<<@ikennamark7916 says : Hmmm - even after he has gone, his words remain true. I am so glad I have come across the teachings of Derek Prince. A calm yet insightful teacher of the Holy Bible. Oh my God, I covet this grace. Thank you to the team that is making this content available and accessible. God bless you.>> <<@vernieesprit6321 says : This is what we are seeing today, Pastors please follow the preaching of Derek Prince. MAY THE LORD JEHOVAH GRANT YOU PEACE.>> <<@rubyalvarez1557 says : Amen>> <<@Systematic-oy8lo says : Toda la gloria sea para Dios nuestro señor y bendecido sea su pueblo escogido! Amén amén y amén!!>> <<@francesgrigsby7400 says : Father God help us to rely on You, Your Holy Spirit, and Christ Jesus our Savior. In Christ Jesus' mighty name, Amen.>> <<@JamesTolliver0708 says : Aaaaaaman! Its sad of the number of carnal mindset in Churches.>> <<@erichaggen1842 says : I can watch you. Bless y'all>> <<@Cryptidswildfoodoutdoors says : Very true. Great revivals begin with the power of God, but over time can become man-centred.>> <<@taiphan7225 says : Amen>> <<@barbstenkorang3194 says : I pray for a massive repentance and deliverance for the church before Your coming, oh Lord Jesus. Amen!>> <<@XavierAndFriendsOfficalChannel says : Jeremiah 17:5 This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD. ❤️🙏❤️>> <<@lilianthuo8446 says : This man speaks as though He'd seen the church in 2024. We need to go back to the Cross!!>> <<@captianbrave says : Amen ❤ Hallelujah ❤ Glory be to God ❤️>> <<@GodsOath_com says : Every large ministry without visible miracles is under a curse today. If the Spirit isn't moving to convict you of sin and to bring you to deep repentance get out of that church and find one where the Spirit is.>> <<@louiswall6409 says : Please pray for LOUIS please Help 🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏🆘🙏 🆘 prayer 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 HELP>> <<@Blessed12315 says : Very true!! Praise God for this mighty man who served the Lord until his death. His teaching blesses me all the time as it renews my mind and faith. Most Churches have deviated from their original calling and beliefs, hence we see them becoming more like a playground for the devil. They can’t cast out demons or set captives free because they are under the curse!🙏🙏🙏>>