<<@CrossExamined says : Download FREE Cheat Sheet “The 4-Point Case For Christianity” 👉📱https://cutt.ly/ZYMC4nl>> <<@TakingTurf says : 👍👍👍>> <<@peteherrera1502 says : No it is not. Jesus said to love one another as I have loved you. And God who created everything has the right to setup His Government, His society and the standard by which we live by because God created everything. And The Son of God who is also Jesus Christ incarnate gave use His moral law which are the 10 commandments which is the standard that Jesus uses to judge our character when our character comes before him to be judged by Him. And Jesus said in John 14:15 if you love me then keep my commandments. 1 John 2:3-4 And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. If anyone says, “I know Him,” but does not keep His commandments, he is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. God also, who created everything has the right to destroy everything if that is what he chooses to do and it not wrong if he does because God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. Now since I created nothing in and of myself that means I do not have the right to destroy what I did not create of myself. and to those who say God does not have that right to do that. who do you think you are to tell God what he can and cannot do who loves you so much that he suffered, died once for all and is risen. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Because it is written in Heb 9:22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. God is a God of Love who created everything and he says to us. thou shall not kill which means God does not want us to kill. and abortion after conception is premeditated murder. Eze 18:23 Do not think that I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live. ——————————— And God who created everything has the right to destroy everything if that is what he chooses to do and it not wrong if he does because God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. Now since I created nothing in and of myself that means I do not have the right to destroy what I did not create of myself. and to those who say God does not have that right to do that. who do you think you are to tell God what he can and cannot do who loves you so much that he suffered, died once for all and is risen. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 1 John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Because it is written in Heb 9:22 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. God is a God of Love who created everything and he says to us. thou shall not kill which means God does not want us to kill. and abortion after conception is premeditated murder. Eze 18:23 Do not think that I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live.>> <<@Randall.Weaver says : Is it morally ok to order the slaughter of infants and children?>> <<@CornScoops says : No it's not! Don't tell them that frank!>> <<@emf49 says : Great answer.>> <<@Smallsappypony says : Perfectly said>> <<@hereLiesThisTroper says : When he said "you are too young to remember 911", I felt surprisingly old.>> <<@Me-hf4ii says : Comparing disobeying tyrannical government to invading another country and capturing people for information seems a bit of a stretch. We kicked a hornets nest in the Middle East - and we should have backed down and re-assessed our strategy a century ago. I’m not saying we can’t have stake there - but the way we are doing it is through generational warfare and destabilization. And that’s insane. Doesn’t make the terrorist right when he targets innocents. But it does make him sympathetic. The German protecting his Jewish neighbors, the “non essential” business refusing to close, the “essential” business refusing to harass their customers with “health protocols,” and force them to show papers, and the people refusing to wear the slave mask or violate their temple with unknown substances, even if it meant losing everything - that’s the type of disobedience the Bible teaches… not invading countries that we want to pillage for oil, kidnapping their soldiers, and waterboarding them.>> <<@cmdrseljdon says : Rehab didn't lie there is a mistranslation in the text. The text literally translates to "I know where they are, you had better go and catch them before they escape" she didnt lie>> <<@cedricatmoore says : Amen!!!! What A Word!!!>> <<@JamesRichardWiley says : God said that he is a mass murderer of unborn babies and ordered the slaughter of those who worship rival gods. Violence goes on all the time on earth and in the spiritual realm.>> <<@davethesid8960 says : Here I disagree with him. You cannot commit evil to bring about the greater good. In other words, Christians should hold firmly to the fact that "the end justifies the means" is utter nonsense. To answer his question, I would do neither: I wouldn't lie because lying is intrinsically evil (it's evil no matter what the situation is), however, I wouldn't tell to truth either because not everyone is entitled to know the truth (you can withhold the truth from someone without lying). I don't know what exactly I'd say, and I think it doesn't really matter, if those soldiers have good evidence that you're hiding Jews, they're gonna storm in regardless.>> <<@guru6831 says : It depends on the torture. Many children consider school torture.