<<@travisdiveley1652 says : It is Recorded as so. However, WE ARE JUDGED EACH DAY! SO was those you READ about from the TORAH! *USED AS THE FOUNDATION Of The bible and the Christian Religion (1ST 5 books)* BEFORE Christianity was Formed By MAN, GOD'S (THE WAYS) OF LIFE WAS/ EXISTED! *GOD JUDGES US DURING THE COURSE OF OUR LIVES!*>> <<@shawnglass108 says : Nobody will believe unless the Father draws them and nobody can come to Jesus unless it is granted by the Father. If God wants everyone to be saved then why has he allowed a billion people to die without even hearing the gospel? Either he isn’t powerful enough to get the Gospel to them, and we know he of course is, or he doesn’t want them to receive it and doesn’t, thereby, want everyone to be saved. Jesus said the only way to the Father was through him. Jesus doesn’t lie.>> <<@candeffect says : Lifetimes last less than a nanosecond compared to eternity in Heaven or in Hell. Be saved now.>> <<@TexasHoosier3118 says : So like I go to the gallows for murder, can I change my mind and get let go?>> <<@RandomStuff-i4i says : There's no second chance to change your mind after death. Catholics believe there is. Catholics believe in purgatory which is a lie, but they believe it anyway.>> <<@marcusmoore5191 says : The short answer is no. Once your in hell there is no repentance>> <<@JesseHurtado-k5t says : Oh yes, this is your test to move on to the next life, eternal life>> <<@JesseHurtado-k5t says : After death at deadline, God gave you all that time, but you concentrate too much on earth and the ways of the world that his ways after death you will be in the presence of God it took you to see him to believe in the world we live by faith that’s why they keep telling us to repent and no more. We’re not perfect, but we can still try and get better every day and not sen>> <<@romeobond8473 says : You would think if you don't believe in God now because you cannot see him, that you will believe in him when you see him in the afterlife. Anyway I have always believed. I just wish I can change my nature, on the things that I do, that I find difficult to change.>> <<@brandonpemberton5707 says : They wont believe IN THEIR HEART. Romans 10. They will acknowledge it intellectuality- "every knee will bow and tongue confess." Yet they will nash their teeth for eternity.>> <<@NawnawNawnaw-ussrc4fnt says : The best answer....I don't know>> <<@doorslam3035 says : These people are creating the image of a cruel God. Hellfire is not a bible teaching.>> <<@migueltorres2198 says : Some people talk themselves out of heaven and live with regret in hell later.>> <<@tinman7001 says : Oh the people in hell believe in God because they come face to face with God for Judgement before being sent hell , but once they face the consequences of their life in hell it will be to late>> <<@felipemonsalve says : The bible never speaks of eternal hell. It speaks of eternal fire of destruction, which brings a final and definitive destruction to all evil-doers, which is a totallt different thing. So sad that pretty much all Protestantism now believes in that, imitating their mother church, the Catholic Church.>> <<@abbimills8979 says : “The kingdom of heaven is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” people say they want heaven but if you look at this biblical definition of heaven, you can see many people don’t actually want it. Jesus created all things, and He is the way to the kingdom of heaven which isn’t based on materialism but a holy, peaceful, joyous, righteousness (given to us by Jesus). When you realize God is Holy and only a perfect person can be together with him in heaven( because how can holiness and sinfulness be together? Impossible) then you see our need for Jesus. And when you receive Him, He makes you new, and you begin to understand heaven.>> <<@ValorantRivals says : how would they not believe in the afterlife.... THEY'RE IN THE AFTERLIFE>> <<@jre9571 says : I’m going to disagree with the finale sentence. After an unbeliever dies. Unequivocally ALL will know that indeed God/Jesus/Holy Spirt are real. There’s no reason to say anything else.>> <<@WalterCook-kw7jn says : Its about life. Its abour the Word of God. God's Word is law. The forces of Nature, the laws of nature are not physical. The forces of narure act upon God's Word... aka God's laws. If His Word lives in you... ?>> <<@melleetheka says : C.S. Lewis was also Catholic so he believed in purgatory which is a place where you go when are a believer in Christ as Lord and Savior but you have sins which you must be cleansed of before entering into heaven. There are verses which show there is such a place and others which explicitly state only heaven and hell. Just like the concept of the Trinity, purgatory is riddled throughout scripture but not stated in the formula we convey today as the definition>> <<@gl6996 says : Frank, just say you only get ONE chance. Don't dance around this truth.>> <<@bigdavexx1 says : It logically follows that either: A) Everybody who died before Jesus is fucked. B) Jesus is irrelevant to salvation.>> <<@antichrist_revealed says : Man has three chances for Salvation. Mat 24:20 shows this. It's a Time Table. Now, after the millennium and on the day of judgment. Learn the bible to learn the truth, because you won't learn it from those who don't.>> <<@don-ek3ud says : Don't the Bible say that the whole world will be deceived>> <<@mantaship says : Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man does not repent, even in Hell, but still wants Lazarus whom he views as a beggar to still do his bidding and dip his finger in water to cool his tongue.>> <<@SuidAfrikaMitsu says : But a calvinist would say God is sovereign, he already chose and elected who is going to heaven and who is not. So how can God be infinitely loving is he is choosing who goes to heaven and hell, has nothing to do with what we choose if God didnt choose us.