<<@onaolapoajibade1647 says : May Gd bless the Publishing Ministries the more.>> <<@earlysda says : I appreciated this very much, as I have printed many original, 1858 Great Controversy books. There are 4 editions of The Great Controversy: 1858, 1884, 1888, and 1911. They are talking about the 1911 edition in this video. In the 1858 edition, (which is only 21% the size of the 1911 edition), it starts with "The Fall of Satan", so tells the entire story of sin from its beginning to its end. The current, 1911 edition, starts with the "Destruction of Jerusalem", and spends much time on the European Reformation. . I've found in my travels, that fewer and fewer young people are willing to read books. I've met several young SDAs who know that they should read The Great Controversy, but can't, for whatever reason, get thru it. But the original, 1858 edition, being smaller, and being written in the first person sense of "I saw", and "The Lord has shown me" brings it alive, and makes them want to read to the end. . While the 1911 edition has its place, I wish our SDA Church would understand how best to reach young people today with God's inspired words. . God bless you Br. Almir Marroni, as you spread the written words.>> <<@jjgoodholiday says : We need more bookstores. Not for profit, but because books are still needed! Bring back SDA bookstores in southern California>> <<@clc7378 says : Thank You!>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "Best-Selling Book | Guinness World Records: The best-selling book of all time is the Christian Bible. It is impossible to know exactly how many copies have been printed in the roughly 1500 years since its contents were standardized, but research conducted by the British and Foreign Bible Society in 2021 suggests that the total number probably lies between 5 and 7 billion copies.">>