<<@albertgisore1532 says : Thank your for the blessing. A great journey and reflection with God.>> <<@themadscientist40k says : God has shown me how the SDA can bring together the whole body. But are they ready?>> <<@emeegraceebron8383 says : AMEN 🙏>> <<@VernieBareda says : It is very clear indeed so let us all claim the salvation let us wear the robed or garments that he has given>> <<@jawanzadiame7501 says : Sounds like works-righteousness.>> <<@matthewullom1659 says : None of what he has said in this video is contrary to what LR teaches in my opinion.>> <<@philvdk6540 says : I would propose that to say that "it is not our character, it is Christ's character" is not functionally accurate. Rather, it is our character re-developed into Christlikeness. Our character is the core and essence of who we are and what we are about. This is therefore what God seeks to transform - a necessarily progressive process of re-development of who we are and what we are about that is only actually possible by a collaboration between God and each person with each person being a willing and active participant. Renovation is a concept that Ellen White uses to describe this re-development process (eg, The Ellen G White 1888 Materials p. 1429.2). That a Christlike character is not of human devising is absolutely correct - we cannot re-develop our character in our own strength. This is because our default natural birth inheritance from the first Adam is inherently self-seeking - something that is perpetually self-reinforcing and therefore unable to be changed purely by our own efforts. But the Holy Spirit seeks to invite/draw each person to, if they are willing, participate in the progressive re-development of their core heart-desire from a fallen, self-seeking character to a Christlike self-renouncing character (hence 1 Samuel 16:7b). The parable is a metaphor that is necessarily needed because Jesus is trying to help us as fallen humans grow in our understanding of things that are foreign to fallen humanity (eg Luke 13:20). As such, the parable is attempting to convey the principles of reality though the parable itself is not the full reality (ie we don't literally put on a new character like we would put on a new garment). Hence the need for multiple parables, each illustrating various dimensions of true/ultimate reality. One further point - bible "perfection" is not absolute behavioural sinlessness. Rather, bible perfection is authentic, willing, heart-based commitment to undertaking progressive restoration to Christlikeness where the prevailing trend of the person's life and living experience is Christlikeness - even though there unfortunately are occasional 'lapses'. Have a careful look at Hebrews 5:8-9 and you will see that even Jesus had to be "made perfect" - illustrating that perfection is a process of development to ever greater maturity and therefore strength of heart-based commitment to self-renouncing.>> <<@conniegaby6275 says : Chameleon defined: a person who changes their opinions or behavior according to the situation>> <<@Corey4Jesus says : Amen!>> <<@leonbartholomew5624 says : Ted is afraid to offend his boss the Pope>> <<@tipeyhawan7208 says : Amen and amen>> <<@JustinGlow-y2s says : Amen. Thank you!>> <<@Drfresh1402 says : Ted should delineate the truth in “love reality” and where it’s lie. Love reality is subtle.>> <<@classicaladventist7680 says : This message is powerful.>> <<@HuyPham-lc1df says : Too many conflicting ideas. Mental gymnastics. The simplicity of the gospel is that we are set free from sin and healed from sin by Jesus death and resurrection. We are new. We have Spirit. It is finished. Now we act as we are, his children. If it’s a covering to look like Jesus, on the inside we’re still not like him. God doesn’t want to look out and see a sea of Jesus faces. He wants to look out and see a sea of his children made righteous BY Jesus. When we say covering we’re saying God doesn’t desire us. He desires numbers. These little nasty worms can be let in cause they did their best to keep the commandments. Nah - he wants his kiddos as they were designed: saints that are love, not just trying to love. It is finished and by faith, we are new and righteous. We are not a bad seed hoping to become a good one. We are a good one waiting to grow into a tree and bear fruit.>> <<@kishnapage9934 says : Amen ❤ 🙏🏿>> <<@marieazor7579 says : Amen>> <<@raysmith9650 says : Could somebody, preferably Elder Wilson himself, please explain to me how the world leader of a Christian church can spend eleven minutes talking about "The Foundation of Salvation" and the cross, Christ's sacrifice, His shed blood and death and resurrection doesn't even get a mention? It sounds like another gospel to me.>> <<@whitneylukumba6350 says : Amen>> <<@mwiitaviolet8271 says : Amen 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@meenasolomon7798 says : Amen what a powerful sermon and so nicely explained ❤>> <<@sandraher7 says : What a simple yet powerful message about the biblical truth of Salvation. May all be blessed by it and have the Faith to believe it and proclaim it with the power of the Holy Spirit! Let’s keep our Church and its leaders in our prayers!>> <<@tokpisin says : Amen. What a wonderful massage I hear in this Friday evening.>> <<@evelynbrown9764 says : Amen. This was a blessing to me . Thank you Pastor Wilson. I pray for your regularly>> <<@BT_Mesak says : Amen!>> <<@mervinimperio5852 says : So be it! Amen. Praise the Lord.>> <<@sookyoungkvw4305 says : Amen. Thanks for the truth preached clearly.>> <<@krisbeckwith7105 says : Preach it Pastor Ted... Amen 🙏🏻>> <<@eleonorajimeno4496 says : Amen>> <<@Miriam-ui5pw says : I'm so grateful for the Seventh Day Adventist church.>> <<@maryingold1368 says : "On Christ, the solid Rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand".>> <<@jerrystilwell7666 says : Awesome, thanks and God bless all.>> <<@AntoineZoundi says : AMEN AMEN 🙏🏾>> <<@liezlbi1007 says : Amen and amen.>> <<@jiminsyxiengmay7162 says : 🙏❤️👍>>