<<@don-ek3ud says : Our spirit is the intellect of our souls and we warship in spirt and in truth>> <<@buncey2536 says : There is no evidence that Jesus existed as a man on this earth. That's because the bible is Allergorical NOT literal. It refers to a process within you,>> <<@revjblaine says : It's not about motivation, it's about choosing to be intellectually lazy and believing something without verification. Christian mythology is built on such laziness.>> <<@ricksmobileservice8246 says : Every single person is motivated by their perception. Perception of reality! Genesis 3:1-6 John 14:15>> <<@storytime6263 says : Jesus never came and said believe me because I said so, He PROVED He was the savior and people still doubted, if you look at it in the core its about fear imo. Maybe a fear of being fooled like so many times before. It can happen so much you become jaded and thats why God is good He is above all else Love and Compassion and Understanding and lomg suffering. God can and will out wait you for your love.>> <<@amark350 says : Modern day, Catholic miracles… Nothing like it>> <<@isakrynell8771 says : If you can’t show it then you don’t know it.>> <<@StripedWhite211 says : Answer: anything that can solidly prove god exists and jesus performed miracles. Literally anything that can solidly prove that to everyone in the world. That’s it balls in your court>> <<@odraciskatube7725 says : so in short no evidence and only eyewitnesses, worst kind of evidence. ok i know something to make him real for me like good ol mr trump once said: show me the virgin birth certificate.>> <<@roastedvegetables3737 says : Here's a question for Frank how can we get the Christians to stop fighting each other over Protestants orthodox Catholic Etc?>> <<@dinogerc318 says : Lately, I started going to the Church and read actual prayers and my knees are collapsing, like Satan is telling me to quit and sit down or leave. Im a Greek Eastern Orthodox Christian and we stand during the pray or kneel. I keep reading through the pain in my knees. Until it goes away I will be doing it. If there is a Satan there is 1000000% God Jesus Christ 🙏>> <<@MrAuskiwi101 says : An honest person will admit there is no evidence that bible jesus even existed. Experience of Jesus? is the experience of delusions.>> <<@JohnSmith-zo6ir says : Jesus is definitely not a feeling or a hyped up experience. The only way to have a relationship with God is through his holy word. Without the Word there is no God.>> <<@ReasonsForOurFaithMinistries says : The rejection of hearing and acknowledgment of the truth will separate many people from all the Good of God>> <<@stephaniezank7717 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣considering there is no evidence of Jesus, there can’t be any experience associated with him either.>> <<@philipenneper9148 says : He comes to us all in different ways. Jesus is king! ❤>> <<@SingleMaltBuckeye says : He still loves us despite our doubts. Look at Thomas and Peter. They literally walked and talked with Our Savior and they still doubted at times. We must be Born Again and know we are mere shells and our Spirit belongs to God. Its okay. Take joy in todays troubles. For it only furthers how perfect God is and His neverending glorification of His Son.>> <<@richardcrow3042 says : I believe Cesare Borgia died in spain not on a cross there is evidence.>> <<@Ferocious_Cat says : Prophecy is occur. That is enough for me.>> <<@michaelcrawford3796 says : Knowing and showing is two things you should be familiar with you think you know and can't show ?>> <<@cs77smith67 says : I would need to see some evidence that Jesus is real so the question is where is it? 😊>> <<@ismahelolabiyi725 says : to answer the last question: I’d need someone to explain the trinity to me in a way that makes sense, is logical, consistent and not contradictory I do have a whole lot of questions about Christianity but this is like the backbone of all other questions>> <<@Jacob-kn5tu says : Thank you, Frank, and your team for your help in bringing truth to us in a format that helps us understand. Jesus is king.>> <<@elleondejuda4681 says : I’m going to testify why I believe in Jesus. I grew up, knowing about Jesus believe in him, and had a bit of religion in me. I knew somehow that guy was real never doubt it, but then I grew up to the age of 17 and then started to get kind of tough in my life. At least I started to feel the burden of emptiness and loneliness. For some reason I don’t know why it wasn’t doing drugs or anything bad and then I was invited to a Christian church. Somehow God allowed that to happen and there I heard many testimonies of Christian Brothers that told us about the real presence of Jesus in your life a real relation with him not just basin, reading the Bible, knowing the Bible, which is great and we all should and I still try to do that every day, but the way Christianity started it was, with a relationship in the Holy Spirit, or with the Holy Spirit, millions of Christians, know this real experience through the Holy Spirit with God, and have experience the same