<<@Empit78 says : >> <<@hubertdeyette5070 says : This is so good to remember. We must get rid of these spirits.>> <<@josephsnisky1851 says : Sir, is it possible that demons, unclean spirits can produce terrible odors along with the strong feeling of dread. For some reason I cannot get an answer to that.>> <<@PETER-rj4he says : God is love,in love their is No condemnation 😊>> <<@anthonylee5982 says : Angels are angels, good ones, and wicked ones... Demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilem giants... When they died, their spirits had nowhere to go. They were never meant to exist. When they died, their spirits had nowhere to go. They are bound to earth until the judgment... Nephilem giants are the product of wicked angels and human women... In death, they became demons or wicked spirits...🙏✝️>> <<@kristaking1 says : The Bible was written in Greek and Hebrew. It was TRANSLATED into English, as English did not exist until thousands of years later. The King James Version (KJV) is the closest to the original book composed at the Council of Nicaea in Constantinople when all the scrolls were gathered by Emperor Constantine to create what is now known as the bible......So this teaching by Derek Prince is INCORRECT, when he challenges a Greek scholar that "there is nothing in Original Greek to justify the word possessed". The bible is perfect and the scriptures can not be broken (John 10:35). So the word Possessed is found in many passages in the bible but look at Mark 5:15-16; The word Possessed is Greek G1139 - δαιμονίζομαι, daimonizomai MEANING: to be exercised by a daemon: - have a (be vexed with, be possessed with) devil (-s). The root of the word is G1142 δαίμων, daimōn MEANING: a demon or super natural spirit (of a bad nature): - devil. SO the meaning is literally to be possessed by a demon(s) or the devil. If more people read their bible and engaged in scripture studies instead of allowing a person preach to you without checking every spirit as the bible commands us to do, then more people would see the errors in teaching in the past and especially now days. If you go around believing that you can not be possessed, you are highly susceptible to possession, through your ear gate, eye gate and heart gate and engaging in constant spiritual warfare. Think for yourself, test every word in the bible and all the spirits like we are commanded to so you can see for yourself when someone is wrong or misinterpreting scriptures!>> <<@tedprice5828 says : All evil was defeated on the Cross. Believers are delivered from the penalty, power and pollution of sin. Sin comes and is present and sin of itself is stronger than believers are of themselves. But they are not of themselves but have the Spirit. We overcome the deeds of the body by the Spirit.>> <<@artists1015 says : If I have possession of your bible, I am possessing your bible at the time although it is still your bible! This man is in error concerning the use of the King James use of "Possession"!>> <<@smr4712 says : spirits are made up lies about entities you cant see, so you stop looking for them lol,,, when infact its hiumans in military circles doing these things we think are spirits lol...they have thse technologies they use against us and blame it on demons lol..>> <<@smr4712 says : demons are just humans in the military order of malta....>> <<@paulsevers7740 says : Derek Prince is a dangerous false teacher - he is utterly wrong - demons are fallen angels!>> <<@viatranquilla says : angels are men, see Strong's number 32: aggelos, a pastor, a messenger of God.. btw, angels don't have wings and nowhere in ta Biblia does it say they do.. Heavenly hosts are heavenly hosts, and cherubim and seraphim have wings.. It is reported that Derek Prince has over 4 million and Jesus speaks to treasures gathered up, "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Have I missed anything..? Oh yes, he's a beggar asking for donations, and the Bible speaks to begging.. Psalms 37:25 - I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. As well, Ecclesiasticus 40:28 “My son, lead not a beggar's life; for better it is to die than to beg.” I think that about covers it.. Be well..