<<@CrossExamined says : FREE Download of sermon I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist!: đŸ‘‰đŸ“±https://cutt.ly/cInI1eo>> <<@themotorcycleguy5980 says : I agree with the ☊>> <<@themotorcycleguy5980 says : Psalm 139:13— For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.>> <<@tinapeacock9207 says : It seems now a days most people should lol.>> <<@monabiehl6213 says : At the age of 41 I was prescribed birth control pills for a medical condition similar to the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years. My other option was a hysterectomy. I very much wanted to have a baby, but after 12 years of trying, it was obvious it wasn't going to happen. As I am asexual, when I was on birth control pills I had no desire for and was not intimate with my (ex) husband.>> <<@lauren92355 says : If you don’t want to use birth control that’s totally fine you do you, but it should never not be available to anyone who does want to take it. Basically we should all just mind our own damn business and respect the choices our fellow citizens make even if we wouldn’t make the same choices.>> <<@venus11n22 says : God also does not want people having tons of children they can’t provide for resulting in child neglect and abuse. God is pro family- He does not want each parent working 2 jobs each leaving the kids to be raised by others. People don’t think about the whole picture on this issue.>> <<@KnightLight5 says : Sad fact, most birth controls are actually abortifacients. Particularly hormonal but also the IUD. They are very clever in their wording but lots of times they will say that pregnancy is less than .01% chance, but they don’t consider you pregnant at conception. They only consider you pregnant once the embryo/baby connects to the uterine wall. When the birth control kills at that early of a stage, they will not consider it in abortifacient by their own technicality, despite the obvious concerns from Christians.>> <<@rachelscottspeaks8097 says : He failed to mention which method the Bible endorses. The answer is NONE! The Bible is not silent-God wants people to have children. The Bible does not say to limit your offspring ever but instead there are countless verses that say to increase your family size. He says it’s a matter of conscience? Maybe AFTER you look at ALL the verses that speak about Gods plan for families. The Bible certainly does not condone ever using any form of birth control!>> <<@jrdros7 says : Separating sex from parenthood is a human invention, not divine. Sex always has to be open to life. That doesn't mean that every time you have sex within marriage you have to have children, far from it! There are natural ways to prevent pregnancy, such as women's cycles. This is called responsible parenthood, it is knowing the laws of human nature itself and following them in the sexual field. What one cannot do is not take responsibility for the natural consequence of an act like sex. pills and condoms are artificial additions that are not morally justifiable, since you set a condition beforehand, you are not giving yourself absolutely to the other without barriers, accepting everything, but quite the opposite. The catechism of the Catholic Church is clear in this regard.>> <<@christianolson7141 says : NFP is the best birth control there is, and promoted by even the Catholic Church.>> <<@kellylorang6845 says : When it comes to married couples, I do understand the conflict. My brother and sister-in-law have 9 children (yes, they are Catholics!) They did not believe in using birth control. The only problem with this was my brother is disabled and my sister-in-law has been basically supporting them the whole time. Even my parents, who are devout Catholics, thought they should start using birth control after the 9th child! I think it is a tough decision to make when you believe God only brings good things into the world. But, to be responsible, you need to consider your finances to support that child or the time or the energy to give to that child. I think each couple needs to sincerely pray on this as a married couple. And, by the way, all 9 children are fantastic human beings! The youngest is a senior in high school and the oldest is married with a couple of children. They are loving & giving young people. I believe that growing up without a lot has really helped them be the wonderful people they are today, especially in our current society.>> <<@damiensimkins3920 says : Bad answer. A better question is, does God want us to use birth control? The obvious answer is, No. Why would God tell people to use birth control? He told people to be fruitful and multiply. He told husbands and wives to not deprive each other. The one story in the OT about birth control, resulted in God killing Onan - the one who tried it. I think God's views on this are quite clear. If you are married, why not enjoy each other regularly and let God decide what is best for you? Or do you think that God would make a mistake by creating another image bearer of His? God never makes mistakes. Man simply lacks the faith to trust God and the blessings that God is ready to give him.>> <<@damiensimkins3920 says : Bad answer. A better question is, does God want us to use birth control? The obvious answer is, No. Why would God tell people to use birth control? He told people to be fruitful and multiply. He told husbands and wives to not deprive each other. The one story in the OT about birth control, resulted in God killing Onan - the one who tried it. I think God's views on this are quite clear. If you are married, why not enjoy each other regularly and let God decide what is best for you? Or do you think that God would make a mistake by creating another image bearer of His? God never makes mistakes. Man simply lacks the faith to trust God and the blessings that God is ready to give him.>> <<@grandmasterurby3659 says : As a Christian I always used rubbers with my wife you can get a good brand pack of 12 at the dollar store for like 6 bucks.