<<@wardengrn says : How long did it take God to make Adam? How old was Adam when He blew the breath of life into Adam? How long did it take God to part the red sea? How long did it take God to feed the multitude with the loaves and fish?-did He have to make a microscopic organism that had a series of adaptations over a long period of time that turned into a fish šŸŸ in the basket? How long did it take to change creatures into a human before Adam which means you have death before sin? The 6 day creation and rest on the 7th day is your current week and literally is evident that He set up our week in the first week of creation. The scripture that says a day is like a 1000 years and 1000 years is like a day, I believe it means God is outside time, space and matter. He literally is the author of natural laws, He wrote them, and He can operate inside and outside them. This means He is all powerful, the Alpha and Omega, the Great I Am who is due our praise and worship. There is no other god. It only makes sense that if there were more gods there adds an new question of how many and they would be creatures because there would need to be an ultimate power that decided when to stop creating other gods because someone chose a number to create. Thats why God is the only true God and He is all powerful. If you start questioning processes and Gods decisions your looking into His time to make up His mind and how powerful He is. I think it is related to where we put our trust-faith. God said to them in the garden on the day that you eat of the tree of knowledge you will surely die. Then satan asked them did God tell you that you will die if you eat of this trees fruit you will die? You will not die but be like God and know good and evil. So they took Gods words and cast them aside and believed satan instead which is placing their trust in satan. Taking their trust and faith from God to satan. God came down, died on a cross, rose on the 3rd day and now you take your trust and put it in Him. Everything in-between is constantly having to identify sin, feel the weight of that sin, learning to trust in God in the most desperate situations and looking towards Him and His promises...even towards the coming back to redeem us from that fallen state in the garden. He made the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th. This 7th day became holy and He wanted us to remember all He has done and reflect on Him and dedicate a day every week to set aside for Him. Believe in the power of the Almighty God and put your trust in Him, don't doubt or wavier in His power all the way to His power to save you and resurrect the dead.>> <<@user-tn9yh4lp7v says : Please!!! All of Israel was freed from Egypt's bondage- not just the tribe of JUDAH!!!JEWS)>> <<@travisbicklepopsicle says : I don't know if there is a god or not, but I know the universe is old, that's for sure. I don't understand why some people think the universe is only thousands of years old. I don't understand how people can think that everything in the universe, all the galaxies, stars, planets, etc, were all created at the same time, when astrophysicists and astronomers observe galaxies of different ages and in different stages of formation, and new stars and planets are still forming in the universe today, so obviously everything wasn't created all at once. The observable universe has a long, deep history that can be traced back through time using several different techniques. So, it isn't merely the fact that the universe *looks* old; there are so many ways that scientists working in different fields can trace things back through time. The universe and nature have a long history.>> <<@khchoi2012 says : Here is a logical argument I've just thought of, today. It never entered my mind before. Let's hypothesise the creation account for each day as 1000 years or 1 million years. So 6 days of 1000 years would be 6000 years. Then on the 7th day, God rested, which was 1000 years. But God created Adam and Eve on the 6th day (6th period of 1000 years, say the last day of that period). Then, on the "8th day" (period of 1000 years), Adam and Eve would be at least minimum of 1002 years old after God rested for 1000 years. But later in Genesis 5, it says Adam lived for 930 years. And Seth lived for 912 years and so on. Do we now not take those numbers literally? If we take the age of Adam, Seth, Enosh as literal (930, 912 and 905), then Adam should've lived through the God's rest day on the 7th day as 1 day or at most as 100 years. Even 1 day as 100 years isn't a plausible argument, it's because Adam had Seth when he was 130 and Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel before Seth. So Adam and Eve would've been younger than 130 years old. The Bible also says Adam and Eve sinned before they had any children, So Adam and Eve would've been even younger than 100 years old or something. Adam couldn't have roamed around the earth or Eden on the 7th day as 1000 years or 1 million or 1 billion years before the fall. The key here is that God rested on the 7th day. God doesn't need resting, does he? That day is there to give us a real timeline that there was only 1 day gap after God created Adam and Eve. So the only plausible explanation of the creation account is literally one day at a time. Otherwise, the later account in Genesis wouldn't make any sense or be nullified.