<<@edithdotson7603 says : Some may accuse me of being anti-scholarship. I am for correct scholarship. However, Jesus took ordinary, humble in circumstances men whom He could instruct in His ways and not in the traditions of men. He wanted informed, enlightened men sharing His Words of truth and light. Scolarship can be of the high and noble character or it can be of the corrupting and deceitful type. We have got to be careful not to put scholarship where the Holy Spirit should be. Our panelists today during the discussion lifted up God's Holy Law and kept it in its rightful place and we thank you for that.>> <<@edithdotson7603 says : The Holy Spirit's role in drawing us to Christ and converting, changing and enabling us is crucial to our ability to keep God's Holy Ten Commandments Law. Without Holy Spirit enabling, willing and cheerful obedience is totally impossible. With Holy Spirit's help it is totally possible. That is why Jesus just before His departure for Heaven promised and did fulfill the promise of giving His disciples the Comforter, the Holy Spirit to enabling them to obey Him and to spread the Gospel to the ends of the world. Let us remember ALWAYS to include the Holy Spirit's role in the salvation process. He is our all sufficient Helper. Praise the Holy Trio!>> <<@edithdotson7603 says : Because spiritual things are spiritually discerned, prayer for Holy Spirit discernment is ever necessary when we deal with spiritual matters not only for you who share but for your listeners. I hope you can find a minute or two to include this element at the beginning and at the end of each session. I like that you share the exact statement of what we believe but prayer for spiritualy discernment is even more important than that in my way of thinking. Thank you for sharing.>> <<@oleksandrhrytsak400 says : thank you for your very important work.>> <<@sharonmcgillivray2119 says : Yes, they still matter, as long as their in existence even as they existed before this world was created and as long as there is God they exist.>>