<<@prophetdouglasbogonko.sdachurc says : Good and encouraging message>> <<@dongtv5919 says : I am happy I was baptized last July 27, 2024 SDA Pasay Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­ to God be the glory. ❀>> <<@rodkingston7933 says : What an amazingly wonderful prospect! Let's get busy preparing ourselves, our families, friends, & everyone for this stupendous, climactic event.>> <<@hendrickmichael8705 says : Jesus Christ second coming is in God hand, human being can not estimate God timing>> <<@calvinmariano9414 says : Dear Pr Ted. Pls prepare the whole church for the world war crisis . There is little time left. This is a very serious one before the mark of the beast for many will suffer and die and many churches will be wiped out 😒. May this message reach you and all the leaders of the church.>> <<@SysnetLaptopandmobileservice says : Good preacher every good biblecal words our s>> <<@Metalhefe says : Kick Ganoune Diop out. He is Papal Schill. Fire him at once! He is misrepresenting Adventists and our beliefs. Unity is unity in Scriptural truth. The papacy will never change to that.>> <<@paulkamani2027 says : Jesus had come, and the Jews had rejected him. Only God the Father knows the time of his 2nd coming. Christians watch and wait on him with faith and hope praying unceasingly>> <<@GavinMurray-po7wu says : No one knows the day and time Jesus will come; only the Father knows the day and time.>> <<@paskettle says : YES, those that are alive and remain will go UP IN THE CLOUDS to meet Jesus in the AIR. My old flat feet are off the ground we see each other meeting Jesus Christ the Lord, and then we go up thither to the 3rd Heaven. It doesn't get any better than that. I feel so sorry the those that chose to stay here on earth and depend upon their own abilities and stock piling.>> <<@EstherSale-e5l says : Yes may your Holy Spirit prepare your people. Teach us to be ready, pray and study God's word be doers of it and not hearers only. So christ character will be reveal in us people of God. The world is waiting to see in Christian christ character. So they can follow.>> <<@EstherSale-e5l says : We must be ready spiritually and physically and mentally Jesus is coming soon as we have heard.>> <<@elizabethagard7930 says : While we are waiting, each of us have work to do, share the message to all we meet, give out the GC and Steps to Christ. And each day make our calling election sure.>> <<@Clint2025 says : What does do not give to usery mean?>> <<@AmandiGabriel-pk7ry says : He is the master swordsman of two adge, let everyone reform his life as we wait the king>> <<@francospangenberg2887 says : Amen>> <<@mariemerone3167 says : Amen>> <<@gloriaamaral339 says : I was catolic, go to vatican is wrong, same music in the churche are not good.>> <<@user-fp1lw1os9v says : Praise God, Jesus is coming very soon. watching from Papua New Guinea πŸ‡΅πŸ‡¬>> <<@griffithguts7793 says : In a little while we're going home 🏠.Hold fast till He come.πŸ™ GOD bless us all>> <<@anthonygreene4938 says : 830 mark. We are living in the time of the end. Since 1844 this has been true. The end of time does not arrive untill The Lord arrives at the second advent. I understand that we are nearing this grand event. There are still some things that will happen, prior to this, However none of us may be able to put off "Making our calling and Election sure", because of the uncertainty of life itself, as was mentioned in this post...we don't have any gaurantees of life , past this moment. Now is the acceptable time of salvation. The most important aspect of Christianity is that we Love God with all our heart and love one another. The watch word for Christians today is to get close to our Lord and Stay close to Him moment by moment. This is a real challenge for each of us, because we as humans have a tendency to lean towards the evil in the world, whatever form it may take. However Gods promises are real, and we are all called to meet the conditions that have been set forth, and then claim His promises, by faith. Once this ongoing process is happening, Gods Spirit will come over us , as we give Him our will. Remember the Bible text ..."Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" Philippians 2:5 The mission that has been shown to us is that we sound the warning, that there are rough waters up ahead, and that any that desire to meet the Lord in peace... should now determine, by Gods grace to prepare for the expected troubled times, as they certainly will unfold. And then reach out to those around us that do not know, or are seemingly unaware of the danger. God promises to help us with this mission , as we call to Him in Prayer. Each of us that have the desire to be with God, and to share in the Joy of eternal life, may obtain it, by engaging in the warfare. "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" Ephesians 6:11 God bless you , as you seek to do His will, in this world of sin.>> <<@jamessantiago4619 says : Amen❀>> <<@IreneOdhiambo-s8y says : Amen πŸ™ pastor Ted Wilson we need to be awakened, our Savior Jesus Christ is coming let's be prepared>> <<@pascrespo935 says : πŸ™>> <<@consolataachieng4883 says : Amen our Lord Jesus Christ we are waiting for you to come and take us home Amen πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™>> <<@thankfulvoice6474 says : All Glory Glory Glory to the most Holy Holy Holy LORD YESHUVA Amen Amen πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ» Amen Thank you so much for the valuable message Brother GOD bless you and family Always>> <<@JoJo-mh5ts says : A very shallow & superficial message. matthew 24 is a must message to be uttered by a church leader. why is it that the 3 angels message isnt be the focus of the message?