>> <<@robertdavis2816 says : Watch pastor Allen Nolan at cornerstone fellowship community Church tahlequah Oklahoma he explains time, space and matter formula in his teachings of the book of Genesis.>> <<@grumpyoldfart3891 says : When He made creation, HE did not consult me. If HE did create it all in a few days, fine. If HE did it over billions of years, fine. Either way, all glory is HIS.>> <<@walterhelm8186 says : The creation of the universe (heavens and earth) in Gen 1:1 comes before creation week. Creation week begins in Gen 1:3.>> <<@homerunhomeshow7201 says : I agree that the Creation Account is a hybrid of the varied interpretations. A space of time between Gen 1:1 and 1:2 and then creation 'days' of unspecified time spans to get ultimately to the creation of Mankind which is where Moses takes us as readers of God's 'story'. Because I do no think that Adam and Eve sinned at the first opportunity. There may have been many prior encounters with the 'serpent' before the official one that spanned possibly a hundred years, who knows, but Moses only focuses on the encounter that mattered in getting to his (God's) point of the sacrifice element -the Lamb slain before the creation of the world (1 Peter 1:20) "He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake." So the 2 Authors, Moses and Peter agree with, and express that 'creation' was about the Redeemer, not limited to the dictates of time in the sense that our known timelines define God's capabilities.>> <<@farmtalk491 says : I was an old earth theistic evolutionist. But then somebody pointed out to me that would put death before sin. While I can see no problem with saying the earth is X number of years, I can see how it would be a big problem to say things were dying before man came. Because man brought sin into the world and sin brought death into the world. Romans 5:12. I have heard some try to explain this by saying it was just human death that happened after sin or even that early humans weren't made in the image of God so their deaths didn't count. But in Romans 8 it says that creation fell because of sin. This word "creation" cannot mean humans because it says the creation will share in the future glory with the children of God. In the New Testament, children of God refer to those who belong to God. Which means "creation" refers to animals or it's teaching that every single human will go to Heaven whether they are the children of God or not because they will share in the future glory with the children of God. Since Jesus said not every human will be saved, creation must mean animals. I hear some say, "What about plant death? We know Adam and Eve and the animals ate plants in the garden of Eden before sin. Well, plants don't meet the biblical definition of life and therefore (biblically speaking) they were never alive and cannot die. In the Garden of Eden, plants are described as food for living things not living things themselves. Genesis 1:29-30. And they have no breath or life or lifeblood. In the Bible, there are approved plant-based free willing offerings. But they are not atonement for sin offerings because they have no life blood and it takes the shedding of blood to pay for sins. Apparently, sap doesn't count. There are no verses that say don't drink/eat the sap because the life is in the sap. I agree with him that this is not a salvation issue. But I disagree with what he said about people who believe in a young earth having to explain the science. You can believe the Bible without having an answer for every skeptic. I have studied the science much since converting to a young earth creationist. But I didn't have to learn all that before I believed the Bible.>> <<@EugeneVerster says : I disagree with you when you say people are just trying to figure out what the author means. The only reason anyone doubts a literal 6 day creation is because man says the earth is old, if there was no man opinion on the age of the earth literally every person would read genesis as a literal 6 day period, so this means that people are trying to reconcile what God say with what man says, instead of the other way around. This is important because if you can do that with one thing in the Bible then you can start doing it with everything else, we are seeing this now with LGBT practices and some preaches accepting that disgusting practice.