>> <<@StringerBell2002 says : I’m pretty sure Turek took the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego out of context. Their situation was not related or similar in any way to the moral question of torture. I’m not saying I can think of a good biblical analogy for the guy’s question but this was a very bad biblical analogy. I think that breaking God’s law is breaking God’s law and we have to be careful in being liberal with it. All I can really say is thank God for Christ’s work on the cross for the times we are faced with these types of moral dilemmas.>> <<@Jesus_is_Lord_316 says : As a follower of Jesus Christ I struggle with this. I understand the logic and the perceived moral duty/obligation to protect innocent lives, but to use cruel means to get information is something I don't think I will be able to do. Preaching the Gospel is different of course - here I will obey God rather than men.>> <<@PaulByrne-w8l says : It is amazing how all captives are designated terrorists If America was invaded would it be justified for the invader to catagorise all resisters as terrorists ? This is the first time in 2 years listening i must challenge Frank on his view of the moral dilema of double effect ,a classification he may remember is a. Catholic moral question for 1800 years ?>> <<@codywork-us7wu says : Another Failure of the protestant church, Torture is a terrible evil and yet we will disobey the Moral Law to preserve our country and temporary lives? This theologian doesnt understand that through non-violence we are a sign of contradiction to the unbeliever and a great witness to the eternal kingdom. Any savage would torture to benefit its tribe, as Christians we should act differently.>> <<@INTJerk says : It's critical to point this out and you did so eloquently and convincingly: there are a hierarchy of commands to follow. Often times - in these moral dilemmas - a compromise of one command is required in which case our greater duty should guide our decisions. I think a good way to approach scripture on moral commands is having the understanding of "ceteris paribus" or ideally or in a vacuum... That's not to say there are always easy answers but it brings a sense of clarity into what can be considered confusing or conflicting scenarios.>> <<@ethanplacella says : I think what’s tough is that most Christian’s want a black and white answer to sin. But I think God looks at the heart. Meaning.. you’re not lying with the intent to walk in falsehood or do evil in the case of hiding Jews for example. You’re refusing to tell the truth with the intent to do good and protect someone from another whose ill intent is to harm said person. It’s a matter of the heart and God sees that.>> <<@loganjackson8764 says : Hey that’s me>> <<@amacichiro says : Don’t be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. Can you imagine Jesus torturing anyone for anything on earth?>> <<@edgarmorales4476 says : Most people use their minds recklessly, ruining their lives and the lives of other people with their thoughts and words arising from the selfhood/personality. For it is only your thought life and emotional upheavals which end in quarrels and mayhem - not your face, body, hands and legs unless the quarrels end in physical abuse. But even bodily conflict has its origins in the frustration of the selfhood/personality within mind and emotions, and conveyed to the limbs to vent the uncontrollable wrath. In this way, marriages - and friendships - begin in mutual joy and eventually end in misery and mutual rejection - because people find it impossible to channel the selfhood/personality into life and love-preserving modes of self-expression. Most parents and children express mutual love until the teen years, then hatred enters the scene and sours the relationship when children rebel against authority and parents react with self-righteous abuse. Again! There is no need for such conflict. Parents must surely realize that every generation fights to find its feet in the adult world and do things more innovatively than did their elders? How can young people thrive if restricted or prevented from free action or expression? When children become young adults, this is "growing time" for parents, who must now prepare for the next stage of their life - the more inspired use of their latent talents, then old age, acceptance of their past follies and mistakes, and, at last, a peaceful transition into eternal Light. Why quarrel? Why fight? People wholly controlled by the selfhood/personality let fly and hammer away for their "rights." Mature people solve problems by discussing them empathetically. What does this mean in human terms? It means - listening to the other person with the spoken or silent acknowledgement that the way the other person felt/feels in a certain situation is as valid and worthy of respect as were/are your feelings. When overtaken by a serious confrontation in which neither of you are prepared to yield an iota of ground, go away on your own and take time to realize that what you are engaged in is a "battle of consciousness." The battle is not enjoined only as a result of what was actually done and said in a moment of extreme heat - what really took place was the upshot of what you both are - in consciousness. This involves your backgrounds. All conflicts and hurt feelings springs from the selfhood/personality itself, the type of programming a person possesses, the basic perceptions of right and wrong, the normal attitudes each have towards other people and life generally. Therefore, when you have conflict or confrontation, tell your opponent you are taking time off to stand still and quieten your mind to be able to listen more helpfully. Then - be very wise. Call on God for an intervention of Unconditional Love into the situation. Try to realize - and visualize - that both of you stand in the Light of God, equal in soul origins, equal in destiny - equally real, equally human, equally unique. Until you can fully immerse yourself in this realization - this state of mind - you are NOT yet ready to stand in the Light of God to sort out your conflicts and hurt feelings.