>> <<@MrAaronjt1981 says : The nephilim are the demons. Fallen ones are their fathers>> <<@berylackermann8240 says : I AGREE that their is no such thing as GALLEN ANGELS. The scriptures often refer to His people as ANGELS, STARS, GRAIN OF SAND, CLAY VESSELS, SEAS (mass of humans ), TREES, WOOD, etc. "They fell from their first estate". Our Almightly God (ELOHIM) is referring to HIS people who walked righteously before Him at FIRST, then not just backslide not completely turned away from HIM and became UNRIGHTEOUS. From OBEDIENT to REBELLIOUS. MAN is the ONE WHO is "inherently EVIL", not some ficticious Angel from above. The word "Lucifer" gods NOT APPEAR in the original writings either. The words satan (Hebrew - hasatan yrasates the satan, no capital, the same as demon, and devil. They are adjectives describing the CHARACTER of a person not some entity. The same as there is NO TRINITY ...It's the ALMIGHTY ELOHIM our CREATOR, who is SPIRIT, YAHSHUA His FIRST BORN SON who He had MAMED BEFORE be would be REVEALED at an APPOINTED TIME ( much like I named my children before they were born, a girl and a boys name). It's not PREDESTINED only PREDETERMINED. Many are led astray by false teachings unfortunately.>> <<@Gabachazo says : Hot buttered horse shit !!!>> <<@michaelhenter2856 says : I agree with Brother Prince concerni g those evil Spiritus, or demons. But still, the Bible also speaks about fallen angels, which joined Satans in his rebellion against God. And in the book of Revelation it is written, that Satan and his angels were cast down to the earth. So I conclude, that we have to deal with both>> <<@JJmoony says : Angels don’t have wings! Demons do!>> <<@vinjulieann1 says : Nowhere in the bible does it say Angels have wings.>> <<@zachreyhelmberger894 says : Wow!! I REALLY learned something important here!>> <<@JudgeBuster says : Derek Prince is one of the very best ministers of the Gospel that i have ever listened to. The ministers or pastors in today's churches have been very poorly educated in either Bible colleges or seminaries. Few of them ever explain Hebrew or Greek words, or know the deeper truths from God's Word. Most people don't know that many true evangelical and Baptist churches refused to have any participation or support for Billy Graham because he preached a diluted and false Gospel of faith alone. Later in his ministry he made numerous apostate statements and even more Protestant ministers and ministries refused to deal with him. He was in fact a 33 degree Mason. I've seen the Masonic Lodge lists of members and Billy Graham was right there in them. Several different Masonic lodges in the US and UK>> <<@elcommenter says : Demonic spirits of the fallen angel human half breeds that died in the flood.>> <<@2tell99 says : I don’t see anywhere in the word that angles have wings Only with the angelic beings seraph’s and cherubs!>> <<@KW-vp9sy says : Then were do Demons comes from if not fallen Angels ?>> <<@christiantruther9367 says : I can't believe people still think we live on that fake spinning ball, satanic deception, anti scriptural, debunked, blue marble, Pagan, nasa lie, globe HOAX. Wake up, think for yourself! Apparently some are still brainwashed, indoctrinated, uneducated, extremely low IQ and lack basic knowledge. Flat earth is Biblical fact and common sense. The Bible is the Infallible, Inerrant, Eternal, Everlasting, Historically accurate, Incorruptible, word of the ONE true living God. (KJV) NASA, Evolution, Aliens, Global warming, Ghosts, ALL HOAXEs. GOD created the Geocentric, Immovable, Stationary, Fixed, Flat Earth, 6000 years ago as the Bible CLEARLY teaches in 200+ scriptures.>> <<@Sheild_against_the_wicked556 says : If you're interested, the book of Genesis tells us exactly where demons come from. They're the spirits of dead nephilim.>> <<@pmd7771969 says : Yes they are fallen angles.>> <<@judybrown7601 says : Please pray for my son Joshua, and his kids Micah snd grace. And my 3 nephews ryan, kevin and Shane. Thank you. And me too.>> <<@ghostgate82 says : “Demons” = concepts>> <<@1allstarman says : we are battling dallen angels as well . Sorcerers can conjur them and put them in people .