<<@stevesawyer6377 says : To try to explain that science is the only place for answers is blind when you consider the things that were once touted as fact, have been disproved>> <<@nb7524 says : Thank you, commenting for the algorithm.>> <<@starlightpancake says : My first day of freshman biology class. My teacher wrote this on the board: GOD _________ Science>> <<@recordstra8 says : What I have plainly realized on these “ enigmatic questions “ is that , if neither participants or groups enter the debate/discussion without honesty ( meaning being able to accept where they are clearly wrong or inept, not having the answer and agreeing to the other better arguments; being transparent in a lucid way) there will always be a separation and wars and bombs and divisions.>> <<@wulphstein says : Of atheist scientists are so smart why can't you figure out the ontology of spacetime?>> <<@dnisey64 says : Thank you>> <<@binhanh296 says : It's funny to see that many scientists back there believed in God, they just wanted to know how the world created by God works. Atheists came along, made up the idea that human created gods to fit their lack of knowledge about the science of the world, but when they were asked the question "How did the universe start?" or "How did life began?", none of them was able to succeed in coming up with the answer with solid proofs to back up their answer, proofs that can't be deny by any test. It was them who came up with the word "god of the gap", but they have yet to fill that gap with actual knowledge, all they were able to give are unproven theories and weird concepts.>> <<@midimusicforever says : It's God!>> <<@sergiozenon5055 says : Where scientists fall short is when they try to explain origin. Part of science is observation. No one was there in this universe to observe when it came into existence. They claim that in time they can figure it out. According to the second law of thermal dynamics (entropy) the universe will cease to exist before, if it were be possible, to get their answer. It would take an eternity. Clock's ticking and time is running out. The God that they dismiss has already written the beginning and the end of the universe in a book they love to mock. If they look around the evidence is impirical that the Bible is and always will be the absolute truth. Observe the point in time we're in that was foretold millenia before they and their scientific forefathers were born.>> <<@nadams8863 says : Amen✝️🙏❤️>> <<@dianawise203 says : Yes all things will be revealed over time. The answers will come thru science. God will give the scientists the answer as He feels they are able to understand these answers. My faith is in our Lord Jesus. He knows all and will reveal to His children as we truly need the answers. That’s why most of science is called scientific discovery. The discovery of what God has created will come when the Holy Spirit touches the mind of the scientist. Science in itself has no right to say they have developed anything. That accolade belongs to God alone.>> <<@christdiedforoursins1467 says : Thank you , in watching the war in Gaza science can tell us how planes fly how things might explode and that bullets can kill people for XY or z reasons but I cannot tell us if war is bad ,or killing or not only about love but hate ,it cannot explain the "why" or " why not" , most of the reasons for the war are ,ideological ,territorial ,political,religious , to do with "rights " . science cannot explain any of it except the cause and effect of weaponry.a few people in YouTube have blamed the" flying spaghetti monster" on news comments.That doesn't help either.>> <<@kellywicker8985 says : Science is an interpretation of how everything came into existence which is not accurate. God put everything into place and scientists try to explain it away. Which is a shame because they can compliment each other not fight. Questions are answered by God not science. Science poses questions THAT can't be answered apart from God: When did everything come into existence? Why are Humans here? How could ALL of this come into existence... Days? Millions of years? Where in history are located in the universe?>> <<@new_comment says : Would be so incredible to have a father son ministry with my sons.>> <<@hunterhestekin7420 says : It's hard to believe that the laws of physics just blindly created itself and all of the complexity that we see. What do other people think about the origin of everything? Energy just appeared with no cause??>>