<<@Nigerian-born_American says : The answer is NO>> <<@iconsworld9 says : Love isn't approve, love is seeking what's Best as Dr Frank Turek said "Cross Examined">> <<@JohnDoe-uk6si says : If a circle is a square than everything that is round becomes straight and the square becomes round , it'd be a entire hacking and reworking of language including numbers , so if a circle is a square than 2 + 2 = 5. And if that's the case, all future technological advancement will come to a halt.>> <<@Koki-qe7vz says : Simple, I avoid pronoun usage all together, in Romans we are told, so far as it depends on us, live peaceably with all. Therefore, we ought avoid the usage all together. As we both don’t want to lie, nor create conflict as His representative.>> <<@user-karenforchrist says : No! I would quietly leve. 😊>> <<@carpentertom2835 says : Amen, well said>> <<@piijay14 says : That's right! Loving somebody and disagreeing with them are 2 different things!!>> <<@Rocks_in_my_brain says : Great message. Thank you. God bless.>> <<@dalex60 says : As much as anyone should respect shameless hypocrite Christians proselytizing …>> <<@AngieC-m4d says : No I will not>> <<@Three721 says : This has carried over to healthcare. We are told we must acknowledge what the patient prefers.>> <<@matthewjensen8623 says : Not a chance! What you're a Bluebird next.>> <<@unamusedmule says : How can I reach a trans person if I continuously upset them? Makes no sence. Find a middle ground. Compromises are a part of reality.>> <<@captainmeow2771 says : Lying to someone is not only a broken trust, its a damaged bond. To ask someone to share a lie is bringing that emptiness into their lives too, and both end up just as hollow inside as the pit they dug in their souls from having no substance to their own words and values.>> <<@temdasarah says : neva neva neva>> <<@claviadorsette1827 says : No. God created males and females that it.>> <<@samhilton4173 says : The answer is no.>> <<@bickabraham2397 says : You neither have to hate or affirm. The Truth remains the Truth regardless of what people say or think otherwise!!>> <<@Gondalica says : This is so based i love this channel thank you!!!❤❤❤>> <<@lackles27 says : Does it say in the bible that men are supposed to go by he? What does the bible say about name changes. Its the same thing. It is literally what you want to be called. Its not hard>> <<@DruPetty42 says : That's right. Love does not equal acceptance. Love does not equal the affirmation of people's feelings.>> <<@kentaronagame7529 says : God does not like liars, and I do not like nonsense, so you're already down 0-2 approaching me with that question.>> <<@ChocMilkLord says : "I believe we all desire respect, right? If I ask you to address me as 'Dan' instead of 'Daniel,' it doesn't alter your beliefs. I am not transgender, and Jesus is my savior. Now that I've clarified that, I strongly disagree with what's being said here. If an individual prefers us to refer to them as male, does that change your belief that they are female? No. You can be respectful without necessarily endorsing their beliefs.">> <<@andreyprtrovcki4557 says : 👏👏>> <<@cptrikester2671 says : I will accept the fact that you choose to believe a delusion. That is your choice. I will NOT 'play in your sandbox'.>> <<@nicholasemond1388 says : No it really doesn’t. You said it yourself, you affirm that they believe what they claim to. This is in no way saying that you agree.>> <<@randytidmore8021 says : Absolutely not>> <<@donaldkeith139 says : Affirmation is like saying, "I just don't really care, just tell me what to say so that you'll go away">> <<@JulieSavage-h1h says : Tough love is real love>> <<@petrolienoossitackounchouo5015 says : You are correct 💯%>> <<@jaymichael91 says : Everybody disagrees with me. I make sure of it.>> <<@doughammond8932 says : Amen, well said.>> <<@KingSardius says : Amen>> <<@brianharris7243 says : No you just acknowledge their belief- you are not affirming an untruth just being polite. You know what reality is.>> <<@MsEmworld says : It's like "they" are challenging, whose "reality" society should go by! It is very possible to love delusional persons without intertaining their delusions! The problem begins when they get enraged because you choose to stand your ground on reality!