>> <<@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics says : So true!>> <<@ragnapodewski4694 says : Ich bin beim 5. Durchgang durch die Bibel. Von "Im Anfang schuf Gott Himmel und Erde" bis "Ja, komm Herr Jesu!" In der Gesellschaft des AT hatte man mit hoher Kinder-und MĂŒttersterblichkeit zu kĂ€mpfen. Jedes Kind war Reichtum. Abtreibung war in der gesamten Antike ein Frevel, denn die Frauen wurden steril oder starben gar. DafĂŒr haben Griechen und Römer Neugeborene ungeniert ausgesetzt. Die Juden nicht. Ihre Nachbarn opferten unerwĂŒnschte Neugeborene Baal Moloch, was von Gott mit deer Todesstrafe sanktioniert wird. Der viel angefĂŒhrte Onan will nur seine verwitwete SchwĂ€gerin nicht schwĂ€ngern und dadurch der armen Frau die Altersversorgung streichen.Die Pille stammte ursprĂŒnglich von einer mexikanischen Pflanze. Hier gabs sowas nicht.>> <<@flip416 says : So does this mean a surgical procedure to prevent having more children is wrong?>> <<@Wunder_Dog says : Frank said in another video that IVF may be wrong if they discard an embryo as morally wrong. Birth control will just doesn't give a suitable home to an embryo. It is the same difference. I agree that it is fine but he is contradicting his believes. Maybe because he doesn't understand the science but nonetheless he is contradicting his own beliefs.>> <<@RobertoRoccoAngeloni says : Is lust a sin? Yes. How you define lust? I define lust as any non-reproductive sexual act. Is having sex and using birth control a non-reproductive sexual act? Yes. Is having homosexual sex a non-reproductive sexual act? Yes. As per my own definition of lust, the two acts are equally sinful. Am I a sinner? Yes 😞>> <<@Galmala94 says : Christians have historically opposed contraception. So both gay christians and pro-contraception christians oppose historical teaching of Christianity (so both are progressives?).>> <<@Galmala94 says : Pretty much every Christian opposed contraception before the 20th century. Of course there are many progressive Christians who reject this teaching.>> <<@joshbeard9809 says : No one should birth control pills. Higher rates of cancer, infertility, miscarriages, and other health problems. Even the WHO have stated this. The drug companies do not care who they harm or how much they harm. They profit from disease and pay people and agencies to push drugs they know do not work and cause serious long-term health side effects. There is no accountability or integrity with these companies or those who push their products. Selling sickness and creating victims.>> <<@AnnulmentProof says : Birth control is intrinsically evil if procreation is the primary purpose of the conjugal act.>> <<@PhilipPerez-PLC says : Most birth control acts as an abortion tool, because it will prevent the child from implanting to the uterus. The child then dies. Other birth control will prevent the egg from being fertilized. This kind of birth control is morally permissible, as it does not kill a child.>> <<@jonyivre4541 says : The only method permitted is glued thighs.>> <<@JamesRichardWiley says : Are Christians "allowed"? By who? By a monster god invented and worshiped by a savage tribe living on the Sinai Peninsula. As a free thinker I make my own decisions. I do not allow Frank to interfere with my personal and private decisions.>> <<@InfoArtistJKatTheGoodInfoCafe says : The woman knowing her body and her cycle using the natural method and the man supporting that and including abstinence, works far better than putting pharmaceutical pills in you or any other man made method.>> <<@Tonya-gi1ms says : It's perfectly ok for Christians to use birth control. No baby is created. It prevents an egg from being fertilized. On the other hand, abortion is the termination of an already fertilized egg. That is the difference. However, if the birth control terminates a fertilized egg, that is a different story... Sex doesn't always have to be to produce children. Abstinence is a form of birth control. Every day a couple doesn't have sex is like using birth control. Does God expect us to have sexual intimacy every single day in a marriage?? Did God expect a baby to be formed every time a couple has sex? Children are going to come into this world with the natural process of fertilization and God willing, that fetus comes to fruition. You can't worry about the "potential" children that would have come if you were not on birth control. There is no way of knowing that. Only care about once the egg is fertilized and is a living thing!! Plus, there are other reasons women use birth control, like bad periods for example...>> <<@surfacetension says : At least the question (and answer) are restricted to the Christian community, rather than greater society in which people of all or no beliefs reside. It's worth noting that the way to decrease the number of abortions is strict use of birth control, combined with comprehensive sex education in schools. So that makes me wonder about the sincerity of people who are both against abortion AND against using birth control.>> <<@QiryuslilBerdy says : If it were men who got pregnant there'd be psalms in the bible praising the righteousness of pulling out. They'd throw out IUDs like hot dogs at a ball game. Planned parenthood would be as well funded and legally protected as military research programs. God strike me dead if im lying........ Still here, so facts😎>> <<@whodis799 says : Nah it's still murder. Birth control is a hormone solution that tries to prevent the release of an egg. Sometimes what happens is that the egg is released anyways for the sperm cell to penetrate it, effectively starting conception. But because of the hormones being off, the conception goes wrong and the egg doesn't develop and dies instead. There is only a chance that this happens, but statistically, any woman who has been on birth control for multiple months with regular intercourse will go through this. So yea, it's still wrong to use birth control. Frank doesn't know his medicine so don't fault him for this.