<<@GodleyFrench says : Life has been hard and my family exploded twice before I was 12 years of age. I've been an alcoholic, drug user, biker and hippy from an early age. I stopped drinking at 17 but used Canibus until my 50s. I meet Jesus a number of years ago but in hin sight and through revelation know Christ knew me and called me out by name even before I'd ever heard of Him. The Lord has been using me now for about 6 years, since I got sick, and has put me on the street, homeless and destitute yet gave me the gift of music to help with money. I'm surrounded by beggars who do nothing but drink, take drugs and use anyone to get what they want, then move on when used up those around them. I feel my Lord wants me to serve Him reaching those prodigals who have known Him yet allowed the cares of the world entangle them, loosing sight of Christ and suffocating in this world. God says to love one another and I find it hard to know who it is I'm suppose to love; the bums who have no use for God, and never stop using others or to love those who God has called and respond to his spirit. I believe those who have no use for God are a distraction from those whom God is calling by name back to His grace. Therefore even though I want to be apart of God's revival I didn't pray the pray you prayed I have little to know love for those who have no use for God. These people only serve to distract from God's plan. My love and efforts go to those who are lost and searching for God's hope and grace. Say what you want but I believe the enemy is doing his best to distract God's workers from the real goal; seperating the sheep from the goats.>> <<@dvdpach9124 says : I’m on the verge of a great break through and I just got fired from my job! It’s a demonic attack against me and during this incredibly tough time I can discern that the Lord is here with me. I’m praying for His guidance 🙏>> <<@Ruth_1_16 says : Absolutely love hearing these adventures of Pastor Derek. Thank you Father God for everything!! Thank you Jesus and thank you Holy Spirit>> <<@revivalfortanzania2459 says : Always love to hear from the greatest Bible teacher.>> <<@NormaCzeremcha-hl5rh says : Ive learned alot from Derek Prince teachings❤>> <<@ChrisXMetal says : Amen! Jesus Hallelujah!>> <<@ChildofGod98765 says : Give me strength this New Year. Heavenly Father, I come to you today asking for your blessings as a single mom. I’m raising my children with strength and courage, despite the challenges I face with my sons being autistic. Lord as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own heal my lupus and heart disease and continue to give me strength to keep going so I may watch my sons grow into men. ❤>> <<@michaelstrauss6587 says : Amen. Thank You Loving Father for leading us, teaching us, shaping us, even through hardship. Be magnified, be glorified, be exalted Lord Jesus in us Your servants. Amen.>> <<@jochebedmukanda5171 says : Lovely message and great miracles>> <<@SiegelBantuBear says : 🤲🏼🙏🏼>> <<@aubriellemorgan says : Beautiful message ❤😊>> <<@leosolis5846 says : Shabbat Shalom🎉>>