>> <<@ericblocker3032 says : The Nephilim, the Giants, are the evil spirits that roam the earth…that’s in the Book of Enoch…>> <<@wolfymacontosh5987 says : I sometimes wonder if demons are departed souls who were not saved. I have some doubts about this but have not completely ruled it out. However, Strong's Concordance, I believe, associates "demons" with that of "devils" If all the departed throughout history who passed away (The ones who were not God's Children), We can surmise that they are the devil's children and become devils until they eventually will be sent into the Lake of Fire. They still crave to inhabit a body and crave certain sins.>> <<@denn_al says : I would prefer a non music version..>> <<@davidward3991 says : When the Nephelium died during Noah's flood they became disembodied spirits. They became the demons that indwell people. The one called Legion because we are many did not want to come unto Judgement at that time.>> <<@willlawson8044 says : Fallen is nothing more then lowering you vibrational frequencies to manifest in a particular reality/realm. Anyone can sin hold that frequency and done long enough become that sin. Welcome to humanity =hu-to-man>> <<@danielpierson1433 says : Thanks>> <<@CuriousBipedal says : So sad to see a Bible preacher pass this superstitious Catholic garbage on us. Demonology is a highly evolving topic among the superstitious. His hermeneutics is highly suggestive, prone to a spirit of fear and confirmation bias. And, as you see with Derek, it pays the bills and the listeners awake. Shameful that he fuels the flames of Atheism with his Enoch and Miltonian interpretation of Scripture. Thankfully, the Bible never taught such superstition in the first place. It is an artifact of pagan syncretism and Christian evolution.>> <<@MattTyrant-sb8cb says : The fallen are not angels they have fallen from their heavenly estate. They are Earth bound demons. They showed the world idolatry and enslaved the world by idolatry. You just don't want to admit where your money comes from $atan and the other fallen angels possesses you by.>> <<@sherrieadams1253 says : How many BOTS are on this channel trying to sell trading and not listening to the message of GOD???? SICK group>> <<@removingtheveil-777 says : The wannabe true Christian's foremost enemy are the many, many false religious teachers and preachers. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 .>> <<@garryrichardson4572 says : Wow . I had read Jesus casting out unclean spirit and it never dawned on me they were the half or interbred beings from before the flood. I have read the book of Enoch so I should have picked it up then.>> <<@kamalakrsna says : Yeaaa.. we r deep ... consciousness wise. There can bee many "areas" of our be-ing where Jesus (Yeshuaa) is not surrendered un2/controlled by.>> <<@danielmeadows3712 says : A demon is any of the many angels that fell from heaven. The devil is a specific one of the fallen angels. The devil is a term used to refer to the one who is considered the leader or chief of the fallen angels. The devil is also known as Satan or Lucifer. Sometimes the plural (devils) is used interchangeably with demons, but when used in the singular, it refers only to the chief fallen angel.>> <<@RoanPretorius-de7xv says : This is not princes normal voice ?>> <<@chrissingletary2876 says : I totally agree with you. They are not fallen angels but disembodied spirits.>> <<@divergentone777 says : Are we going to listen to Pagan definitions or the Word of God? Evil spirits are fallen angels. Angels are spirit creatures and one third of the heavenly angels were cast out of heaven when they rebelled against God's rule. Just like us, without God they become more and more debased. They came to earth to deceive mankind and lead us away from God. And they have done a mighty job.>> <<@tp1201 says : Amen and Hallelujah>> <<@dovemybeloved860 says : FYI, ALIENS=FALLEN ANGELS AND DEMONS!>> <<@DRWHO350 says : Try spirits of the Nephilim>> <<@foxcatchermannino7662 says : There are evil fallen angels! Satan is one of them! But evil angels are not demons! Demons are without bodies, fallen angels have bodies! Demons are a pre adamic race of some sort that rebelled against the Lord and so were cursed by God!>> <<@fournierro1 says : The way to recognize the wrong spirit is simple. Many look for what or who is wrong. One just needs to look at what is right. Then that which is wrong will stand out. Psalms 111: 7,8. 10. If sin is the transgression of God’s law, then those who say that the Law God wrote down with His own hands, the 10 Commandments, are no more binding than you know who’s side they are on.>>