>> <<@buckaroobonsaitree7488 says : My wife and I probably can never have children. If we didn't use birth control when we were younger we'd probably have had children. It grieves me, i started reading books on fatherhood based on Proverbs when I was 16. But my heart breaks for my wife, it is a horrible thing our culture has done to the natural world God gave us.>> <<@God-Will-ing says : Full lecture with Q&A anywhere?>> <<@nichetcher1 says : Usually you’re more thought out on your responses, but here you’re not even addressing what “the pill” or other forms, besides a condom, do. The TLDR is that there are a few lines of defense that “the pill” offers. 1) it attempts to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. 2) it makes a viscus lining on uterine wall to not allow an already fertilized egg to attach. The latter is actually an abortion and can occur up to 90%+ of the time. This is of extreme importance! Most woman don’t know the science of “the pill” let alone most men. Please study this for yourselves and see that it is indeed what’s occurring because the implications are ENORMOUS! If causing the new DNA(in this case the zygote) to spontaneously disintegrate(or die), then taking the pill is 100% WRONG. Even if it’s only a 50% chance that you kill the unborn human!>> <<@PetarStamenkovic says : Catholics and Orthodox would disagree, wouldn't they? Why is that? What would they say?>> <<@topper009 says : Jesus established a Church which He protects from error, not your conscience. Birth control is intrinsically evil and violates natural law which is the basis for the objective morality that Mr Turek routinely stumps atheists on.>> <<@abdulazizyalahow says : What đŸ€Ż seriously 😒😳 and he's preaching God's Words no no no it's wrong why did y'all married to have children period he's afraid to lose the preaching job subhanallah>> <<@bobbyleeper says : I got a vasectomy.. me and wifey can play all we want now 😊 i really don't see a problem with preventing a pregnancy, only aborting one. I see no difference in that and just not having sex.>> <<@Simbashow22-22 says : would you than as a christian have 20 + children, that is heavy>> <<@icarojose6316 says : A woman can be on pill for many years having sex with her partner and when she finally decides to stop the pill to get pregnant, she can see herself loosing all affection and attraction for her partner, because the pills is a bomb of hormones and stopping it at long periods using it will definetely change who you are, and your feelings towards your partner.>> <<@todd2324 says : All the comments here prove that birth control within a marriage is a disputable matter. It is also interesting to see that some of the strongest opinions on this topic come from people who aren't even married.>> <<@psalm421 says : I keep seeing Q&A’s I haven’t seen?! Could you guys add the link to the full presentation to these?! 😊>> <<@junacebedo888 says : I believe all christians says artificial birth control is bad before 1967, After that year, only the Catholic church says it is still bad.>> <<@rs4619 says : My wife was on the pill for some five years and she got pregnant two cycles after she stopped the pill. No issues whatsoever, excellent pregnancy and surprisingly a normal delivery even though she was in her early 40's. So I guess its different for everyone.>> <<@graceraab679 says : I wish he had mentioned this: The birth control issue isn't just about PREVENTING pregnancy if we're talking about the medication method. The birth control pill, specifically, is designed to prevent fertilization, and if that's all it did, that would be one thing. But it's also designed to prevent IMPLANTATION in the case that it fails to prevent fertilization. So if you believe life begins at fertilization (not implantation), then you must acknowledge that one of the intended functions of the pill is to be an abortifacient. This makes the use of birth control pills out of the question for someone that takes their pro life views seriously.>> <<@closetevangelism says : I agree completely, if a couple is married it is then a matter of their choice to use birth control. My wife and I have done the implant that just kills the sperm cells before they have the chance to fertilize. I don’t think that one is wrong but the ones that kill a fertilized egg is absolutely wrong>> <<@royhiggins7270 says : Recently, a christian youtuber named Thaddeus from the @ReasonedAnswers youtube channel threaten to ban me for highlighting the tyranny christianity has brought forth in America, his reasoning, "my channel which has NOTHING to do with politics". An honest question for christians? How many of you actual believe that christianity in America is not polictical? Christian cry about having religious freedom but then are so hypocritical by wanting to force their religion upon others! Here is the list of what the majority of chrisitans in America support: Christian support for those who only exist to allow tax breaks for billionaires at the expense of the poor and middle class; Christians support for those that deny the science of vaccines and climate change; Christian support those that want to force birth without exceptions for rape and incest; Book bannings; Trying to hide black history in our nation; supporting those that literally fight against doing anything about gun violence, except delusional prayers that do nothing; Demonizing the LBGT community; destroying public education; the hate of movies about toys; Demonization of migrants; ushering in QAnon and election denial! Which of the above isn't political? Why do christians feel entitled to force their beliefs upon others?>> <<@aangtheairbender says : TIL the pull out method is cool with the church>> <<@John3.36 says : Depends on the kind of birth control. Is it abortion? Aka. the taking of an innocent life. Is it the morning after pill? Aka pre-emptive Abortion strike.>>