>> <<@fideliskivai2669 says : AMEN!>> <<@TimTestifies says : Btw, around 20 billion a year that the NAD pulls in is entirely reliant on federal funding. Only around a billion a year comes from the church tithes. So the North American church itself makes up less and a 1/20th of what the Federal government pays them. And the feds legally have the right to take away SS, Medicare, student Loan Grants, all of what makes up the 20 billion of what the NAD makes, they have the legal right to take it away from anyone who disobeys their mandates. Yup, these SDA hospitals and Colleges no different than the world. That is why the NAD and GC leadership ran very far from publically speaking anything against the vaccines. In fact, they advocated for them and the masks. And did everything the Fed told them. Why? Because if the fed refuses to give our institutions federal funding for not following their orders, all of our hospitals and universities would close overnight. And what a blessing thatd be. Conrad Vine, a well respected SDA pastor who has worked amongst the top and Wilson and everyone, he proved all of this and explained SDA government structure empowerinf the church. Should check out the vid. He even says that we need to confront the question... that sooner or later, we need to not be dependent on federal money.>> <<@AnaGomez-ce1nd says : COME BACK TO THE OLD PATH BEFORE IS LATE!!! Romans 1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;>> <<@Alfredo-uc9dx says : Pastor T Wilson work shoulder WITH shoulder WITH papacy. You ARE warned.>> <<@phantomrio5222 says : Jesus is coming soon is not an urgent message. People knew this from as long as 2000 years ago. Did Paul and the others lie when they said the same thing? Coming soon 2000 years ago and coming soon now cannot both be correct. Obe had to be a lie. Which one is the lie? Otherwise you are saying that it could be another 2000 years.>> <<@marioglosy says : And only the holy Spirit is the best way to get the holy seal of God to get to his holy KINGDOM The holy Spirit have a system of communication to learn it is Zachariah chapter 4 and read the TM page 188 and Isaiah chapter 7: 21 , 22 and Revelation chapter 18 : 1 to 4 and the great controversy chapters 28 ,37 and Shepherd's Rod message volumes 1 and 2 and The SDA denomination will be ready to go to the holy Kingdom of God no way only this way The Shepherd ' s Rod message form our KING πŸ‘‘ of kings to SDA denomination internationally Be obedient to our KING πŸ‘‘ of kings and will really ready>> <<@Over-for-now says : The rapture of the church saved by the FINISHED and complete work Jesus accomplished for salvation>> <<@user-iw8yo6bh5l says : Why Pastor Ted did not include the root of all apostasy which is the entrance of the Trinity Doctrine 1n 1980's. . ?>> <<@tulaiwarike49 says : Sad news to hear the world women ministry leader death Papua New Guinea share the condelence with the family.>> <<@HajijahGamara-vt7fj says : We are ready to see Jesus second coming rather then living in the world full of violence and weakness.>> <<@dittmardelacruz6852 says : Amen thank you very much pastor for wonderful messege>> <<@dittmardelacruz6852 says : Amen>> <<@dittmardelacruz6852 says : Amen near Jesus is coming soon>> <<@user-hk8xd8gf8d says : Helen G. White and the Millerites prophesied and said Jesus is coming back in his second coming in the 90's & 2000 but infact, Jesus did not return and shame on those false prophet. The Bible says nobody knows the hour, minute, seconds or day the Son of man will come. Jesus told his disciples that only God knows. You Sabbatharians teachings and doctrines came from the founder of your Church so, you need to pray and ask God's Spirit to lead you into all the truth before Christ return.>> <<@GeorgeRonamo says : Great and so nice gospel msge from the servant of Jesus Christ, praise GOD!!!>> <<@user-qs4lc9rl1m says : Thank you pastor ted n wilson for the strong massage God bless❀>> <<@vivianosama-l6m says : Amen>> <<@MarynaRabie says : Jesus Christ=God(Holy Spirit) who became flesh Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1; John 8:24,58. In order to become part of His kingdom, repent,be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins,then you will receive the gift of His Holy Spirit John 3:5;Acts 2:38.If Christ's Spirit does not live Γ­n you yet,you still don't belong to Him ROM 8:9. 1 John 2:26-29 says we must listen to His voice,do as He tells us. HΓ© will teach us. May every soul be rapture ready before His 2nd coming.>> <<@user-vu9fb4fj2d says : Thank you Lord for your message of hope! Grace and the Spirit be to you Elder Wilson.>> <<@lidiethross2461 says : Praying for you Pastor Wilson and for all of God's children everywhere. Let's be ready and working for our Lord, with His help is the only way.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™>> <<@charlesaguayo7306 says : Yo soy libre de creer en JesΓΊs a mi maneras y los que no estΓ©n de acuerdo conmigo que no me sigan Si usted estΓ‘ en lo correcto es genial Si yo estoy equivocado no es su culpa>> <<@LeteniPittard says : Thanks, that's reality and truth>> <<@LindaTavuti-g1y says : Thank you pastor Ted Wilson for the massage I want to be Jesus>>