>> <<@karlhowe5181 says : This comment 647 ,who's gonna be 666😂>> <<@karlhowe5181 says : What you said was illogical insofar as him knowing on so many levels. Obviously your going on the presumption that God knows all the future . Then you said he desires that nobody is unsaved. Fact short of solving all paradox condumdrums ( if it's possible then God can do it). That means in accordance with what you stated God who can do anything knows all was incapable of doing what he wanted he failed to save everyone ( your the one who said this he can't save them though he wants to) So ether you're wrong and he dosen't know or you're wrong and he can't or won't. It also makes God inept if he does know and finds it impossible OR he dosen't want everyone saved which would make more sense. He's already chosen. He ether doesn't want them saved or is powerless to change it. Can't be both he has all knowledge power and ability and wants them saved but cant get what he wants. 🤔>> <<@Blood.bought.ministry says : Hell is not "seperation from God" Hell is burning and burning and burning forever Jesus Christ calls it HELLFIRE>> <<@waynekapukare6669 says : Sounds like election to me>> <<@franciscotrevino7751 says : No there gonna believe but it’s to late>> <<@07acanoia says : The rich man in hell begging for just a drop of water on his tongue and to please notify his family that they were all wrong shows that he does believe, but it’s too late. The Bible states no one can cross the chasm that separates heaven and hell. “every knee shall bow and very tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”>> <<@danmarley2886 says : Hell is a prison, a place of torment, but temporal. It is the abode of spirits until the eternal judgement. Men enter hell because of Adam's transgression, and suffer the judgement of natural death. But Jesus came to save us from our personal sins that we committed, being accountable after the giving of the law of Moses. The judgment or condemnation for our sins is eternal, it is the second death, it is spiritual death, it is torment in an eternal flame in the lake burning with fire and brimstone. He that believes on Jesus, though he were dead yet shall he live, he that lives and believes in Jesus shall never die.>> <<@WoFDarkNewton says : Right, but this is primarily because it’s usually not a matter of belief. It’s a matter of accepting Jesus’ sacrifice as payment for your sins. When you stand before God, you’re gonna know he’s God. The idea of “belief” will be laughable at that point. Ultimately, whether or not you to to hell depends purely on whether you accept Jesus’s sacrifice as payment for your sins. After the judgment is given, can you then accept Jesus’ sacrifice as payment for your sins while in hell? I’m not sure that would make sense… and I certainly wouldn’t bet my soul on it.>> <<@lukelayton3373 says : Nice and simple: if you die and go down to the fire it's game over. If you die and Goto sleep you wake up to judgement. If you die and Goto heaven you're all good Kindergarten 101 😂>> <<@jamesdiegel6279 says : Where are people getting this the Bible never says he'll is separation from God>> <<@Pabosqeaks says : My question is that would we be in a eternal hell and suffer from God’s judgment or would are spirit get destroyed, making us nothing from existence?>> <<@MajorTom546 says : This is like “can I still change my answer after the test once I’ve seen the correct answer?” Duh. You’ve been given plenty of time to study son.>> <<@petervandervlies6427 says : I don't think hell is for humans. We are under the influence of too many things we had no saying in. Where you're born,your parents, and so on.>> <<@charlesmaunder says : Yep, that's just the way god made them. This infinitely loving god made people to send to hell.>> <<@izzabelladogalini says : For crying out loud, I can't believe adults from the 21st century western world are seriously having this nonsense conversation and taking it so seriously.... at least with the advent of the internet and YT I can have a laugh at these conversations from a safe distance ... my favourite line was "God wants everyone in heaven" for an omniscient, omnipotent and supposedly infallible being he's messed that up 😂>> <<@kellyblakeborough3371 says : If God is all knowing and even knows before the creation of man that he will sin and comes under its consequences in a finite time would this make God a monster if he sends us to a place of eternal punishment . Is there balance and justice>> <<@jimmykruzer says : Then why were they born? I dont understand>> <<@Trivdgun- says : You want the fear of the LORD? Go look up Catholic doctrine known as "The Fewness of the Saved".>> <<@zadkiel242 says : OK now. How do you prove hell exists and that our opinions lead us there. Not: I wrote "opinions" and not "actions."😊>> <<@pjdelucala says : Reincarnation was taken out of the Bible. Monarchs and the powers that be didn't like the idea because it means equality. But they missed a few places in the Bible concerning reincarnation. Jesus said: "This generation shall not pass until all is fulfilled." How are people who lived before Jesus saved? What about the billions that lived after him who lived in areas of the planet that didn't know Jesus.>> <<@DarkPaladin1130 says : God gives MORE THEN ENOUGH TIME. What people like this are really asking....How long can I push the envelope before it too late. People...if your doing that...your cheating. Thats a sin.>> <<@chajimun says : Maybe In afterlife there is no faith, theres direct knowledge. It kind of fits the logic. Saved by faith alone. You cant execute mechanism of faith anymore when you gain direct knowledgeb in the afterlife.>> <<@lawrencedodd1736 says : If gods is real, I choose not to go to hell, for wholeheartedly and honestly wanting good evidence of his existence. If he is sending me to hell for that reason, that’s on him. At least I know I am more moral than him and I forgive him for his immorality.>> <<@Summersblues1 says : Believe it or not , the teaching of hell is a false doctrine, it’s not In The Bible! Remember the punishment God gave to Adam for sinning was Death , not eternal burning alive 🔥! Genesis 2:17 plus that wouldn’t make sense with a god of love !❤️ The “ rich man an Lazarus “ was an illustration ! Not a real story!>>