<<@RaulAraujo-r8h says : Amen 🙏🏽>> <<@alfredoaguilera3114 says : There isn't freedom from devils in Jesus of Nazareth.>> <<@alfredoaguilera3114 says : Jesus of Nazareth is an abomination unto me.>> <<@daveyofyeshua says : If only brother Prince could see the awful Godless acts in Israel/Palestine being done today 😢>> <<@juanitamccarthy1112 says : what a beautiful + true teaching. absolute truth; help us Almighty Yhvh>> <<@mariebaxter2089 says : I plead the blood of Jesus over the world for repentance and salvation in Jesus mighty name amen>> <<@ilenniilenni2968 says : Thank you!!>> <<@hugmc says : I am not being hateful here but I always thought girls were born smarter than men ❤>> <<@jesuslovesu3265 says : This is what my soul needs to hear I’ve been saved 7 years now and I want to fully surrender to the lord please pray for me love you>> <<@TheStemo1 says : Where was this preached?>> <<@NormaCzeremcha-hl5rh says : 🙏 Amen>> <<@ladennayoung2939 says : You see wives do that on television as well. In I Love Lucy she was ALWAYS trying to manipulate and control Ricky.>> <<@edgarnoeguerreroprospero4666 says : Please pray for me.>> <<@adjasmith6736 says : Praise the Lord!>> <<@ZestyAqua says : Hate Witchcraft fully all of that. Marriage is absolutely beautiful Jesus Christ is coming back permanently right now rather be married to him fully as the risen new creation not a man. No cults none of that. On my end the peach is still a gift from God. It is beautiful at every stage. It can be dried, juiced and replanted. How amazing is that? God made provisions for literally everything. The quiet God life is worth eternity God's savings account God's glory only. It's an honor to be a wife and mother to be fruitful and multiply bringing good fruit for God. Legit commitment marriage only the rest is horrible. Then within that marriage peace and harmony. Not interested in doing my husbands' part. It's 1. God 2. Jesus Christ Son of God 3. Holy Spirit 4. Husband supports wife 5. Wife 6. Children the rest. We keep trading invisible numbers pieces of paper 📃 pushing idolatrous forums discord among each other. This is not a cult Christianity is a way of life. Biblical Jesus Christ very straight forward. Direct. Kind. He never charged anyone for anything. During his ministry here on Earth women supported him and he supported them too. Sharing. Appropriately no lust none of that. He didn't sell them. Pimp them. They too in return enjoyed simply caring for others. God's love. That. Those are facts. He didn't sell merchandise especially of himself nor did he charge for healing. When Jesus Christ fell asleep others they knew they were safe with him there. That aspect. He just watched over them caring. That it didn't stop even after crucifixion. Slander to gossip Jesus Christ dealt with. Doubt. Hate. Discord. All of it he bleed. Was risen again new creation. Sent Holy Spirit out that is electricity energy system. God wifi to put it in modern terms. Each day I'm in awe of God. Jesus Christ only his will. The words I'm in awe. To even matchmake this woman to certain people is an honor yet, detest attention that. It's not enjoyable to have a headache or be ill. Often a husband being attentive and kind cures that right up. Being present praying 🙏 and loving touch that's the beauty of marriage that ended up corrupted. No romance theory. To simply love a baby even if I didn't give birth directly to the child from my body is an honor from God. A true honor. As for trapping others don't hunt. Just asked for help when no one directly responded walked away. Fornication is AWFUL it a horrible experience. You aren't loved just groomed to be abused not cherished loved cared for. I don't appreciate slutty terms or people being defiled. It's something not sure besides God who to turn to? Jesus Christ absolutely. Too far gone now for this to improve so, my question to God is please, take me home to heaven be done with this body all of it if it's too corrupt to do any good? That. If it's too far gone to heal to show everything is possible with God scripture Jesus Christ then what's the point? If all things are possible then by Derek's own teachings even corruption is reversible via God as all things are possible. That round house kick of teachings that one video he reveals a snippet then in another it contradictory to the message God is love and all things are possible with God. You can be perfect with Jesus Christ alone on my own. Love Jesus Christ very much. CHURCHLEGIT is completely his its not a religion or denomination. No set of rules as that was the old testament. It's all God. Fully. So, I just don't know how to get help from anyone anywhere besides Jesus Christ. This cultural we sell each other over sludge everywhere. Kingz situation authority especially in marriage is HEALTHY SPECIAL PRIVATE AND NOT EVERYONE'S BUSINESS YOU FILM US YOUR EYES WILL BURN OUT OF YOUR HEADS. Dislike war. Fully. It's unnecessary. And I've noticed people are addicted to guns and violence. To the crap beauty products that need to be removed permanently from the equation. This isn't isolated from the Soapy works everytime cast out the demons not the person need actual God's people directly to show this. My prayers are with everyone here truly. Everyday I pray God would take me home and Jesus Christ we can finally be done with this mess. God loves the world 