>> <<@ericmnr says : I think they are more people concerned to accommodate Genesis into the atheist worldview on natural processes times, that what the verses on Genesis said: God created on 6 days and rest in the 7th day.>> <<@Mjkey_M says : I like to assume that as the universe expands, time gets slower. like how the days on earth are getting 2.3 milliseconds slower every century. From the point of the big bang, time and light would be extremely close and fast. only as the universe expanded did time and light would stretch, and lengthen.>> <<@nicoladibara1936 says : This is NOT my ā€œpet theoryā€ but the WORD of GOD: ā€œFor in six DAYS the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them ā€¦ā€ (Exodus 20:11) God does NOT lie!!!! God is NOT a LIAR!!!! Do NOT call God a liar! Do NOT blaspheme!!!>> <<@Jacobzz says : been here since 2000 subs glad to see more people finding the truth through you! Keep going and God Bless.>> <<@Ethan_Click says : Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Shouldnā€™t we be using this verse to help us understand the literary style of Genesis 1?>> <<@Mark_Henry says : I get that believing differently about the age of the earth is not a deal breaker (you can be a Christian either way)... but I don't get inserting something that was made up in the 1800's into the Bible... just to pretend to be open minded to things that openly disagree with the Bible.>> <<@daveconner9520 says : I had a 100 year old friend and I asked her "Do you believe in a young earth or old earth creation?" She said "I believe it was created.". That was it. Love it.>> <<@McSmurfy says : The most important thing to understand is God created the universe but we don't (of course can't) know how old the earth is exactly, it's just speculation.>> <<@keeganfishing6221 says : I donā€™t like how people fight over something that doesnā€™t really matter.>> <<@travist7777 says : Brilliant overview. Thanks.>> <<@billirons6277 says : Thank you, that helps>> <<@phazon6179 says : as a YEC, he made a very important point we tend to forget>> <<@lincwayne3435 says : Thank you so much! I might even agree with you 100% (..and I don't usually agree with myself that much...šŸ™„) I will say, I sort of go to the younger earth side, but I do understand one of the greatest arguments against it (the only one I really see) is the starlight; from so far away - equals millions of years, etc. However, if you look at Russell Humphrey's book Starlight And Time, he has a cosmology which solves not only the distant star problem for "young earthers", but the problem for "long agers" seen in the far reaches of the universe: all the galaxies completely formed, as opposed to in their infancy (I guess not a problem for a long age believers though hahaha!). And at the risk of going too long, another thing Dr. Humphries did, is predict the magnetic fields of the planets. He did this based on the Earth being 6,000 years old. He was dead on several planets when one of our satellites passed by and measured these readings . Evolutionary predictions were off by several orders of magnitude...>> <<@adamschaafsma5839 says : For anyone interested in study, the "Let's Talk Creation Podcast" is excellent!>> <<@M0rmagil says : God has to square a circle here. He has to lay out why things are, without explaining how things work. You can read it literally, and it works, because itā€™s not a textbook of scientific discovery. Thatā€™s one of the things we can do. It does start the narrative of why things are messed up, and lays the foundation for Godā€™s plan to fix this mess.>> <<@spiritandflesh8477 says : I wrestled with this topic for some time and I basically came out with the approach of Mr. Wallace. If I come before Jesus and my interpretation was wrong Iā€™m not going to lecture God on how he could have made it more distinguishable. I will be forced to do as I always do, and just marvel over his wisdom to craft something so miraculous. We are broken. Itā€™s like trying to read instructions for baking a cake with shattered reading glasses. You might nail down a few ingredients but Iā€™d bet my money the end result will be a little off. Iā€™m happy to let the author of the book explain to me how it all comes together at his book signing. Nice video.>> <<@Joanne_uk says : This is one of those truths that weā€™ll find out after Jesus returns. I honestly donā€™t know whether the universe is young or old, all I know is that God created it all and is keeping it going!>> <<@ronreisdorf1592 says : What helped me was reading Exodus 31, God gave Moses two tablets of stone, written with the *finger of God*. 