<<@CrossExamined says : Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3SoK63x>> <<@don-ek3ud says : No creation will ever be God>> <<@BloodTar says : Notice that this Dr. Blevins never says anything negative about Catholicism__the religion that cannibalizes their God. Very strange he says nothing about them.>> <<@lynabuttercup says : The Mormons believe they will become gods ? 😮😮>> <<@stephenjoshparreno3932 says : Can i ask on how to evangelize the sda?>> <<@denisejacobs1918 says : I had a JW come to my house one day and he was an older fella and had a young girl with him, well I told them I was a Christian and that I know there’s a Heaven and Hell the man asked me how did I know that an I told him because God said he created Heaven and Hell. The man grinned and was walking away to leave, I looked at the young lady and told her if God said he created Heaven an Hell then you better believe it. The part the fella didn’t want to hear was Hell they don’t believe there is a Hell and I told him if ur goin to go around telling folks about Jesus then you may need to read the Bible and see that God created Hell for those that don’t accept him and don’t believe in him or his word.>> <<@somerandom3247 says : I've noticed that Mormons tend to know the bible better than most christians. They just have a different interpretation of the bible than you do, with a few extra pages added for good measure.>> <<@SPOCK_TALK says : WRONG! Don't think because you're a Christian that you have the talent, intelligence, or wherewithal to evangelize people. People have different gifts. That might not be yours. Just FYI>> <<@jjevans1693 says : All religions are frauds.>> <<@JesusChrist_IsTruth-LoveForALL says : "They know the lie better than most Christians know the truth" Wow! We are really in those times huh! 🤯>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CE>> <<@dannyboyakadandaman504furl9 says : Uh, I ask them have they ever done cocaine before?>> <<@sotl97 says : Lol... "They know the lie better than we know the truth..." There's only one truth in Protestantism. Love thy neighbor unless they don't believe the Bible like you do. Then tell them they are going to hell and treat them horribly.>> <<@sotl97 says : That's right. Give these young men a break. I served my mission in South Carolina. My first area was withing a stones throw of Bob Jones University and some of the largest Baptist churches in the state. It wasn't just the Bible Belt, it was the Belt Buckel. Every day of my mission was filled with rejection and outright bigotry. Some of the best people on the earth until you don't believe exactly how they believe in God. The obsession that protestant churches have with being "Right" about religion is about as close to clinical insanity as you can get before being thrown into a padded stall. You know how many sermons I have heard as a 44 year old, life long Mormon about how wrong Protestants are about their beliefs? Exactly Zero!!!!!!!!!!! You guys need to calm down. You need to take a pill and a shot and focus on your faith and beliefs. Quit ryling up your people into a frenzy about Morons and Jehovah's Witnesses. Your people would know more about the Bible if you spent a lot less time focusing on them and more time teaching truth. And when I say truth I don't mean repeating the same, tired sermon from the pulpit of you're going to hell unless you give your life to Jesus, and you're wrong if you think you are worth anything without Jesus... You know a protestant when you see one. They all have singed hair and a chip on their shoulder.>> <<@STROND says : At least they take the time and effort to call onto people like home and try to save some, which is more than can be said for many other "stay at home Christians " They obey the words of 2 Tim 4:16 which says "Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Persevere in these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you ">> <<@NikoFinn says : What is most helpful is this: know your Bible well on the main topics regarding Bible, God's nature, trinity, Jesus's divinity, soteriology(the knowledge of salvation) etc and also know the cult well by going straight into the lions' den so to speak by quoting their own books and articles. That way you can not only defend the truth of the Bible but also bring down their arguments in love.>> <<@Dichotomous_The_Dog says : You don’t even have to know that much of the Bible to come to the rational that JWs and Mormons are falling for blatant lies. Because they contradict the first Christians that LITERALLY walked with JESUS and laid down their LIVES for who they undoubtedly knew was GOD. But hey, Joseph Smith, and Charles Russel know best huh.>> <<@cornpop7805 says : I love when Jehovah witnesses come by to evangelize me. I invite them in and sit down with them and say "hit me with both barrels boys! What do you want to talk about?" They always walk away owing me answers to questions about their faith, they couldn't answer, but I can easily answer any of their questions using a Catholic Christian framework. For instance, they don't believe in hell. I ask them to explain Luke 16:22-24 (the rich man and the begger). Where Jesus clearly describes flames and torment after a physical death. However, I have no reason to believe that a properly practicing Jehovah Witness would be particularly at risk of being denied salvation.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : I center my questions to them around the founders of their faith, Joseph Smith and Charles Taze Russell. Their lives, prophecies and beliefs that contradict scripture. They don't want to talk about them. I insist on it.>> <<@Thyalwaysseek says : Mormons are as lost as 99% of modern Christians but at least JWs haven't allowed themselves to be fooled into worshipping Jesus as God the Father.>> <<@TheWorldBelow360 says : I think they should live as Their Master does. Rise up and get the flock out of here! The Road to God is Hard. But then so was Going to bed early on a work week. After the Stars come out>> <<@erickeller162 says : Super annoying when people think they can just come to your door and inflict their magical thinking on you whenever they feel like it and I'm just supposed to be fine with that. Yes, maybe fewer ugly things would be said to you if you didn't randomly go out of your way to annoy people. Hey!>> <<@1Corinthians13.4_7 says : Thats tough Being so completely indoctrinated that they can't even begin to see the truth Yet these people brought up in lies work way harder than the people [christians] who know the truth Stay strong in christ>> <<@angiew2324 says : I spent months meeting with a JW in my early 20's; I wasn't even a strong Christian back then but I had a relatively decent understanding of the Bible (although I didn't live like it at the time). We studied together, and she was well aware that I would never become a JW, but I had high hopes that she would become a true Christian. I wish I knew what happened to her, she was the sweetest little thing, but this was 20 years ago & I don't remember why we stopped meeting. I think we might have moved...>> <<@larzman651 says : 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved>>