<<@Veritas316 says : I believe in a young earth. I think its important because it has to do with the validity of scripture. I believe what the Bible says. And I think young earth is a better explanation of what we see in the earth.>> <<@timmy-the-ute2725 says : I don't see any advantage by accepting Evolution.>> <<@viscache1 says : It’s just a suspicion, but I get the sneaking idea that I may be utterly overwhelmed and busy falling on my face in despair of my unworthiness when I am first in God’s presence. Questions can wait. Just to be there is going to be enough to occupy me for a few hundred epochs or so>> <<@midimusicforever says : It's legit!>> <<@douloschristus1475 says : Really appreciate J Warner Wallace and his evidential approach. The interviewer is ignorant regarding Calvinism. Even presuppositional Calvinists use evidential arguments. RC Sproul, one of the most well known Calvinists uses the classical approach which relies heavily on rational and evidential arguments.>> <<@rynomacamillion says : What was this man’s podcast?>> <<@stalemate1524 says : What's the best way to argue Christianity against people who say, "Religon was created to control the population"?>> <<@brb1050 says : Young Earth: Check out Is Genesis History for the most profound scientific evidence that corroborates God’s testimony to us. It actually matters. Because if Genesis isn’t true, the rest falls apart. Thank God for the dedicated scientists on “Is Genesis History” who do exactly what our good Brother J. Warner Wallace does: they present incontrovertible evidence.>> <<@Patriot-Vibez says : the free will argument isn't hard to understand at all, and it accounts for free agency and God's sovereign nature ... Genesis is also very clear as to how we were brought into this existence...i've never understood why Christians cannot fathom these two simple topics...very sad>> <<@Ayekonyk says : Jesus encouraged evidence based faith when he asked Thomas to put his finger in the wound in his side.>> <<@Mr.C-Mister says : 26:05 Young Earth vs Old Earth is knowable. Watch Amswers in Genesis. Read the book of Genesis and inference the Hebrew words and there definitions. How numbers used in Hebrew in a specific way, grammar, can only mean what the statement means. I.e. English language we Could say back in the day... and know it means a time back in the day. I could also say it took me one day to create a lesson plan to teach my students. It's also of the up most importance to study, and know that the earth is young otherwise everything you state regarding the Bible, in my opinion, means nothing to me if you can't defend God speaking in Genesis. Please don't be disinterested in God's word.>> <<@liz17smile says : Awesome>> <<@mickjames7962 says : Man. Can you even imagine if this guy got his head around the Shroud of Turin? That’s your forensic evidence. Your gospels are the affidavits. The Bible is the brief and argument.>> <<@gospeltrax2513 says : It would be nice if Joe Rogan could be contacted informing him about J. Warner Wallace. It would be a great interview - Joe could be persuaded to become a Christian .>> <<@nadams8863 says : Amen✝️❤️🙏>> <<@IndyDefense says : The trans movement's denial of biology is post-materialist thinking - culturally, we're now in the realm of a return to paganism. In contrast, the old materialist atheists would've unironically claimed that everything is determined by biology.>> <<@followerofyeshua9210 says : Much Love to you J Warner Wallace thanks for helping me witness to my Grandfather. He watches dateline and I showed him who you are Jim Wallace on one of the dateline episodes you were in.>> <<@dennissturgill963 says : I’m so thankful that steadfast men of your knowledge and integrity are on the battlefield every day…. praying for you and all that you must face day to day for making this stand>> <<@corinne7126 says : Person of Interest is an excellent book. Your message is awesome>> <<@jperez7893 says : thanks to j. warner and his criminological methodology, the life of jesus and artifacts of his life come alive. the shroud of turin and the sudarium of oviedo make it clear that these artifacts covered the body of jesus the day he died. that the historical context, the biblical archeology, and astronomical coincidences enumerated in the new testament also allow us to pinpoint the exact birthday and exact date of the crucifixion. the discovery of the dead sea scrolls have also given proof through it's essene calendar that the last supper was celebrated in the essene quarter of jerusalem on tuesday night of holy week according to the passover calendar date of the essenes. sanhedrin trial was wednesday, presentation to herod and pilate on thursday, and scrourging, condemnation, crucifixion and death on friday 14 nisan 33 AD. after piecing all evidence, i'm comfortable to conclude that jesus was born on 11 september 3 BC (1 tishri), in bethlehem; this coincided with the 750th anniversary of the foundation of rome. jerusalem and the surroundings would have been filled to capacity because every male is required to be present in jerusalem for the feast of sukkot. the historical circumstances fit perfectly because on february 2 BC, augustus became pater patria and on the same year, herod executed 6000 pharisees who rejected to take the oath of allegiance to rome. the visit of the magi occurred on dec. 25 2BC (closest conjuction of jupiter and venus); the massacre of the innocents probably coincided with the execution of the sons of the high priests, as recorded by josephus on jan. 10 1 BC. herod the great died on 2 shevat 1 AD, and the holy family most likely and prophetically left egypt at passover 1 AD.>> <<@Skarlet-ju8sr says : Just purchased your new paperback copy of CCC! Amazing work!>> <<@johnglad5 says : ....blessings>>