<<@robertrenfrow8621 says : I hear all to often that God spoke to someone, but then you realize it couldnt have been God because the message that person received was contrary to Gods word, the Bible. We need to remember that satan describes himself as an angel of light as he seeks to steal, kill and destroy!>> <<@marty1234able says : We live in an age of choice. You can say, and claim it was from God or you can choose not to say and be safe. Scripture directs us to test all things and thats the key. We can always retract into a mediaeval church model but that's your choice. Choice they didn't have.>> <<@strawberryme08 says : Or people think the revelation they get is for everyone in the world when it’s just for them and their family or those they have stewardship Over. It’s called “PERSONAL revelation “>> <<@DaBigRMV says : People who do not have a relationship with God and don’t walk with Christ will not understand this and turn to mockery. God’s teaching and providence is often best understood in hindsight. So, brothers and sisters in Christ, keep reading and hearing God’s word (read it aloud), meditate on it, and persevere until the end. Pray without ceasing for the salvation of those who are lost, confused, and lonely.>> <<@MrAuskiwi101 says : How about before claiming a god does anything one first proves one or more exist. Good luck>> <<@maseca2397 says : Well and then there are people who hear from God and DON'T jump to conclusions. Everything fell into an order and we knew>> <<@Lorabeachlife says : God would rather us be like children and take a risk than to sit doubting ourselves- that would be the enemy’s tactic to keep us silent and not walking in the miracles Jesus said would follow those that Believe! 🙌🏼🙏🏼 ps He knows our hearts and can CLEAN any messes we make with right hearts.>> <<@IsaacIKE says : There is not a black and white answer to this. Some people claim to hear from God but in reality it's just their passionate opinion. On the other hand others really do hear the voice of God and can discern what he's telling them. But believing that God primarily or only speaks through the scripture is not biblical at all. And it's not how the apostles believed. However I'm not saying the scriptures aren't important or that you shouldn't read them. You should, because God will never contradict them. Pray without ceasing and be in constant fellowship with God. Read his word and do what it says. Seek Christ actively with your entire life. Not just your quiet reading time.>> <<@voodoochild5440 says : Maybe religion is all just that.>> <<@kakarotwolf says : Chicken little effect>> <<@jamesw4250 says : All christians do this. They are always claiming that the world is about to end any 5 minutes from now. Of course they are about 2 thousand years late on that. Just another in a long line of reasons christians should never be taken seriously when they make claims.>> <<@LosAngelesDrummer says : Credulity in a celestial superstition is an intellectual crisis. There is no god. There is no heaven or hell. Take the risk of thinking for yourself, much more beauty, happiness, truth, and wisdom will come to you that way. Toss the big daddy in the sky myth in the Bronze Age dumpster where it belongs. Religion causes war.>> <<@itsJPhere says : So close! Just apply this to the Bible as a whole. What if the sky isn't falling after all? -> What if hell isn't real?>> <<@johnjohnbuglioli131 says : 2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12...11... For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, 12 in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness. Stand Firm>> <<@johnjohnbuglioli131 says : the Holy Spirit told me to share this psalm with you.... psalm 47... O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. 2 For the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth. 3 He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet. 4 He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah. 5 God is gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet. 6 Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. 7 For God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding. 8 God reigneth over the heathen: God sitteth upon the throne of his holiness. 9 The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly exalted......>> <<@jd3jefferson556 says : Every Christian claims the Holy Spirit is talking to them... then they have conflicting viewpoints😂 so much for following the Man that claimed to be Truth Himself>> <<@MrFossil367ab45gfyth says : This needs to be taught, this is a good critical thinking skill.>> <<@logicalatheist1065 says : Bible = word of man... Still no evidence supports any god>> <<@johnjohnbuglioli131 says : is that a mustache? what about the Adam's apple?>> <<@dalex60 says : People who claim god talks to them suffer from schizophrenia…>> <<@justanoob111 says : Paul had ALOT of spiritual direction from God which he based his decisions on that he didn't go back and consult the scriptures about. Peter with the vision of the unclean animals. He was in a trance. Fresh revelation is biblical. Ananias was directed by God to go and see Saul and pray for him. His only hang up about this experience was that he didn't want to go because Saul had a reputation. To which God's response was one that comforted him. Revelation by the Spirit of God is absolutely biblical>> <<@peteperez8539 says : 😂woman where's your husband?!😂>> <<@donparker4521 says : Wow, misinterpreting mistranslations and interpolations? Whoda thunk it,…? 😊 May everyone be disabused of all evil>> <<@outsideview9052 says : When you recieve a prompting go ahead and follow it. Say "what the heck" I will do that and see how it turns out. Dont discount that feeling of "where is Johnny". Go look and perhaps you will save your young grandsons life by dragging him out of the pool.>> <<@catchnrelease22 says : Dats what God does He jumps to conclusions with telling and revealing them to the prophets even before the conclusions come and when what the prophet said do come to pass it is because God jumped to the conclusion and shared it with the prophet.