>> <<@amark350 says : My personal pronoun is “your Lord and Savior”>> <<@damianabbate4423 says : How is the irony lost on you?? This is literally the position of the non believer when confronted with christian or religious beliefs. Let's use your own words and see if this rings a bell for you. Imagine someone walking up to you and saying gods exist. Please respect this. Ok, i'll affirm and respect that you believe in gods and demons. This means i have no argument to believe otherwise. Non believers have to concede to believers entire premise. This principle includes a soul, spiritual world, gods, demons, savior and salvation. Believers are inviting non believers to join them in what does not correspond to reality, and aligns non believers with an ideology that redefines what reality is, and non believers CANNOT do that. It's becoming a member of a city whose king is an emperor with no clothes. You play along or christian nationalism says...off with your head, which ironically is what the Crusades were about. Non believers are not being hateful by not conforming. Non believers are being asked to believe someone is dressed, when they're naked as a Jaybird. Non believers can respect and love believers while disagreeing with them. Can believers say the same?? There are lots of people who need love and compassion with whatever they're struggling with. No one is made in the image of god, even if they believe that. However, to love someone, does not mean you always affirm their unsubstantiated and non evidenced beliefs. The idea of gods is unobservable, untestable, unfalsifiable, unnecessary and unlikely. Why would anyone want to believe in a god that only exists in a book?? Especially one whose best ideas for dealing with people is cursing, drowning, burning and murdering.>> <<@TheMidnightModder says : Jordan Peterson emphasizes the point VERY strongly that you should NEVER lie. It ALWAYS comes back to haunt you.>> <<@tubetools5627 says : Right on, agree to disagree, live and let live as God had intended... God bless, I just don't agree with your pronoun beliefs, but I still respect you as another human being.>> <<@banriborkbhih1302 says : There are so many children and people around the world with not a single morsels of food to eat...all they can think about is food to fill their belly. But here are these kind of people who all they care about themselves and kind of confusing themselves whether they be called or defined as male or female or etc... 🤔🤦🏻‍♂️🫥>> <<@gingercake0907 says : If a person comes up and says circles are squares do you believe this, you can say no and walk away because in reality a person has the freedom to believe that. It doesn’t have to match what you believe just as long as you have the freedom to believe a circle isn’t a square.>> <<@katamas832 says : Yes, it is loving. You're not gonna convince them of anything by using pronouns they dislike, and you'll only hurt them. Using preferred pronouns does make them happier. "bUt It AiN't TrUe" a.) You don't know what you are even talking about b.) Assuming it is untruthful and they are delusional, for example an alzheimer patient might think they are still in 2005, breaking that illusion causes them distress and confusion, so playing along would be loving.>> <<@DavidHerrera-zy8ux says : Well said, I agree.>> <<@CrinkledPankerSociety says : Is it loving and Christian to tell someone that their eye brows need to be trimmed?>> <<@Cuvoastoh6321 says : Truth is love>> <<@rosemarietolentino3218 says : Your life is not your own! Titus 1:9.>> <<@nickandrews9254 says : 🎉 Correct>> <<@thomaspayne3347 says : Young lady, you made a very valid point! So then, I asked: Should I observe the Sabbath ( day seven ), which we are commanded to; Remember, Observe, Guard, and Do. Turning our foot from our own matters and spending it with our Heavenly Father in His Word? Refraining from our labors and profit. Not kindling a fire on His Set-apart day? And not cooking, playing sports, watching the game, going out? As we are to remain where we are on His Sabbath! One can read the Scriptures from Genesis 1:1, through to Revelation 22:21 and won’t find one verse changing the Sabbath to Sunday. As a matter of fact, the Sabbath was not officially changed until the Council of Laiodicea in 336 AD/ CE. And so I ask, do we observe the dogma’s of men ( Sunday ), or follow the Scriptures of the Almighty Souvereign of all that exists, seen and unseen? Is this where we compromise? And no I’m not a Seventh Day Adventist, nor a Jew. Just a fellow sinner who is seeking the Way of the Master, Yahshua haMashiach. He who is of the nation of Yasra’el. Of the tribe of the Yahudim. The Son of the Most High Living Elohim/ GOD. Respectfully submitted, Blessings and Shalom to you, friend>> <<@davidweiland7198 says : The only reason we call a circle a circle is because its an assigned name . A circle cannot name itself ,only a human can name anything , so if a human assigned another word to describe a circle,, well you get the idea 😢>> <<@edlore4948 says : Nope . The end>>