the same experience that 120 experience when the Holy Spirit descended upon in the day of Pentecost, they speak in tongues. They sell the presence of God in a very unique way, and you can continue reading the book of acts, and you can continue reading through the whole New Testament about this church that had a real relationship with the Lord through the Holy Spirit and that’s what I experience. That’s how I came to know the Lord is more than just reading the Bible, because when I was starting in my yearning to discover this truth, I had a customer who was addicted to drugs and alcohol in a very, very bad way. I invited him with my brother to church, and in those days we were asked to go to a retreat, and we didn’t know this was real. We just were trying to experience if it was real or not but then God did something amazing on him in one he felt the Holy Spirit and he was set free in there in that moment he was set free from addictions of serious drugs and addiction to alcoholism. Like really bad. This man would’ve been dead in the same year probably because he was already like really really sick, but God did something amazing in him when I saw him receiving that experience like two seats away from me I knew you know these guys less believer than I know he’s believing in the same experience that this crazy people believe in because I used to think that the Christians were crazy because of the way they used to speak to me about the Holy Spirit about the law and when I saw this man believing in testifying to me, this is real and I saw it. He was free he he he was a new person. He changed his life through the power of God through the power of Holy Spirit and that’s when I said, you know what this is real this is real I just witness a big miracle, and I’m going to embrace it too and then I say continue walking with the Lord. I started to have my own personal experiences with the Holy Spirit with the Lord and my life has been a experience in the Lord in good and bad times. The Lord is really in my life. Yes, I read his word. Yes, I praise the Lord. I do pretty much anything that a normal Christian would do, but I do believe in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, because I have it and I know millions and thousands of people have it is for everyone to believes in the Lord is for everyone that is probably where I was. You know, I was doubting that this was real skeptic, but I kept going, and God started to work in my life and God started to give me this personal experiences that were real and powerful and those are the kind of things that that true the power of the Holy Spirit, your faith grow stronger and stronger every day, and you become your own witness just like the Lord said in the testament to the Israelites you are my witness. They were degeneration that people that saw his power and glory. You are my witness not because they read about it is because they saw the wonders of the Lord when you see the wonders of the Lord people getting heal when you pray for them, the Holy Spirit using you to pray for someone they get heal from cancer, gay people get free from from this kind of life that’s when you say God is real and you see it because God would use you I have seen this great miracles and I know I’m not the only one that millions thousands of people that are seeing miracles every day Raul leaving miracles and if you are skeptic it’s time for you to start asking God in Prayer but yes, we live a day by day. Faith thing is not perfect or so-so. Sometimes it’s not easy to leave life in the Lord God will help you will lift you up and I hope you’re blessed with my testimony. I’m trying to bless someone may the Lord bless you help you bless you help you.>> <<@nomad57-u3x says : if Jesus wasn't real and who he said he was why did the san hedrin -pharisees and the roman legion crucify him...when they could have simply killed him...fulfilling the biblical prophecy in the order it said it would happen...the evidence is self evident to anyone who looks for the answers...>> <<@jackcolton6476 says : You need someone to bring to you the right salvation message,to start with. Which is not taught in most religious beliefs today. 2 Corinthians 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: The one and only Salvation message is Acts 2:38. Anything else is incomplete. This is the real Born Again message. Birth of water and Spirit. John 3:3-8>> <<@marthangafor6414 says : Evidence is great but NOTHING beats experience!