<<@MrSteveo0088 says : It only takes me a few min to shut down that insane lie. First Jesus tells us that anything sexual outside of marriage is a sin to include even thinking about it. Then, Jesus tells us what Marriage is. Between a man and a woman. Very easy.>> <<@IbelongtoJesus. says : What's with the background music ❓ Really was irritating and didn't fit in at all.>> <<@ajgibson1307 says : Amen and God bless>> <<@seekerhonest says : The bible is a man made book with man made wisdom (Kain and Abel) and man made fallacies : + light wasn't there before the sun + the earth wasn't there before the sun + Adam and Eve didn't exist + insects have six legs not four legs + the value of Pi isn't 3 + homosexuality is not a seduction by a satan, but a natural born healthy sexual orientation with an evolutionary sense + the "firmament" is not a solid "roof" over the world + the moon doesn't produce visible light + etc etc If the bible would be inspired by god it would be without fallacies, but it isn't. As easy as that.❤❤❤>> <<@NoName-or4vm says : He literally was the one who called on God the Father to reign down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah.>> <<@The-F.R.E.E.-J. says : Once upon a time, some things were so obvious we didn't need to explain them - in detail. Go figure...>> <<@davidbrown180 says : I love when "straight" guys always have gay dudes on the mind.>> <<@SeanBeatsMapson says : Most people forget it was Jesus who was God in the Old Testament. HE IS THE WORD OF GOD.>> <<@Ismael-ge6gv says : Jesus didn't speak greek or Latin 😅😂>> <<@DG-mv6zw says : Was he the guy who went into dentistry school and ended up selling drugs to his fellow students and professors before ending up in prison where he eventually found God? He's got a great testimony if that's the same person. Mind you, we've all got great testimonies even we consider that we were once spiritual corpses completely alienated from God through sin.>> <<@ieatbeeswhole5135 says : Religion as a whole is based on the eye of the beholder and why people of the same faith can look at the same thing and think it means something differently. The point of Christianity is to love thy neighbor not to "prove who is a sinner and who isnt" as if one is god or is to play god in his name, yet, you all call others "abomination" and "sinner" to the children of the same god you praise instead of spreading how god loves all you tell people that he condemns those who are different therefor straying people from god. This is not his path and you are not loving thy neighbor by making your point to prove "god loves me for i am not sinning in the way that you are" assuming yourself free of sin>> <<@followerofchrist2627 says : Sexual immorality is a sin don’t try to justify your sin Come to Christ let Him save you All things on earth will come to pass, prepare for your eternity. If you die in your sins, you will spend an eternity in the lake of fire.>> <<@boazreid6158 says : The New Testament uses the term "porneia" 25 times, but it does not provide a precise definition or a comprehensive list of examples. The context and the audience of each passage may influence how the term is understood and applied. For instance, in 1 Corinthians 5:1, Paul condemns a case of incest as porneia, while in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, he lists various types of sinners who will not inherit the kingdom of God, including “the sexually immoral” (πόρνοι), “homosexuals” (ἀρσενοκοῖται), and “sodomites” (μαλακοί). However, these terms are not synonymous with porneia, and their exact meaning and translation are disputed by scholars. Another scholar who seems to share a similar view is Carolyn Osiek, a professor emerita of New Testament at Brite Divinity School. She wrote a book titled “Families in the New Testament World: Households and House Churches”, where she discusses the social and historical context of the family and household in the first-century Mediterranean world. She notes that "To say that πορνεία means fornication is circular, and the concept of illicit sex only begs the question of what is considered illicit." She also states that "The most common meaning of πορνεία in the Greco-Roman world was prostitution, and the most common meaning of πόρνη was prostitute." She examines how the early Christian communities challenged the prevailing norms of sexuality and family, and how they used the term porneia to define their boundaries and identity. It is more accurate to say that porneia is a complex and contested term that reflects the diversity and ambiguity of sexual ethics and norms in the ancient Roman-Greek world and in the early Christian literature.>> <<@douglascrosby5100 says : To Mr ​@logicalatheist1065 Where's your evidence? Your opinion, that means nothing. The Bible has proven itself to be inspired by God by prophecy. Whether you like it or not. I can't help it if you're blind to spiritual things.>> <<@Srhyle says : Having concubines are practiced before. So that was immoral, right? Why was it not prohibited by the law?>> <<@kikim4399 says : The bible is very clear 🙏🏻 some people want to make excuses for their sin. Sin is sin if you don’t like it don’t be a Christian.