<<@crazyangel78 says : >> <<@anonanon9385 says : Grace is unmerited unearned or undeserved favour. In short a good will blessing bestowed upon another. Grace is the ultimate expression of Gods unconditional love. The reason why people can't earn deserve or work for the concept of grace. Is it would imply that God owes the person. That God is in debt to the person. That God is obligated to the person. That God is liable to the person. Therefore everything is freely given by grace to simply meet our needs. Salvation healing deliverance and provision. But just to be clear once a person is born again. It means they have been made right with God. However some believers may suggest. That other believers try to earn there Salvation Which is not possible after you've been born again. Because we can't earn or work for something. Thats already been given to us. Once you've been made right with God. How will you be able to earn or work To be made right with God a 2nd time. When you're already been made right with God. The 1st time. Thata just not possible.>> <<@shivadizayin says : It’s a way of life. It’s a longing to know Christ. It’s the desire to walk with Him, as we walk His path. It’s the surrender of our selves to Him. It’s the total faith and longing to know Him.>> <<@favour1383 says : AMEN AMEN AMEN ALLELUIA GLORY TO GOD POINT, SIR. THANKS FOR SHARING THE WORD OF THE LORD. ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉>> <<@taiphan7225 says : Amen>> <<@P-CROZIER says : Praising Him Always, Thank You Lord Jesus for Sending Derek Prince to Us and his Teaching, Thank You 🙏🏽>> <<@JenniferHart-h2h says : AMEN in JESUS CHRIST'S GREAT and MIGHTY Nuclear NAME NAME ABOVE All other NAMES in WHOM all Creation is immediately and permanently subject to HIM it is WRITTEN it is FINISHED Hallelujah SELAH>> <<@marylongoria9431 says : Thank you Jesus for Your grace!❤>> <<@speleoth says : But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. —Romans 5:15>> <<@Jgehes says : Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ>> <<@zachreyhelmberger894 says : Here is one of my favorite passages from Jesus my Lord, my Savior and my Teacher. He teaches me The Way, The Truth and The Life (John 14:15-26): "15IF YOU LOVE ME, YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS. 16And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another ADVOCATE to be with you forever— 17THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH. The world cannot receive Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you do know Him, for He abides with you and will be in you. 18I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19In a little while the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live. 20 On that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you. 21WHOEVER HAS MY COMMANDMENTS AND KEEPS THEM IS THE ONE WHO LOVES ME. THE ONE WHO LOVES ME WILL BE LOVED BY MY FATHER, AND I WILL LOVE HIM AND REVEAL MYSELF TO HIM.” 22Judas (not Iscariot) asked Him, “Lord, why are You going to reveal Yourself to us and not to the world?” 23Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, HE WILL KEEP MY WORD. MY FATHER WILL LOVE HIM, AND WE WILL COME TO HIM AND MAKE OUR HOME WITH HIM. 24WHOEVER DOES NOT LOVE ME DOES NOT KEEP MY WORDS. THE WORD THAT YOU HEAR IS ***NOT MY OWN***, BUT IT IS FROM THE FATHER WHO SENT ME. 25All this I have spoken to you while I am still with you. 26But the ADVOCATE, the HOLY SPIRIT, whom the Father will send in My name, will TEACH YOU ALL THINGS AND WILL REMIND YOU OF EVERYTHING I HAVE TOLD YOU." I love my Lord and I love the Father, YHVH, and I want to love Him and honor Him by learning of His, Divine, "NOT of this world", Ways and walking in them in love and gratitude for His uniquely begotten faithful and true Teacher, Messiah Jesus. Jesus is "not of the world" and the true disciples of Jesus are also "not of the world" (John 8:23-24, 17:14-26, 15:19, 1John 4:4-8).>> <<@1NOIAM says : Thank You God for Your Grace and Favour.🙌>> <<@adamsanchez222 says : Amen, the work that God requires of us, is to believe in the One He has sent. Then they asked Jesus, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” -John 6: 28-29>> <<@RC-dj7ec says : Thankyou Jesus for the free gift of salvation ❤🕊>> <<@christ-Revealed says : That is not what james says but yea. nobody keeps the whole american constitution, as pedestrians dont keep speeding laws yet when convicted of stealing, is convicted of the same law. you gerrit and JESUS didnt keep the whole laws as per doing them, its impossible to do the whole laws, he coudnt keep the menstrual laws, laws for priests hebrews 8;4, he couldnt keep the laws for judges, he couldnt keep the laws for having only daughters because he didnt have daughters or sons.The notion that if you keep the laws you must keep all is dumb.