'It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in "six days" the Lord made the heavens and the earth.' Everywhere else in the Bible we know what 'day' means except Genesis 1? Seems odd and inconsistent. Jesus also references 'from the beginning', He made from male and female. Natural observed science cannot provide a timescale as it assumes natural process's have been and are a constant which shows our finite and flawed state. Peter is referring to God's patience and longsuffering (verse 9) with the Lord one day is like a thousand years. The key is 'With the Lord' or 'To the Lord' referring to that God is outside of time hence using that it's 'like' or 'as'.>> <<@shaun7156 says : Just about 4 min in, but wanted to say "Answers in Genesis" give very compelling scientific evidence for a young earth. So, as much as what I agree with what you usually say, I would suggest you research this a little further. Starting with the Archeologist, Chemist, etc at Answers in Genesis>> <<@surrenderdaily333 says : Exodus 20:11 says, "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it." There's your answer, straight from God's mouth to your eyes/ears.>> <<@johnhazlett3711 says : "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth". 'Nuff said.>> <<@surrenderdaily333 says : When Peter said that a day to the Lord is as a thousand years it had nothing to do with Genesis. The Genesis account is very specifically marked by numbers and the world "day" to show that these are 24 hour days. You can look it up on Answers in Genesis for the explanation if you want a thorough explanation, but what Peter was referring to was about the end times and the time it may take for Christ to come back. So, if Christ were raised up in 3 days, and a day is like a thousand years, then two days have passed since Christ left (almost) and He is likely to come in the third day, or after 2033, or about that time, give or take, since we don't know the exact date and also Jewish (and God's) calendars are different than our secular calendars. There are a lot of theological arguments on that but that's the takeaway as far as I'm concerned. The main point is, that we HAVE to take the Genesis account of creation literally, or we get in trouble theologically, because that would mean that death came before Adam and Eve sinned and if that was true then it totally nullifies the need for the death and resurrection of Jesus. If you don't understand the complete ramifications I suggest you go to Answers in Genesis videos on the subject so you can understand because it's pretty basic and vital. God could have created everything at once, in a split second. But He didn't. He used seven days to show us something. Many people believe that it is representative of how long this earth will be around, approximately 6000 years for man (because 6 is the number of man in the gematria) then a thousand year reign of Christ, making 7000, and then the new heaven and earth will be created and this old one of sin will be destroyed. But the way you tell what the author meant when he was writing out Genesis is to ask a Messianic Jew. They will tell you the days are 24 hour days and WHY specifically, they know that fact. As for science, science has been desperately trying to catch up to the Bible for centuries. I've studied many of the sciences as well as the Bible and numerous subjects involved with the Bible and I can tell you, science hasn't reached the top of the mountain yet, but they are beginning to see the clouds with things like DNA and how many times the Bible has been correct and science has been wrong and one day they will reach the peak of the mountain and look over at the other side and find God waiting there for them. This belief has nothing to do with salvation, but it does matter if you want to take any other part of the Bible seriously, because of the pointless incarnation, death and resurrection contradiction you get if you make the days long periods of time that I mentioned earlier. Also, many plants and animals had to be created within a day of each other because they rely on each other to survive. Here is a link to one of the shorter Answers in Genesis explanations of the days in Genesis. https://youtu.be/aFjgW9UBG9E>> <<@MelodysKids says : When I read the verse "one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like one day" in 2 Peter 3:8, I interpret it as God saying he lives outside our spacetime, much like a computer programmer doesn't live inside the computer. There are many credible scientists who believe we are living in simulation.>> <<@pastorbrianediger says : I agree that it's not an essential that affects salvation. However, when we interpret the Bible we have to take into consideration the context of the passage. Neither Psalm 90 or 2 Peter 3 are talking about creation. They are talking about our lifespan in comparison to the eternality of God and His plan. When interpreting "yom" in the creation account we need to look at that context and other contexts that mention it, such as the 4th commandment concerning the Sabbath. We also need to be careful about saying "science says" when the scientific data is being interpreted based on human assumptions. No one was there to see what happened. Which brings me to the problem with the analogy you gave. You implied that we have to wait until we get to heaven to see what God says about this. As far as the details, sure, but as far as how long it took, He's already told us. The question is, who more consistently interprets what He said.