<<@toddhefer-en3kh says : Praise God. God Bless in Jesus Christ Name Amen.>> <<@BeachsideHank says : No Frank, that's not how the whole thing began; it began when someone you trusted lied to you about religion.>> <<@voodoochild5440 says : Obviously not through facts>> <<@braggfamily1123 says : Praise God that Frank has taken the steps in obedience he has & went on to encourage so many of us in the Faith!>> <<@Locust13 says : "I got fooled by some ridiculous and irrational fallacious arguments">> <<@sbanks4421 says : Fairytales!>> <<@shamrackle3712 says : Like a good apologist, Frank makes ref to Steph Curry! šŸ˜… BTW, just got the updated Evidence That Demands a Verdict. šŸ˜‰>> <<@kilbyish says : Cant argue with Frank. Shame.>> <<@MrJerry160 says : Appologetics convert here. Keep up the good work!>> <<@mpr4christ1980 says : I'm always encouraged by listening to how people came to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Including you, Mr. Turek! So happy for you ā˜ŗļø>> <<@sesamesprinkles says : Frankā€™s in charlotte??? Same here!!>> <<@EddieM1994 says : So he's a gullible fool.>> <<@MB-NC1967 says : Amen! NC>> <<@somerandom3247 says : He saw how much money he could make selling books to gullible fools, so he learned from some of the best snake oil salesmen around at the time.>> <<@keithstump1712 says : Yawn. Who cares??>> <<@christophermorris1300 says : I'm not sure why they call it apologetics. For 36 years living in Central Florida studying the Scriptures, I have never heard that word in conjuction with Christianity, but after moving back to Northeast Ohio where I was born and raised, I hear it spoken periodically. It doesn't matter what definition the Baptist's or whatever religious group pasted on it, I will never use the word "apologetics" when ministering the Gospel. Apologetics a.k.a. apologize. I will apologize for nothing. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.>> <<@ntkmw8058 says : Hey here is the true gospel of grace that the Lord brought First the bad news. hell is real, and SADLY no one deserves not to go there. Sin to you might not seem so bad, but in Godā€™s clear sight itā€™s abhorrent. So just committing 1 sin is deserving of hell. And itā€™s no secret that everyone has committed sin. When we have a guilty conscience, that bears witness to the fact we have sinned. BUT God didnā€™t make us just to send us to hell. He wanted to us to experience love and and the whole range with him. But sin is a barrier. So to get rid of that barrier, he sent his Son Jesus Christ to live the *perfect life* 1 we couldnā€™t and *pay for all of our sins* 2 And then Jesus Christ rose from death to *justify* 3 us in Godā€™s sight. Keep in mind the words that were starred and numbered If we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (even if itā€™s just for a split second of our life), we are saved from hell. Because to believe in something means to have the entire substance of that thing, imputed or given to you. Stocks or shares are a great example of this. And you will never lose your salvation no matter what, according to the Lordā€™s promise (john 6:37, john 6:39, john 10:28 KJV) You are saved by believing on Jesus Christ because those *starred things* that I just mentioned, are all imputed to you. Plus much more than that. So hereā€™s this prayer: ā€œLord Jesus Christ. I am a sinner deserving of hell. So I trust on you alone to save me from hell because you are savior. I believe you died for all of my sins, past, present, and future. And I believe you rose again for my justification.ā€ Amen>> <<@herrtrigger3299 says : A better question is "Have you been born again?">> <<@pb5640 says : All religions are superstitious nonsense. Grow up, learn to think critically. Kids watching ā€¦ stay in school, study science and shun people that try to indoctrinate you so you donā€™t end up like these adult religitards.>> <<@KDKDAN says : Thank you for your naval service and thank you for your apologetics. In the short time Iā€™ve been watching, youā€™ve given me such good perspective and talking points. God bless you and Cross Examined.>> <<@Moist._Robot says : Most Christian testimonies are imaginary. Itā€™s part of the self delusion process to make out you used to be a wicked person before you got saved.>> <<@nikokapanen82 says : Maybe this testimony is too short to see the whole picture but it sounded like he became an intellectual Christian through apologetics, yet there is nothing said about his personal encounter with Christ and the change of life.>> <<@jenna2431 says : An apologist is someone that would be in a call center selling time shares if there wasn't a religion to hustle instead.>> <<@samsam-nx8gq says : Jesus is God. Amen.>> <<@savedbymylovegodthelordjes8394 says : praise the only true living LORD and GOD bless you all glory be to the HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen šŸ’–āœļøāœļøāœļø>> <<@user-br3ou2cs9o says : Happy New YearšŸŽŠ God Bless You and Your Family Dr. Turek. AmenāœļøšŸ•Šļø>> <<@jamesw4250 says : So you accepted people lying to you about science and reality? No wonder you have it all wrong franky boy.>> <<@Brandon.Germany says : Please debate James White>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : He's not giving the full story...>> <<@ajgibson1307 says : God bless>> <<@Bazakilouis says : Yes and now get born again. Frank has wonderful knowledge, great teacher, but reminds me of nicodemus. All the wisdom and knowledge is wonderful but you must become born again.>> <<@MarkJones-fw3mo says : Couldn't be the millions of dollars you've made.>> <<@ricksonora6656 says : Who is Steph Curry?>> <<@larzman651 says : Thank you for sharing your testimony 9Ā That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10Ā For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11Ā For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12Ā For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13Ā For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved>> <<@jg122487 says : So dope! All Glory to God you're here and walking in your annoiting.>> <<@victorwest8041 says : Frank also said that he would kill his son if God told him to do it, he's totally brainwashed thru Bible nonsense.>> <<@TonyTooTuff says : Good question. Glad he asked.>> <<@RyanMann-jo7im says : Form a line to get swindled out of your money.>> <<@gi169 says : Thank you CE>> <<@Gek1177 says : Frank isn't being honest. Frank was raised Chrstian and that's why he is Chrstian. Frank became an evangelical fundamentalist because of his chance meeting in the navy. I wonder why Frank never seems to answer questions honestly.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : A good topic would be describing what a Christian is by the Biblical definition. Many seem confused about this. Especially those who say they used to be one.>>