<<@SanctifiedLady says : He clearly said don’t do it for RIGHTEOUSNESS doing for discipline, obedience, self control is not doing like a ritual, checking off the list of commands morning, noon and night to prove righteous…. Now that’s a lot of effort… almost like witchcraft or spells. This is what he’s warning against It’s putting your DOING as priority instead of BEING like a human BEING, depending on the Holy Spirit guidance and prompting. If the commandments doesn’t come as common sense or natural to me I would go get delivered and pay attention to what spirit(s) are present in me and what they are presenting.>> <<@jillianwilson9166 says : The Spirit of God teaches us to obey God's commands. Not to achieve salvation, but because we love him. We must not fall into the error of lawlessness by twisting Paul's words as Derek seems to do in this sermon. Because we are under grace now, are we allowed to steal? Of course not. But Derek respects the Catholic church, including its tradition which changed the Sabbath to Sunday. Jesus kept the Sabbath.>> <<@godfreyndiriwenyu9315 says : Probably none has so panel beaten my theology, for the better, than my dear teacher, Derek Prince. Here is a man who was a gift to the Church universal. Thank you dear Lord for Derek.>> <<@ChrisXMetal says : Galatians 2:21 King James Version 21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain. Amen!>> <<@AnnoyedCartoonCat-xt9ic says : Kindly understand why Catholics go to Mass. Its a form of worship. The daily reading of God's word, and in worship draws you closer to God. That's why Catholics emphasize the Mass. It is our highest form of worship.>> <<@TimKollat says : I’ve been battling this in my mind for a long time. I know what Paul says about the law, then why did Jesus say something entirely different? He said that as long as the earth and the heavens above it remain, not one letter of the law would be done away with. Why is Paul the only one to ever speak this way about the law? No other of the apostles who walked with Jesus ever said such things. Why does it say in Rev 12:17 that those “offspring of the woman” are those that keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.? When you read Jeremiah and Isaiah and see how important keeping the sabbath day was to God and how disgusted he was by those who eat swine flesh, why would he change his mind on these things? Everywhere in Old Testament keeping the law meant life and light. Why didn’t Jesus say a thing that the law was going away but when asked by someone what must he do to get life, Jesus tells him to keep the law. What is going on here with Paul vs Jesus? All I know is Paul is not the Lord but Jesus is>> <<@willielee5253 says : 👑💙🇮🇱 Genesis 12:3 🇮🇱💙👑 👑✡️Psalms 122:6🙏Pray for the peace of Jerusalem🇮🇱they will prosper that 💙✡️👑>> <<@patrick-vn2hn says : As a born again Christian my struggles are my accepting God the Father's will concerning my life situation and yes until recently I was rebellious from time to time. I repent and go for a time but then repeat the same transgression. Am I going to hell? I've decided to as a catholic to confess my sins and at this point in my life to forsake "all"my sins and begin again and trust in God the father and Jesus and the holy spirit AMEN.😂>> <<@clintbridges7896 says : Thank you for this. I listened to it this morning as a refresher, a visit back to that wonderful day when Jesus found me and set me free. Mr. Prince was such a gift to the Church. Heard him at a seminar back in the late 1970s. Was probably too young in my faith to truly appreciate him. Now, fifty years later, he makes so much sense. And by the kindness and grace of God, we have access to so much of his, Mr. Prince's, understanding and teachings. How great is that? 😊>> <<@AdamSmith-jj5ch says : Thank God for the cross>>