God with all their heart, mind and soul and dwell within Christ emboldened by the Holy Spirit they are going to be following the Law even if they don’t realize it. Because they love him so much and are obedient. This is what Paul was writing about. It’s not about the Law, it’s about our hearts. And, btw, if you need to change your heart, you can ask God to change it. He will if you are sincere. Yeshua Bless You>> <<@1NOIAM says : Thank You Jesus 🙏>> <<@Christpickney says : Do u realize that you just say its okay for me to come over ur house and kill ur wife and children for no good reason cause am under grace. The things ppl do to get rid of the one commandments that God says remember. Smh. To get rid of the law is anti Christ and Christ Himself told the guy if u must enter into life keep the commandments, which Solomon the wisest person says is part of the conclusion of the whole matter. John the revelator got it wrong too when he said the keeping of the commandments gave u right to the tree of life. So if i may. Adam and Eve had the law and all was okay till they broke it and the inevitable consequence is death. Now they under the law. They need to pay the price and thats where grace of Almighty God through Christ Jesus comes in. You choose to accept the gift of pardon or u continue on the path to death. Did Adam and Eve need the law in a sinless state? Yes. Do we need the law as sinners saved by grace? Yes. Should we continue to sin now that we have grace, God forbid says the new testament writer. What u are putting forth is evil and destructive and straight from satans arsenal. Almighty God is almost here its time to choose who u serve. The fourth commandment gives the sabbath to belinging to Almighty God not isreal. Its defined as the seventh day not because some fat guy woth a hat says its sunday but because Almighty God made an extra day for it to be so. Everything was made by day six day seven was put in as soecifically for rest. Only day hallowed and blessed. Only command that requires us to remember.>> <<@BenjaminConway says : So clearly put.>> <<@ThinksonPositivelol says : Amen ,so true we can't do it without jesus our Lord....🙏❤️>> <<@ladywatchman says : We are still held accountable to keep the law but when we break the law, we fall under the grace and blood of Yeshua for redemption. If we do away with the law altogether there is no longer a need for the sacrifice of Yeshua or His blood. Keeping rules does not make you righteous, Yeshua does!>>