>> <<@samsam-nx8gq says : Great answer.>> <<@garrethoien6666 says : Is it any more obvious that these questions are scripted>> <<@jacob.tudragens says : Morally okay? No! Expedient? If it will save American lives?>> <<@kciwner says : No. It is NOT ok.>> <<@Thundawich says : What percentage of people that were waterboarded actually gave information that lead to other people being safer?>> <<@fatalheart7382 says : The ends doesn't justify the means, Biblically. However, there's plenty of scriptural hierarchy for laws. The idea that you can't lie to people trying to destroy others or mutilate someone who you would have otherwise killed is a silly sensibility. However, knowledge of good and evil matures through practice and people are supposed to follow their consciences, so those decisions are best made by the people having to make them, not a majority of backseat pseudo-intellectuals who fail to even read their Bibles.>> <<@jdm11060 says : It's not a hard question. No. The ends do not justify the means. Using immoral behavior to try and stop immoral behavior is--you guessed it--immoral. Christ and the apostles couldn't have been anymore clear on this point. Human violence is evil and we're commanded not to do it. "For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.">> <<@redbill7154 says : Isaiah 2:22. You'll never add good to the world through evil actions no more than you could put out fire with fire. You don't have a "duty" to save the lives in this hypothetical situation because God is in control and God is the one who saves. You can't save anyone. This is assuming oneself knows best, and ignoring God's perfect righteousness/justice in order to serve your own flawed and limited understanding of what is right. It is narcissistic and exactly what the enemy wants.>> <<@gregorymcpherson2537 says : Who can be morally tortured, though interesting, is not a concern of the Christian but rather, who can be forgiven?>> <<@somerandom3247 says : Frank, Waterboarding can and has killed people..... It isnt just making them unconfortable, its literally bringing them to the brink of death.....>> <<@Machinex11 says : Fantastic answer, makes logically sense and is 100% in line with Scripture! 😊>> <<@stephenkaake7016 says : God wants you to help me Frank, do your duty>> <<@julioquirino2131 says : The left believes that "Terrorist Life Matter">> <<@phoenixanimations5233 says : Truly Jesus teaching!>> <<@danielboone8256 says : The governing authorities are the real terries.>> <<@stevetherush1193 says : Into bed we go😂😂😂😂>> <<@rc.... says : People have lied for God's purpose in the Bible but lying is a sin so if you actually lie to save lives, I bet God will forgive that lie but if you to benefit yourself....not so sure.>> <<@johnbugnoii says : Great response, “greater duty to protect innocent lives than to submit to an evil person.” God bless Frank and us all!!>> <<@soteriamediaproductions6165 says : If your child was stolen, and you found an accomplice with information as to your child’s location, how far would you go to pull that information out of the accomplice?>> <<@HOG-cn8zd says : From my basic understanding, waterboarding can cause lung damage if severe enough>> <<@Anomaly_Code says : Jesus told us to love our enemies as we love ourselves. That's because every human is made in God's image, and we are all guilty of sin and in need of a savior. No, you can't justify torturing people. Consider the situation as if you were the captured enemy. Is it not enough to sit and rot in a small cell with no mental/physical stimulation? How are we any better than our enemies if we submit to cruel and inhumane treatment?>> <<@SalvadorCastillo-n4r says : No, there's no need for Torture!!! And there are no TERRORISTS!!!! They are Brain Washing you>> <<@drumrnva says : It would seem to be a foregone conclusion that Christians would not have a problem with torture. After all, their central story rests on the torture and killing of a human being. What a priceless bunch of ghouls! 😅>> <<@mlauntube says : Frank is wrong because torturing someone is a spiritual act that cause the corruption of your very soul. The ends does not justify the means. Frank makes a false parallel of lying to deceive an enemy. The commandment given to moses was not to give a false witness/testimony. This is about settling justice such as in court or to parents or teachers or even among friends when there is some accusation about someone doing wrong. We don't lie to our friends but surprise parties are not sinful. There is a sophistry in using the term "terrorist" because the term has become a label use on ones enemies. Everyone is a terrorist in war according to the other side. So, you take some prisoner who was forced to join his army or maybe he loves his family and countrymen as much as you do. Just say "no" to torture.>> <<@jesuschristbiblebiblestudy says : Em nome do Pai e do Filho e do Espírito Santo. Amém>> <<@BeachsideHank says : *"Is it Morally OK to indoctrinate children for the claimed Greater Good?"* There, fixed it for ya Frank.>> <<@SupermanJH68 says : Torture can often get people to admit to crimes they Did Not commit, if only to get the torture to stop. So torture is NOT reliable. We do NOT know who’s telling us good information as a result of torture.>>