>> <<@built4speed101 says : John 14:26>> <<@Yaaqov-yk9gt says : You shouldn’t trust Expirience in personal life because your experience can be propagated by the enemy/demons. There’s an old quote that goes I forgot who it’s from but he was a theological from 1700s “ if experience match with scripture they’re of no use…. Because you have scripture already, but if they don’t match with scripture they’re also of no use”. Scripture is what we base doctrine off of, evidence is what we base our faith off of, not oh I had this dream once, or God showed me a vision of hell etc. because demons can propagate that stuff very easily, Satan can come as an Angel of light according to 2 cor 11:14. Also do you ever notice how those “oh I spent 20 mins on hell” videos are always unbiblical views of hell, they’re trapped in dungeons or Satan is running hell or demons are bashing them etc. biblically all hell is is a lake of fire where people burn, that’s it. Don’t trust personal expirience, if you have personal experience and it matches with scripture for example “oh I prayed to Christ for a revelation and I had a dream where he told me the pre tribulation all view of the rapture is true so I believe it now” like that’s cool bro but you already have scripture for that, I don’t think God would’ve gone out of his way to give you a dream about that when he could’ve shown you in his word. Remember Scripture is authority not experiences .>> <<@mattslater2603 says : Christians... We have someone here who is claiming it is a SIN to engage in debate. Are they correct?>> <<@mattslater2603 says : We dont actually know "We dont need evidence to know that its true" Is simply a statement a person with no functioning epistemology would make. You only know what you can show.>> <<@questioneveryclaim1159 says : Knowing without showing is a poor methodology to determine the truth of reality. This is true regardless of one's belief. If a human knows it within their heart they are a cat does that make them a cat?>> <<@jamesw4250 says : You don't. As there isn't any evidence to support the biblical jesus. And eye witness testimony is the least reliable form of evidence and by itself its worthless.>> <<@kennethdoughty644 says : Changed Lives.>> <<@DruPetty42 says : Frank is spot on!>> <<@unc1589 says : NO. NO EVIDENCE OUTSIDE OF WHAT IS WRITTEN. You either believe or you don’t. God is not a golden retriever that does backflips on demand. What would prove it for you? Personal visitation? Those are extremely rare and done for a purpose. Not so God can satisfy you with a magic trick. You’ll never find God through “evidence!” The just shall live by faith.>> <<@samulmagnus1 says : Bottom line it's a personal relationship with Him. Evidence can only go so far and there are plenty of things we will not understand. At some point you have to say, " Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?">> <<@SushiCoding says : On AskCliffe, he talked about a group of people he was discussing their objections to evidence about God and it was late at night and he said to them, "if it is really these reasons you dont believe then i will spend the rest of the night discussing them with you or is it just that you dont want there to be a God so you can do whatever you want?" And they all admitted they just didn't want there to be a God so they could have their own way.>> <<@jrskp3677 says : When asked a decent question, Frank's response is not ; An honest conversation with a sufficient amount of good credible evidence that supports anything about the answer. Its just excuses being puked forth in a way that makes those who already believe "feel like" they got "something" without anything being done in reality and truth. And i find it deeply sad that this was what they were wanting to begin with over verified evidence that would give good reason to believe. Damnit its sad.>> <<@jarlsigurdstorvann9885 says : we have many things that dives into the existence of Jesus. we have science studying things. we have theology, arhceology, history, we have testimonies. there are all kinds of thins we could dive into and study to confirm this faith>> <<@ayamayamblackwhite3190 says : You have to be delusional & gullible enough to believe religious books as real . Yes there are some parts that are real except most of what's written are bigtime Bullsh1t. It's laughable to the wise Useful for politicians & charlatans like Frank It's opium for the fool .>> <<@Nevaeh1568 says : Faith Hope and Believe is real.>> <<@arnabdeb3517 says : Black Virat Kohli 😮>> <<@keibro13 says : He should be asking why people consider Jesus is a saviour. What does he save? How does he save? It sounds like hyperbole to me.>> <<@markwillhite9200 says : If those who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14. One cannot treat the bible like it's a buffet and know God.>> <<@nimagougol8781 says : Bible of Barnabas is carbon dated 1500 to 2000 years ago. What’s in your mind???!!>> <<@toomanyhobbies2011 says : Please stop the background "music", or at least lower the volume significantly.>> <<@naryamie says : Best decision i have ever made! Experience is the only way to see! 🥰 TASTE AND SEE THAT THE LORD IS GOOD! JESUS IS LORD!>> <<@c3ncor3dplaylists74 says : Everything starts with a question. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will be open. Notice the verse began with, how much do you want to know? Keep seeking... And when you come to what seems to be a dead end. Pray, and He will answer. Amen. Check out my playlist. The evidence for Christ is everywhere.>> <<@somerandom3247 says : I would need to see some evidence of this happening. Not just the claims of a book filled with other clearly fictional stories.>>