>> <<@deckape69 says : We all have our own headset Mouth to say Eyes to see Ears to hear Brains to think Do you know the correct sequence on how to use your headset properly?>> <<@Thegospelpainter says : God will 100% speak to you. Rhema word. Man shall live on every Rhema that proceed the mouth of god Believing come from hearing Rhema I’ve got so many Rhema word I would be here typing them out all night When you here from god it is AMAZING It becomes a pattern and a lifestyle. Christ will literally communicate with you! In the Most amazing ways and you know it him…>> <<@migueltorres2198 says : She's smart and beautiful.>> <<@shellybarnes5429 says : I think you can get really used to the voice of the Holy Spirit and know for sure when it's God. He always confirms it too. Going slow and praying and talking to trusted counsel is still good advice.>> <<@PrairieDogFan says : ...Is it the same as when you think God is leading you elsewhere?? Like if you have been praying about something that you idolised/wanted for a while. After months of seemingly no progress, you lose focus on being content with God's will and begin to push for it impatiently, only to have the door suddenly open and then you backtrack on the decision because you feel strongly convicted that God wants you to focus on him instead. Would it be the henny penny effect if in this instance you suddenly turn from the thing you lusted after in the hopes of serving God? Or was that initial door opened because God wanted you to go? Would it be wrong to say: I feel as though God is leading me elsewhere and away from my lusts?>> <<@somerandomguy4149 says : Im pretty sure know one has herd from god. Because when you read the bible everytime god speaks people are afraid and prostrate them selfs. I think its just there thoughts comeing up with something and they say god told me this. When really it wasnt. Because if god really spoke to you im pretty sure it would absolutely freak you out.>> <<@BTBFBG says : I admit, I've had a few Henny Penny effects....unfortunately 😂😂>> <<@deliaayde9916 says : One day, my dad ended up in the hospital. I wont go into specifics but the doctors said he was going to die. There was an option for surgery but they didn’t believe there was a point, and basically said he’ll either die on the operating table or surrounded by loved ones. I heard God at that moment. He said “I am giving you this opportunity. Have faith and trust me.” I told my mom immediately what I heard, and she also felt the convinction to go through with the surgery. The lord gave us six more months with my dad before he passed away peacefully in his sleep. God is so good 🙏>> <<@dylanw6303 says : If you’re his sheep, you know his voice. God wants to speak to us a thousand times more than we want to hear from him. Yeah, he’ll never contradict the Bible, and the Bible is one avenue he uses to speak and guide his sheep. Yet the Bible is written exclusively by people whom the Holy Spirit personally spoke to, and is full of examples of God speaking by a whisper in someone’s spirit and said person obeying what they heard from him. Last night I was at a young adults worship night, and I heard Jesus tell me he wanted me to pray for a woman that was standing in front of me. I had a friend come help me. My friend and I both followed through on what we heard the Holy Spirit saying, and this woman ended up in tears because of how the Holy Spirit touched her in that moment. She’ll be coming to our church in a couple of weeks. God speaks how he wants to speak, and he’ll use whatever method he sees fit for the situation, as he is powerful and sovereign.>> <<@mattr.1887 says : If the Bible is all you need, then what is the point of God even existing? There's nothing left for God to say.>> <<@MollyF86 says : Calvinists are unhappy people.>> <<@johnjohnbuglioli131 says : a voice actually spoke to me and I believe it was The Holy Spirit or call it The Angel of the Lord if you like, but it was a Supernatural Being and I'm 100% sure it was directed to me and the whole world was solid white with nothing existing or at least visible to my eyesight. I did what the voice said and I left and went home(400 miles). I told God I was sorry for how I had been ignoring him and asked him if that was truly him that I had heard from before. The sky fell out and it rained for 39 days straight in south Georgia. they said it hadn't rained like that in 100 years. I don't know any Henny and I don't know Penny, but I know Jesus Christ and when he wants your attention, I promise you, he will get it. 🙄😇>> <<@mikejohansson6711 says : "Test the spirits, not every spirit if from God, those that confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh are from God those that do not are not from God.">> <<@creinicke1000 says : This is why it's so fun to read the Bible.. But I also love listening to others too.. There are many folks that I believe are sincere, but my conclusions are different. None of these disagreements on the meaning of things in scripture, in my opinion, prevents us from th on being saved. Teachers, however, do have a big responsibility to teach God's scriptures correctly, I sure don't envy their calling.>> <<@brendamoya8650 says : Not sometimes you mean most of the time, the rise of the false prophets>> <<@TheContrarian32 says : So, wait for what? For things to fall into place and then proclaim God told you so? Or fir things not to fall into place and proclaim God told you so?>> <<@Catari777 says : ARE YOU A CALVINIST?>> <<@JT-ht6fk says : I respectfully say you are very pretty, and I am happy you are spreading God’s Word.>> <<@ajgibson1307 says : Amen and God bless>> <<@Ur_averageblueguy says : AMEN ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥>> <<@Moist._Robot says : When you’re taught to pray to thin air and expect a sign, don’t be surprised if people believe their own thoughts are gods thoughts.>> <<@janvanaartrijk9673 says : Free yourself of these delusions and start thinking for yourself !!>> <<@levihindle4733 says : Where is this full video ?>> <<@RDan1982 says : Right. Even Moses reasoned with God before taking action.>> <<@festushaggen2563 says : If you want to know what God has to say, read the Bible.>>