>> <<@AshwinThomasM says : Eye opening>> <<@stevent8314 says : Derek is such a great teacher! So glad that the Lord gave him to the worldwide Church. Most people who stray off into the ditches of license or legalism lack an understanding of the magnificence & multifaceted aspects of Salvation. Salvation encompasses all of the various acts, declarations, reckonings, and transformational processes of The Love Redemptive plan of God towards humankind. In one sense, we cannot comprehend Salvation at all. It’s too big for us to fully understand. In another sense, the Plan of Salvation is so simple that we cannot miss it. Being triune beings as God is, salvation works in all 3 areas of our existence. For we are made in His Image! SPIRIT At the New Birth (Spiritual Birth, Regeneration) one’s spirit is “born again”. We can boldly say, “I have been saved!” Our spirit which was dead to God is made Alive in Christ. We have a genuine connection to the Most High. We are recreated as a new creature in Christ. At this time God declares & counts us as Righteous. We have been Justified - counted as innocent. BODY At the Resurrection the saint’s body will be saved. John says that we will have a (new) body just like Christ’s glorious Resurrected body. Think of all that Jesus did after the Resurrection! We will have similar perfect bodies! Superman has got nothing on us! That cartoon character would wish that he had our glorified bodies. In a future sense, “I will be saved!” O death, where is thy sting? SOUL Our soul is the part of our being that is getting saved during our Christian life on earth. Your soul is your personality. It includes your mind, will & emotions. It is fallen. After the new birth, it must be trained in order to become Christlike. There is a process of Sanctification that ALL genuine believers will experience in this life. This transformational process is sometimes hard, sometimes joyous and sometimes painful. The Holy Spirit is immanent in our lives as we go thru this. The goal is to transform as into the Image of Christ, the perfect Son of Man. We make the process more joyous as we cooperate with God in obedience. When we stray, God will punish us indeed. Choices have consequences. We can declare “ I am being saved!” CONCLUSION Sincerely earnest people may disagree on the following answer: Can one loose his salvation? I don’t think so. But one may forsake the relationship between himself & God. And choices have consequences. The consequences of willful sin are horrendous & eternal. They will affect you & others. I think that one may forsake the gift of salvation if he intentionally walks away from relationship with God. If he genuinely and mindfully renounces the love/faith relationship with/thru Christ, he becomes lost again. According to Hebrews his situation is worse than it was before, because that person has become eternally lost with no hope of being re-saved. Truly sad. And very rare. But real potential for devastation. One cannot be saved, lost, saved, lost, saved, lost, etc. That is foolishness. It is a works-based understanding of Grace. Which is No understanding of Grace at all!>> <<@MarshaDawn20 says : My first Christian experience was involved with a church, 25 yrs ago, that was so Pharisaical that going to meet with those types of people became complete drudgery. I can identify with this "keeping with the law" garbage...Derek had it right though!>> <<@ladennayoung2939 says : AMEN. EXACTLY.>> <<@cleonecarter-smith2909 says : thank you Jesus for your grace. Shalom>> <<@1Hopeinhim says : I know a Christian who lives by many rules. Jesus came to abolish the law. ✝️>> <<@alexanderpadillas4323 says : Praise God For Jesus!!!>> <<@brieftaube2023 says : On Point ✝️🙏❤️>> <<@gregercarter1 says : Precious words of Abba spoken through His vessel Derek - still active! Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! ❤>> <<@Babu-hu7to says : In Luke 15 of the Prodigal Son, when a father welcomed his lost prodigal son with an opened arm, that is mercy. When he host a welcoming feast for him, that is grace. An extra of love and forgiveness.>> <<@Qedoshim says : But Jesus said in Matthew if you love me then follow my commandments,,,but no one can keep it?>> <<@ChildofGod98765 says : Lord only you know the burdens I face give me strength to get through this Christmas. I am a single mom and it can be hard to have everything on your shoulders and receive very little support. Both of my sons are autistic they require so much from me. God help me because I’m struggling to provide for them. I keep faith even as I struggle to pay rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries. I’m fearful of losing my home. My health is also fading due to heart disease and lupus. Please help me Jesus. Please help me to find strength when I am weak, hope when I am struggling, and peace in the midst of chaos. 😢>> <<@Azriela. says : 1 John 5:3📖🎺📖🎺📖🎺📖 “For this is the love of El.., that we keep His commandments: and His commandments are not grievous.”>> <<@arsenbayaslian2436 says : Amen and Amen Hallelujah ❤>> <<@JackieOrr1985 says : When sharing this part of the gospel with others how do we relay that it does not mean it’s ok to go on doing the things that are an abomination to Our Father in heaven?>>