<<@CrossExamined says : Listen to the full podcast here👉📱https://bit.ly/3NP2znd>> <<@macmac1022 says : HMMMM almost like the old christians. At least most of you grew out of that.>> <<@wedadalghaithi7196 says : المضحك انهم مازالوا يعتقدون اننا سنصدق كذبهم الأزلي اللعبه انتهت أيها الإعلام الغبي ههههههه>> <<@عمرلويسي-ن1ز says : cool, now tell us how the isrealis k!11ed 12K kids, or they are just numbers?>> <<@Loomac1970 says : So a few hundred bad men gives u the right to murder more babies? Level the whole country? What hypocrites u are!! Crying about murdered israeli babies and so we all should, but then saying murdered palestinian babies is just par for the course. You guys are foul and evil>> <<@frasergregory3031 says : An atrocity yes… an atrocity after 75 years of war crimes with the American funded Zionist boot on the throat of the indigenous people … you expect them to wave placards … what 6k Israeli dead since 1950 and 160k Palestinian .. I wonder where they learned to be so vicious>> <<@benminSelvs-zc6tt says : Oh wow , did you forget Israel is an apartheid state. Shame on you>> <<@mrarun1889 says : Religious Ideology of pieces 🔪 🗡 Qorraan 9:29 FIGHT against those who (1) believe not in alllâhh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by alllâhh and His Messenger Mohhammad (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Issllâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. Watch Christian Prince expose this destructive religious Ideology on YouTube 🙏🏼 ✝️>> <<@worldpeace8831 says : More than 20000 innocent people mostly children butchered for what? Prophecies are for God to fulfill not humans. Pray for peace>> <<@DignityforEveryon says : Wow, what about the Zionist kahana when they attacked the Palestinian villages in 1947 and before, what do you call that?>> <<@Theo_Skeptomai says : We can learn that horrific atrocities are committed simply because one population believes in a different imaginary god than the other.>> <<@gigimalvassora9682 says : That living under oppression, brings to become a criminal>> <<@TheNonpariel says : LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES. And the idiots will still believe in the lies. Why did Israel know about this attack plan for a year and did nothing? How many Israelis were killed by the IDF that day? Why is the Israeli government refusing to conduct a proper investigation to find out? 42 Israelis victims are sueing their government over Oct 7. The Israeli government killed their own citizen in order to create a pretext for ethnic cleansing.>> <<@denysnuttall1706 says : I don't condone it but i know the raping and burning and beheading babies is simply not true,( do you not think we would have autopsy reports and names all over the media if it was true?), this is lies to fill people with horror and stir up hatred,and actually many Israelis were killed by idf fire>> <<@davidsawaqedy2100 says : No one condons what Hamas did, but as an Arab Christian, Israel is doinng much worse, the majority of zionists are athiests, these are war criminals no matter what and mock, spit on, and persecute christians like they are trash but they manipulate you to take your money and use it against innocent people. Israel caused Hamas to exist. Free Palestine.>> <<@LuisVazquez-hx3bk says : This narrative that Gaza is under control of Israel is false. Gaza has been independent since 2005 when the votet for Hamas to be in control of the land. Hamas is not fighting for Gaza, they are following Muhammad last others of killing all the Jews and all the Christians. There is nothing call Palestine or Palestinian.>> <<@LuisVazquez-hx3bk says : No where in the Qur'an or hadis said that Islam is a religion of peace. Allah "god of the moon" hate people that don't sin. There is a vers that say "Allah will destroy any Muslim that doesn't commit sin and replace them with people that do commit sin so they can ask for his forgiveness".>> <<@TheSibler says : Everyone who kills for their "GOD" is false , pretty easy>> <<@briarpatchson3039 says : MUHAMMAD TOOK ARABIA FROM THE JEWS AND CHRISTIANS ✝️ ☪️Sahih al-Bukhari 2338 Narrated Ibn `Umar: `Umar expelled the Jews and the Christians from Hijaz. When Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) had conquered Khaibar, he wanted to expel the Jews from it as its land became the property of Allah, His Apostle, and the Muslims. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) intended to expel the Jews but they requested him to let them stay there on the condition that they would do the labor and get half of the fruits. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) told them, "We will let you stay on thus condition, as long as we wish." So, they (i.e. Jews) kept on living there until `Umar forced them to go towards Taima' and Ariha'.>> <<@jackalsgate1146 says : Frank - What can Americans learn from Hamas.? Response - The Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam, Chrstnty) are the vilest religions on this planet. 1) Islam: my religion is better than your religion. 2) Israel: my religion is better than your religion. 3) Chrstnty: my religion is better than your religion. Thousands of innocent people receive the brunt because of your petty feuding. Grow Up.>> <<@dannysutherland4911 says : It’s staggering how Hamas has managed to do what they’ve done and still convince many here in the West that Israel is committing genocide, as two young, naive and outspoken liberals in my family has insisted.>> <<@247tx3 says : I wish the democrats would realize what they are supporting>> <<@jpsundharam5924 says : You got it wrong. It came from the religion of piece!>> <<@user-br3ou2cs9o says : Between February 13th & March 11th 2024 will be 3½ years (42 months) from the signing of the Abraham Accords.>> <<@chloemartel9927 says : Hamas and the Israelis need Jesus. Their hatred for each other goes back to Ishmael and Isaac. The grudges never end, and the fighting never ends.>> <<@The-F.R.E.E.-J. says : Calling Evil Evil isn't going to win you any popularity contests, Frank>> <<@DaveSorenson says : Allah is the devil. Jesus is Lord>> <<@mayhemkennelsarklacombinek4021 says : DEFINITELY EVIL 🤦🏿‍♂️🇮🇱🇺🇸🕎>> <<@j7odnorof777 says : Indeed, if a Muslim isn't committing j-had... they're lukewarm Muslims... the opportunity to talk about Jesus is there. Continue to pray and boldly share the gospel with love and respect for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name. Amen 🕊>> <<@jongrier5093 says : Who the f*** said Islam was a religion of peace? Words more wrong have never been spoken.>> <<@Gek1177 says : That religious extremism, bjgotry and lack of education can lead to people committing atrocities against one another.>> <<@jeffphelps1355 says : Only Jesus can bring peace to that area .>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : It's fascinating that no matter how many times Islam shows its true colors, the world still focuses its attacks on Christianity.>> <<@larzman651 says : We already knew they were terr@rists thanks for the update. 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved>> <<@gi169 says : The Six Miracles of Atheism 😂😅🤣🤣😅😂😂😅🤣 1.) Existence comes from non existence. 2.) Order comes from chaos. 3.) Life comes from non-life. 4.) The personal comes from the non-persinal. 5.) Reason comes from non-reason. 6.) Morality comes from matter.>> <<@marca.8081 says : This is what "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free" really means. Arab Palestinians have no problem with genocide, providing that the victims are Israelis. They started a war but now they are complaining about the consequences as if they had been attacked first.>> <<@Blue-jy4sq says : Imagine if Israel actually sent people to defend the wall or stop Hamas instead of stepping back for so long. A lot less civilians would have died. They had a major heads up that it would happen and removed forces from the area instead of defending. I side with the innocent civilians of Israel and Gaza who are dying needlessly because nobody seems to care enough about them.>> <<@Buck_Fiden658 says : Palestinian=Hamas Hamas=evil 😢>> <<@mcw-lg2dm says : Crazy how that "peaceful" religion is always at the center of some crazy conflict. Must mean that the rest of the world is the problem>> <<@tomg3285 says : The IDF are like weak man>>