<<@TheBuronic says : There are a lot of good teaching about reponsibiltiy as a father. the question then to ask is what is the financial standard and who sets that? The word of God is Clear that. with Food and clothing let us be content and a place to stay. In the US the standard can end up being more than Bible standards. the Bible does not gaurantee success and everyone having busines and every kid going out for football or being a cheer leader. God did not put us on this Earth to be cool but to help him bring his family to Himself... Success has become an Idol even in the church where the poor are looked down upon and then if a Man can't or is hindered from a certain level of financial achievement then has he denied the Faith? I don't think so. God has not called us to build ourselves a kingdom but to build his KIngdom.>> <<@angloaust1575 says : How to stay single is a better Option as paul said Altho not all can receive it As Jesus said!>> <<@hectormartines7361 says : You don't need to speak and understand Hebrew to understand that between verses 3 and 5 God is piercing the spiritual darkness that had fallen upon the universe with His own light, for "God is light" (1Jn 1:5 cf. Psalm 118:27; Rev 21:23). He had to do this first because whatever happened between verses 1 and 2 made it so that "darkness was on the face of the deep" (Gen. 1:2). Then in verses 14 to 18 of Genesis 1 He was piercing the physical darkness with His created light in the form of the Sun, which then would also be reflected by night by the Moon in a cycle that scientists are still trying to explain. This new physical light and its luminaries would take over the function alluded to in verse 18 "to divide the light from the darkness" because before then God was the only source of light. The saints will enjoy this awesome provision of light in the universe again when they are given access to the Throne of God and The Lamb in the New Heaven & Earth, as it is written: Revelation 22:5 NKJV — "There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever." Even the Saints in the New Jerusalem will enjoy God's Light, as it is written— "The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light" (Revelation 21:23 NKJV). In those verses in Genesis it's all a matter of perspective: Who or what is the source of light. 🎉>> <<@johnthompson6472 says : I find it hard to honour a man who was merely a sperm doner! Although married to my mother he left whilst she was pregnant with me. My mother told me when I was 11, that she’d always hated me because it was all my fault that my father left. Go figure that one out! Oh, yes and I’ve had a horrible life full of all kind of rejections.>> <<@JoseSanchez0795 says : >> <<@carolmcloughlin2859 says : My father was a horrible father he was abusive and violent he dishonored his family and I couldn't honor him he broke us down I walked away from him eventually he failed us and we hated him... I don't honour abusers.. but thanks for sharing this. He's dead now and we're happier..he was a scourge to be around...we wish we never met him.>> <<@miguelangellizardi9759 says : Buen shabbat pastor gracias bendiciones a todos>> <<@deborahhighfill5970 says : If anyone speaks Hebrew and understands the old Hebrew language, would you explain the first chapter of Genesis, the order of God's creation? The first day God created... The second day God created... When I read the English translation about the light, and the sun... The order of it doesn't make sense to me.>> <<@CS-de4et says : Clara. -- Please pray for my brain and eyes to be Healed. Thank You.>> <<@deborahhighfill5970 says : Thank you to the ones that reached out to me yesterday ❤>> <<@rui9939 says : Amém 🙏>>