>> <<@ChanMan9333 says : Can't believe God made the earth how it plainly says it in scripture? Maybe Jonah wasn't actually swallowed up by a fish either? There couldn't have been an actual flood over the entire earth, right? Maybe men wrote the Bible, and they just embellished a little. Maybe we should all just decide what we would like it to mean for ourselves. That is dangerous, and why american Christianity is in the sad shape it is in today. Because weak churches and "wise" men don't think it matters what the Bible said. "It doesn't matter, little Timmy. Just trust in Jesus!" This is why the Bible is so easily disregarded today. There are so many other reasons why it MATTERS. God does care about the truth, and it is no small thing to take creative liberty to decide Genesis doesn't say what it says because some pagan scientists told you the earth is billions of years old. This is a sad result of the Church leaving the authority of the Bible. If the first chapter is abstract and unknowable, then you are already off the path.>> <<@paddingtonbear6815 says : God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?>> <<@shilohauraable says : I'm all for 6 - 10,000 years since The Fall. BUT - The Bible never says how long Adam & Eve lived in the garden prior to sinning. Everyone talks like God made Man then 2 days to a year later they sinned. There's not one Bible verse that says that. They could've lived in the Garden for billions of years! It says they tended the Garden and walked with God in the Garden. It doesn't say for how long. They were told to be fruitful and multiply. They may have had many children (the people east of Eden thar Cain feared). The Bible says Eve would have INCREASED pain in childbirth. It never says she hadn't had children w/out pain before sinning. No matter how long it took God to create the earth, it may have happened a LONG time ago. Man was created to be immortal. They had permitted access to the Tree of Life. Whether God created in 6 days or 6 periods of time makes no difference to me. It all changed after The Fall. The Bible is mainly about God's plan of salvation, not details about the beginning. I have a hard time believing Adam and Eve fell to sin so quickly after they were created.. 6,000 years since The Fall & our need to be saved. Totally logical. The rest we'll find out as we spend eternity in His glorious presence! ā¤ā¤>> <<@VerifyPodcast says : God bless you sir!>> <<@henryschmit3340 says : A good creation site (CMI) has a good article today on the genealogies in Genesis.>> <<@niswr7319 says : I never thought you would do a vid on this! As a Christian, who happens to be a Inerrancy Fundamentalist, which led me to knowing that God created the world in 6 literal days. He repeatedly states the evening and morning on each day. If God couldnā€™t create it in 6 days, maybe youā€™re just underestimating Godā€™s word. Lastly, the science leads to the literal interpretation.>> <<@michaelmyrick614 says : I read the theories of Dr. Gerald Schroeder in "Genesis and the Big Bang", and other books. To me, he made a very convincing case of the "days" of Genesis being dependent on the observer's viewpoint, Creation is from God's viewpoint, so the "days" of Creation are on a different scale from earthly days. Recommend his books.>> <<@tressabowles5817 says : AMEN brother!!!!!!>> <<@JohnMark61355 says : Thanks for the video. The Bible is inspired by God, contains lots of history, much philosophy, and superb guidance about virtually everything in life. The Bible is truth, but is often not literal, and is mostly not a science book.>> <<@bjones5791 says : "7 fold doctrine of creation" by Dean Odle absolutely explains this whole subject.Just awesome.....love from Bastrop Texas,Brent>> <<@beaupierrebondurant5651 says : Evolution is the ancient lie of satan Lucifer, the philosophical foundation of satan Lucifer's rebellion against Yahweh Adonai.>> <<@beaupierrebondurant5651 says : Nope,God the Lord is a young earth creationist.>> <<@beaupierrebondurant5651 says : The big bang is a lie...nothing cannot explode into something on it's own accord.>> <<@beaupierrebondurant5651 says : It is the recreation of the universe that is instantaneous.>> <<@beaupierrebondurant5651 says : Creation is the philosophical foundation of the Gospel, reality, and truth(cf.Revelation 14:6and 7).>> <<@beaupierrebondurant5651 says : Anything other than young earth creationism is a compromise to satan Lucifer's ancient lie of evolution.>>