>> <<@douglascrosby5100 says : Jesus is God manifest in the flesh. God wrote the entire Bible from Genesis to revelation. Jesus Christ word's are the whole Bible, not just the words in red. Sodomy is an abomination in the sight of God according to the Bible.>> <<@frankenstone804 says : jesus was gay>> <<@Me-hf4ii says : Anyone who has been caught up in ANY form of sexual immorality- no matter how severe, irreversible and unforgivable you think your actions were - there’s still time to turn away from that life and embrace Christ - and in HIM become a new creation. Don’t let anyone tell you that you must be defined by your past. God sees you as white as snow once you repent and trust in His Son.>> <<@katamas832 says : Doesn't matter, as homosexuality is still not wrong nor harmful.>> <<@black-cross says : Why do people want christianity but not all of it? You're either with us or against us. There's no middle ground or leeway.>> <<@johnrichards6080 says : A god didn't make a man and woman. Homo sapiens evolved from an ape-like ancestor. Jesus wouldn't' have known that.>> <<@miaomeow1390 says : PREACH!>> <<@itsJPhere says : Homosexuality is harmless, isn't it?>> <<@fishy318 says : Who cares what some anonymous person claims they were told another anonymous person allegedly said over two thousand years ago?>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : Jesus did not say this.>> <<@Onlythenarrowroad says : Uuugghhhhhhh…God was never silent on homosexuality. This narrative is getting old and tired. The ones that keep claiming it are the ones trying to justify their disobedience.>> <<@larzman651 says : Mark 10:6-9 King James Version 6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder Self explanation. For GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomsoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 🙌>> <<@Shawn-q3x says : THOSE OF GOD WILL TAKE TO HEART WHAT JESUS SAID ABOUT THE FATHER: Jesus said “He that heareth my word, and believeth on *him that sent me, hath everlasting life,* and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.” In Isaiah 45:22, God the Father says to “Look unto me, and be ye saved…for I am God, and there is none else.” Jesus said I can do nothing of my own self (John 5:30), meaning WITHOUT God. In Isaiah 44:24, God said “I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens ALONE; that spreadeth abroad the earth by MYSELF.” However, Jesus said the Father that lives in him, HE does all the works (John 14:10). In Isaiah 44:6, Jesus speaks on behalf of the Lord of hosts, which is the Father…and the Father says through Jesus that “I am the first and I am the last, and beside me there is no God.” Jesus also said in Revelation 1:8 that he is the alpha and omega. However, both are called ‘Lord’ for different reasons, just like they have different roles. The Father is the only God and Jesus is our only savior; we must know them both (John 17:3).>> <<@jada-son9344 says : Jesus said that man should not sleep with another man and woman should not do the same also>> <<@DruPetty42 says : People are just trying to use the argument from silence, (though Jesus wasn't silent on homosexuality), in order to justify their sin.>> <<@mothersellrobertjhon-fn3pd says : Some say that their actions don't affect anyone else. One of the main reasons we are on this earth is to get married and have children. This allows spirit children of God to come to earth and obtain a body, which is one of the major requirements and blessings to further God's plan. Homosexuality frustrates tis great work.>> <<@dustdivesterover4782 says : 💙💙💙💙>> <<@JustaGuy2.0 says : Jesus was surrounded by 12 male apostles...you do the math>> <<@dragons4thchild says : Ah yes totally forgot when he said to the goats that they don't get to heaven because of too much butt action. I really have to take better notes.>> <<@gi169 says : Our God is an awesome God, thank you CE.>> <<@oldedwardian1778 says : JESUS NEVER EXISTED, SO HOW CAN YOU SAY HE WAS SILENT ON HOMOSEXUALITY. The Bible stories about a guy named Jesus are all FICTION.>> <<@macdrz6186 says : Homosexuality is a great sin. It doesn't matter how anyone wants to defend it.>> <<@philb4462 says : The best argument for or against homosexuality is this: If it doesn't affect you, leave people the hell alone.>> <<@Gg-rssystG8 says : Thank you!>> <<@andrewbangs9073 says : Even if Jesus was silent about this homosexuality thing, his apostles were not! So it's still not an excuse for homo people to continue doing this sinful thing because Jesus sent his apostles to teach the world how to be saved and enter heaven and one of their teachings is avoiding sin and one of the sins in this world is having sex with the same sex, even outside of marriage of men and women and even masturbation! People should wake up those who are asleep is their sinful world of lies!!!!!>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One God. The Bible is God's word. Jesus is the living word of God. Jesus will judge the world. Do the math.>> <<@chloemartel9927 says : Jesus was not silent on homosexuality. Jesus is God the Son. Any Old Testament laws and commandments are not separated from God the Son.>>