<<@SmartAss4123 says : You're right the bible isn't rocket science. Because rocket science actually shows and produces tangible evidence and results that are observable and can be shown.>> <<@clayshrader9477 says : this is troubling @crossExamied. do you agree with Robertson on baptismal regeneration??>> <<@mcollins476 says : Why does anyone believe the bible? It's never been demonstrated to be true. Can someone present empirical evidence for your god, that we can test, verify and falsify? Until then, your god is imaginary.>> <<@abdulazizyalahow says : WELL I'VE BAD NEWS CAUSE PAUL WAS NEVER BEEN A APOSTLE PERIOD 😮>> <<@damianabbate4423 says : Oh good, more circular logic using bible passages to confirm a god. 'The darkness has not understood it' is a perfect example of tribalistic ingroup language that is used by religions, cults, politicians and antivaxx leaders to make people feel a part of something while automatically providing an outgroup that believers assume they don't want to be a part of. The religious psychology is obvious.>> <<@PeterProf7777 says : The Gospel is truly told directly to each person throughout time using dreams, intuition, vision, daydreams, love, and joy. No book can come even close to doing that.>> <<@That_Rat_Bastrd says : I could write something more convincing than that 😂 What a joke>> <<@Journal2Awakening says : And God is inside all of humanity… we are spiritual beings having a human experience ❤ ask God to show you what it is you need to know>> <<@chickbowdrie4750 says : Hearing the Word read with true conviction always puts a smile on my face.>> <<@BornOnThursday says : A lot of podcasts are popular, so I don't think it means much.>> <<@anguschiggins2161 says : The Christian views represented here saying that it is not Rocket Science is exactly the problem but they don't realize that. Technical knowledge for complicated things (say how to build a 747) are stored on huge databases and protected and verified. Changes are not just written down by random people. Changes are collated and tested and verified along with a full change history so you can see what it used to be, what and when it was changed and what the new change is. For the most complicated thing known to Humans - the creation of the Universe. We are supposed to believe that the early parts of Genesis are factually accurate and then just go along with the rest of the Bible written by who knows who at a time when people had just learned to write language down. The Bible should be at the level of rocket science. We should need Drs. to interpret this for us. Not the Frank kind of Dr. though. Preferably one of those y'all new fangled sciencey type doctors.>> <<@mattr.1887 says : No it's not rocket science at all - you manipulate God by telling him what he wants to hear.>> <<@Marty_McFatty says : Doesn’t Phil believe in baptism salvation?>> <<@canigetachannel says : God reigns now !>> <<@larrylafferty3836 says : Goosebumps Phil love it 🥰>> <<@thatomofolo452 says : Well said>> <<@mattslater2603 says : Fox News' Sean Hannity asked the reality star what he thought about terrorist groups like ISIS when Robertson appeared on Hannity in 2015 to promote his book unPHILtered: The Way I See It. "In this case, you either have to convert them, which I think would be next to impossible. I'm not giving up on them, but I'm just saying either convert them or kill them," he said. Lol.... so much for what Jesus said.>> <<@WalkwithGodalone says : Amen, yes, yes, yes,>> <<@lisabrigman2722 says : I watch the podcast everyday and I LOVE THST THEY'RE SHARING THE GOSPEL ❤. I watched Duck Dynasty and I've been a fan , but even more so now !!😊>> <<@jackalsgate1146 says : Well . . . you should think of it as rocket science cause you just raked those entire verses.>> <<@painfest01 says : Amen!>> <<@gi169 says : 👍👍👍>>