<<@timstifftin6635 says : God speaks to me in so many ways :)>> <<@Vekaparura says : Thanks about Time some one saying that πŸ˜…>> <<@Outrjs says : You can't make disciples. You can only teach the correct Jesus. God, the Father is the only one who makes a disciple.>> <<@franka792 says : Take this bread and eat it, this is my body.>> <<@frankfranklinson says : What's the background song?>> <<@NFITC1 says : I've heard it said: "If you want to get to heaven, you've got to invite someone to come along.">> <<@Dustysoapbox says : Sins in the singular isnt the best way to view it. Sin is the fundamental misdirection from The Way. Any path absent the hallmarks of Jesus' direction is sin.>> <<@billybriese2157 says : I have found the word sin is related to an ancient archery term, meaning to miss the mark. Our Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, does not miss the mark. Ever. Look at our sun, moon, ozone layer. Percentage of oxygen, etc. He never misses!!! To miss the mark is a sin because it kills life>> <<@MrGuzmanra says : To move someone towards Jesus assumes you're already with Jesus and you may not be.>> <<@Ninjaskeptic says : I am seeking clarification on a few theological matters. Firstly, I would like to understand the rationale behind the belief in Jesus' resurrection, excluding personal anecdotes, as I am not swayed by emotional appeals. Secondly, I am curious about the apparent contradiction between God's command of "one man, one woman" and the existence of individuals with Xxy chromosomes, possessing both male and female genetic traits. Are such individuals considered God's children? Why are they not explicitly mentioned or represented in the Bible? Furthermore, does their choice of romantic partners, regardless of gender since they themselves are both, constitute a sin? I genuinely seek answers to these questions and appreciate any insights you may provide.>> <<@HaleStorm49 says : Jesus told us to be perfect>> <<@nullvoid8941 says : This is so icky and insidious>> <<@antichrist_revealed says : You see sin, because your sin remains.>> <<@antichrist_revealed says : Move them to the "Right" Jesus, and not the Triune "Jesus is God" that is most commonly taught. If you disagree with this, then you have not been taught the right Jesus.>> <<@RepentandBelieve77 says : Street evangelism is so much fun as it crucifies the flesh!>> <<@SingleMaltBuckeye says : I need to do better. Im failing by having my own private relationship with Jesus and not sharing that every moment im called to. I usually give generic advice when i know the answer is Jesus. I dont want to offend or change the dynamic of the moment. Why am i such a coward? Thats not the Spirit within me.>> <<@tomwarrick4945 says : A mind is a terrible thing to waste>> <<@dannyg.3113 says : Jesus is king it's that simple since I started believing that I have felt so much more peace and my ptsd has started to heal.>> <<@MrBowenarrow says : No! The 10 commandments are the only laws. You Baptist types add laws on laws>> <<@bryansmith9816 says : I’m so horrible at witnessing and getting people to Jesus. I got lots of problems but I know that’s something I’m terrible at.>> <<@23salamander says : Frank has pushed me further into atheism. Frank is sinning>> <<@DruPetty42 says : The conviction I felt watching this. I thank God for that.>> <<@ServantofJesus1996 says : Amen to that brother❀️>> <<@dalex60 says : Shameless hypocrisy is a sin as indicated at over 112 bible verses, which Jesus told you not to do, but all Christians continuously indulge in their daily hypocritical walk with your lord… What a joke!!!>> <<@seekerhonest says : For comitting a sin you first would need a "divine" law to disobey. The bible is a man made book, with man made wisdom, man made rules and man made fallacies.>> <<@strattuner says : YOU WILL BE JUDGED FOR WHAT YOU DID AND WHAT YOU DIDN'T DO,BUT YOU KNOW THAT,repent and follow ROMAN'S 10-9-10,HE FORGIVES,COMPLETELY>> <<@JoeBlow-p5g says : This is so true. From my experience you don't want to beat someone over the head with a bible, it chases them away. You don't want to come at them super hard. Just friendly and loving reminders of the Lord Christ. And showing them here and there of his love Mercy on thursday. Once I started doing that, many people I know turn to Christ. Praise the Lord.>> <<@sarahbethlauritzen5105 says : So, if Christians would stop celebrating pagan holidays and start celebrating the 7 holy feasts, we would soon find out that the 7 holy feasts are blueprints to harvesting souls for the kingdom of God. I pray we all repent and turn from paganism so we can go from God's grace to God's glory. ❀>> <<@NewCreationInChrist896 says : 1 John 3:7-8 β€œLittle children (believers, dear ones), do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who practices righteousness [the one who strives to live a consistently honorable life--in private as well as in public--and to conform to God’s precepts] is righteous, just as He is righteous. β€œThe one who practices sin [separating himself from God, and offending Him by acts of disobedience, indifference, or rebellion] is of the devil [and takes his inner character and moral values from him, not God]; for the devil has sinned and violated God’s law from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. .”