🌎 I don't. That's the difference do love very deeply so much of God's creation all of it even the peach as it changes and is resurrected reborn. Even after that it's still God's grace, mercy and blessings for free he doesn't charge us for what he gifts freely we charged each other pushing paper to control that is contradictory to scripture God. We can inspire each other thru Jesus Christ he's my only support. Has only been my only support. His will only. Now, I'd rather be in a location that agrees. Not in religion if religion wasn't part of a convent only guidelines would happily be a nun. Fully happily. God showed me he is eliminating religion. No cults. You can go to a church legit anywhere praying anywhere on this planet. Our bodies are made for this planet no matter where you try to travel in space. Still linked to this planet God wifi why? God loves this place his creations and that's amazing. Hate Witchcraft the Harry Potter stuff to the rest of the occultism. Watched those films thinking "Very sinister that's spiritual warfare." Fully sinister cast out the demons not the person. Deliverance ministry. Squirt bottles of Holy Water works everytime. Jesus Christ definitely works. With the authority God granted me no one needs debt. No one should go homeless or starve anywhere. What good are taxes at all when God gifted everything for free especially to prepare for Jesus Christ's wedding? No, no denomination got it "right" polygamy is awful as it means abusing youth especially early on in life. That isn't biblical Jesus Christ. That isn't God. He never suggested r*pe forced control by means of bringing forth fruit and multiply ✖. No once was that suggested. The Harlots do not volunteer to be that. It is someone seeking to sell a person to then abuse them for financial reasons which is stealing from God when you do that to someone else especially a child. You are absolutely stealing from God. Holding people at gunpoint is also not God's way. That's the corruptions in your own flesh doing that. No means no. Praise God for showing me I was innocent and forgiven. All my faith was restored in God. Then had the opportunity to ask why do a body this vessel if it's unredeemable? Please, just take me home walking this morning I will be there for you all day and I will always stay with you for context with consent nothing fake.*** What I needed to know he clarified. Claiming those blessings now. If you are struggling pray to God for clarification. To Jesus Christ 🙏 because having many hands to hold in fellowship kind touch without lust makes a difference. Huge difference. Those with the right motives with God absolutely happily hold your hands and pray. Rather my husbands' do the speaking 🔊 for the rest scripture wise. God's word. God's kingdom only he's a monarchy authority and I'll always overcome everything still in his name. In America which I'm not an American I'm a citizen of Heaven- US citizen right now born here legally even though legalism failed. America is terrible and temporary full of pride that always comes before a fall. We stick each other in debt demand payments that are unnecessary and unreasonable then support homelessness suffering for invisible numbers it's not investments in each other as God's people that's the sinister nature of occultism Witchcraft cursed shit. Has been. Speak from experience. Now what? We keep pushing further racism to violence to cash in? That's what is happening here and globally. You have plenty without idols. Keep on creating idols. Rather have transparency than stupid schemes spying I pray God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit wipe that out TODAY RIGHT NOW 01/10/2024 Amen God bless you all he knows how! As for Derek's words his insights he had no biological children of his own was sterile. Infertility is a blessing in certain age. Fertility clinics are not the answer grace of God is. Mercy of God. My rabbits are AMAZING critters gifted by God. My responsibility to care for them includes a home that is peaceful. In harmony. The rest of this age of War is over. Won't work..God bless you 🙏 for reposting his work. It really does help to hear from an elder of a church. He is one example of CHURCHLEGIT side on the Go! A teacher who went all over. And couldn't seem to find a harmony fully while in his flesh then. As we all know that information. He found his home.permanently with Jesus Christ. I am so excited to be with Jesus Christ soon permanently this age gone and my body. It's something that keeps me going. Pray they let me into heaven. He is destroying all collection agencies everything right now here. All the banks that left others homeless all of it. Going. It's overdue. Never steal from God. Ever. He always provides and overrides. As for the rest my prayer is God takes me home today. You all find peace and love to harmony without me. No yoga on this end definitely occultism. Religion is another person's hate crime. Christianity is a way of life. Only interest is resting in the arms of Jesus Christ, God and Holy Spirit be with you. Amen>> <<@michaelstrauss6587 says : Thank You Lord Jesus>> <<@JanA-jj2lw says : Thank you Jesus>> <<@NewLifeInChristDeliverance says : Amen>> <<@sophiereynaud1108 says : We 've got two natures : SPIRIT (divine) and FLESH (adamic). They 're completely OPPOSED each other (WILL, desirs, FINALITIES, etc ...).>>