<<@m.s.manivannan2624 says : Amen>> <<@pasaningshen8056 says : In the state of India uttar pradesh it's the place where I dream in the year 2018 the most beautiful Saint raising from the death>> <<@tarsilasangma8120 says : Pliz pray for me I have some problm>> <<@nelsonwar901 says : Pray for Umpanai SDA Church, to remain faithful ,,,>> <<@elianeduarteleivas9191 says : Happy sabbath Wilmington-NC>> <<@lusbedleoni80 says : Amén>> <<@bldlightpainting says : Another Sign Of The End Of Time: "Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold." Matthew 24:12 The land of Israel and its Jewish people are inextricably linked to the Bible and Christianity. Why the very savior they worship is Jewish. Yet for 4 weeks, I've shamefully witnessed numerous web and social media accounts and YouTube channels owned by Christians who have not posted a single word of condemnation against the heinous acts of Pure Evil in Israel on 10/7 by residents of Gaza. Not a single sympathetic or supportive word or prayer for the unimaginable grief thousands of families and indeed the entire 10 million population of the State of Israel are currently enduring. That's unimaginable! 1,400 innocent unarmed civilians, mostly women, citizens of over 40 nations were very intentionally and savagely raped, sadistically tortured, and barbarically butchered, over 4,000 others received all sorts of injuries, and over 240 children, women, men, and the elderly were abducted, and they have not been heard from since, so we do not know if they are alive, being tortured, or what. This was truly the second holocaust of the Jews, and the evil residents of Gaza (and elsewhere like the US) are on TV and social media every week telling the world how they are going to continue these psychopathic attacks until the Jewish race is completely annihilated from the face of the Earth. Yet many "professed" Christians are choosing to mostly ignore this historic event, like sadly they did the first Holocaust, even supporting Nazi war criminals, as the Catholic Church infamously did.>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "There is another, and more important question that should engage the attention of the Churches of Today. The Apostle Paul declares that “Yea, and all that will Live GODLY in Christ Jesus shall suffer Persecution.” 2 Timothy 3:12 KJB. Why is it, then, that Persecution seems in a great degree to slumber? The only reason is that the Church has Conformed to the World's Standard, and therefore awakens no opposition. The Religion which is current in our day is not of the Pure and Holy character that marked the Christian Faith in the Days of Christ and His Apostles. It is only because of the Spirit of Compromise with Sin, because the Great Truths of the Word of GOD are so indifferently regarded, because there is so little vital GODLINESS in the Church, that Christianity is apparently so popular with the World. Let there be a Revival of the Faith and Power of the Early Church, and the Spirit of Persecution will be revived, and the Fires of Persecution will be rekindled." The Great Controversy, Ch. 2>>