>> <<@demosthenesflorival6555 says : Amen πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ.... Sins of commission (committing) Omission (to not do what God says to do)>> <<@jrjr6934 says : Here goes the guy interpreting the Bible his way not everything is a sin all this guy knows is intimidation and scare tactics you're not going to tell a child of 3 years old to drive car you're going to wait till he's old enough strong enough and wise enough to do that please listen closely to this preachers they're more confusing than they are helpful and it's not a sin it's called free will πŸ‘>> <<@jarrettonions3392 says : In my experience moving people one step at a time is more powerful and lasting than trying to convince them to make a big decision without them understanding what it means. In some cases i think this type of evangelism can be counter productive and even unbiblical, because Jesus says to count the costs before building a tower...how can someone count costs before they are even aware of what they are building?>> <<@The-F.R.E.E.-J. says : "you're *getting* them to believe..." That's a BIG flaw w/ religion for, the fool has said in his heart, "there is no God (of truth)". Which means that person is already rejecting the prompting of the spirit so, we are not called to "get" people to believe anything, that's why you don't see anyone in the Bible trying to get fools not to be foolish.>> <<@higiniomorales459 says : One man plants, another waters, but God gives the increase. Point them towards the Cross, towards the Lord Jesus one step at a time.>> <<@BooBahh-uh5jk says : This minister is a true know it all Whybi stopped going to any church>> <<@jtramelli5464 says : sin doesn't exist...>> <<@tressabowles5817 says : I don't believe it's a sin. Because the very definition of sin by scripture is that you are lawless. You are breaking the law and there's nothing in the law. That states that we must make disciples.... This was a directive from our lord..... So while I don't believe it's a sin.... I believe we are not Doing the aspects of the job that we've been handed... I think the disciples we make is more connected to our rewards in heaven Than it is to any kind of salvation>> <<@Chacho-i5y says : So no matter what u sin regardless>> <<@danielmorais8745 says : Our sins past presente and future are forgiven forever in the moment we believe in Jesus>> <<@JaneQPublic says : But we don’t create disciples, we plant seeds so the Holy Spirit can create disciples. Everyone has a path to walk and God uses us all differently- all we can really do is preach His word, act the way He acted, and be a light in this dark world to lead by example- Christ does everything else.>> <<@ProfessorBoomer says : Christianity = Satan Worship>> <<@cheffarrel2014 says : Outstanding>> <<@mnight207 says : But does not making disciples send you to hell?>> <<@PLSTruth says : He sounds pretty Catholic to me 😊 faith w/out works is dead: feed the hungry, clothe the naked. . . .everything that Jesus taught & asked of us is relevant - make disciples, serve the Father by serving others>> <<@mnm8818 says : its a sin the wear mix fabrics stated twice in the Bible so its important Lev 19:19 Duet 20:11 also make a cloak with four tassels in the corners>> <<@EasternJanitorialEmployment says : This christians are so funny...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‡>> <<@s731s says : This is an answer to prayer. Ive been having conversations with God lately about this very subject, discipleship. I unintentionally stumbled into a role of a young discipleship leader. Its been such a huge blessing to my life and Ive never felt this much purpose in my life. HOWEVER when i say unintentionally, its because im at a very busy stage in life. Between my home, husband, two littles, work and other random stuff, i barely have time to invest into each young adult assigned to my small group. Of course i have a colead who helps me, my amazing hubby. But honestly i felt a little ashamed for praying this well. "Lord, (this person) that I'm praying for and investing time and energy and heart and soul, may end up not receiving you. Can you just give me diacernment so that i dont pour into a leakimg cup?" I feel even worde admitting it out loud, the idea of giving less to some of these hurting peeps is near torment. But i must draw boundaries and reasonable human limits. I am trying to let God use me but in my own flesh and emotions I end up drained because Im judt naturallly always been an intense and passionate (and impulsive?) Personality lol. Anyways if anyone read this far, prayers for my group to finally start showing roots for all that water and sun that my hubby and I keep giving in to.>> <<@ZygoticGoose says : Is it a sin to have people in the audience to ask scripted questions? Why yes it is a sin. Like a magician pulling a spectator from the crowd who is part of the act. You rely on scripts instead of The Holy Spirit! 😑>> <<@jd3jefferson556 says : These people think contraception is ok to use in a marriage. Shut up about sin. If you are ok with contraception in your marriage then you have nothing to say to the gays Typical Christian hypocrisy>> <<@jayasource9267 says : Lord Jesus Christ said, when Holy Spirit lives in believers, He will tell what is sin, that is trusting/having faith in Lord Jesus Christ. As the John 1:1 says that Lord Jesus Christ is The Word. Disobeying The Word is sin, but when believers keep acknowledging their disobedience to Lord Jesus Christ, the Blood of Lord Yeshua HaMasiach cleansed the person! 1 John 1:9. By keep trusting, we are capable to love GOD and to love our neighbors. GOD is love! Through His love, believers tend/compel to obey The Word, not by might but by the Spirit of GOD. Amen!! We love you Lord Jesus Christ, our Creator! Amen!!>>