<<@marioglosy says : And at Manuscript realises page 260 say and volume 5 Testimonies for the church page 211 to 217 Holy Spirit says The SDA denomination internationally want to make God have a stroke>> <<@marioglosy says : Yes men of GOD you need to read the Shepherd's Rod message to the SDA denomination internationally also Sir thank you and GOD direct your team members management services ok sign our brother Mario Glosy>> <<@Over-for-now says : The message we need is Paul's gospel given to him by Jesus himself. It was a MYSTERY NOT known before>> <<@JamesE-f4b says : YOU ARE BEING/BEEN WARNED: It is written??????? Acts 17:10 And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming [thither] went into the synagogue of the Jews. 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. "It is written???????" Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 24:5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 24:38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 24:39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.>> <<@OriginalGangster-lw7ld says : Ted Wilson aka white Devil>> <<@dawnawest3610 says : That includes the choice for medical autonomy by avoiding the jab because He created us with an amazing immune system. God bless>> <<@davidway4259 says : ATONED FOR. FED LED TAUGHT SENT.>> <<@davidway4259 says : SAVED WASHED REBORN ENLIGHTENED.>> <<@davidway4259 says : My message is from the Creator of. Eternal LIFE LIGHT LIVING BEINGS. NOT HUMANS. US Purified Sanctified Consecrated Anointed.>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "UFOs are Demons: "Occultists have even confessed that these aliens they so highly exalt with their religious zeal are indeed demons. Former New Ager Randall Baer, at one point in his life, held UFO contact sessions along with other occult practices at his New Age center in New Mexico. When he came to the saving knowledge of God’s grace, he wrote of his experiences in the New Age Movement, and found it appropriate to quote evangelist Brook Alexander when he wrote, “A lot of the characteristics that attend UFO ‘close encounters’ are also highly characteristic of demonic encounters… More than anything else, the thing that we came to understand was that these UFO’s are not extraterrestrial space vehicles, but they are extrademensional beings."">> <<@mauricerose3082 says : "1. NASA Lies About the Earth NASA works hard trying to convince us we live on a spinning ball hurling through space. Yet, all the scientific evidence points to a flat non-rotating earth, including NASA’s own technical documents. I cover this in more detail in my article titled 9 Knowers Who Know the Earth is Flat." "1. SAILORS KNOW THE EARTH IS FLAT. If the earth is a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference, we shouldn’t be able to see distant landmarks because they would fall below the horizon due to the earth’s supposed curvature. However, in reality, landmarks remain visible at a far greater distance than they should. One of countless examples is the Dunkerque Lighthouse in Northern France. The elevation of the light is 194 feet above sea level, and yet it is visible from a boat 10 feet above sea level 28 miles away. Spherical trigonometry dictates that if the earth is a globe with a curvature of 8 inches per mile squared, then this light should be hidden 190 feet below the horizon." "2. ENGINEERS KNOW THE EARTH IS FLAT. Engineers (along with surveyors and architects) never factor in the supposed curvature of the earth when designing canals, bridges, tunnels, roadways, and railways. No allowances for curvature are ever included in their projects, even when spanning distances of hundreds of miles." "Who laid the Foundations of the Earth, that it should not be removed for Ever." Psalm 104:5 KJB>> <<@justthink8952 says : God's Sabbath and Israel's Sabbath are different. In Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1 - 2 we read, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and covered with darkness while a mighty wind swept over the waters. Day 1. Then God created light and he separated light from darkness. Day 2. God created a dome that separated the waters below and above. Day 3. God made the dry land appeared. He called the dry land earth and the water the sea. He created the vegetation. Day 4. He created light to separate day and night. He created fixed times, seasons, days and years. He made two great lights to rule the day and the night (sun and moon?). Day 5. Then God created sea creatures, birds Day 6. God created animals, beasts and man. Notice that God's day 1, day 2, day 3 were not depended upon the sunlight or the shadow of the earth that caused our day and night. This is to say, God's day and night are not the same as our day and night which is a 24 hours cycle. In the 10 commandments, God commanded the nation of Israel to keep the Sabbath rest just as he had rested on the 7th day after the completion of his creation. Thus, Israel's Sabbath is just a foreshadow of God's Sabbath. It is just a copy. Now, if we try to keep Israel's Sabbath then it should be from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. However, if we are on Norway, or at the North pole, how will we observe the lengthy Sabbath day during April to August where the sun shines for about half a year? Also, if we claim to observe Israel's Sabbath, then people all over the world especially the so called Sabbath keepers like the Seventh Day Adventists should keep the Sabbath exactly at the same time the Jews in Israel keep their Sabbath. But this will violate the principle of sunset to sunset in other parts of the world, like Norway. Therefore, it is not possible to keep Israel's Sabbath. So far we have seen that Israel's Sabbath and God's Sabbath are different. We have also seen that we can't keep Israel's Sabbath too. But then Christians are the new Israel and Jesus did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill it. So what about the new Sabbath? Jesus said, come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. What does this rest mean? Is it the same thing as Paul talked about entering God's in Hebrews 4 : 1 - 11? Paul said Israel did not enter into God's rest when they entered into the land of Canaan. That is why Paul further said God spoke of another day to enter into God's rest. Paul then exhorted the Hebrews to enter into that rest the day they hear God's voice without hardening their heart. From this passage, we see that God's rest, or God's Sabbath is not about 7 day cycle but about finding our salvation in Jesus Christ. In the gospel, Jesus said that his Father is always working and likewise he was doing the same. This raises a question of how could God work always but still have his rest on the 7th day? The only logical explanation is that God rested from creating new things but he did not rest from sustaining the things he created already. Thus, every day (24 hours day of our day) is a Sabbath day for God till he the day he creates the new heaven and the new earth. And since we are to keep the new Sabbath, or God's Sabbath, of which Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, everyday should be a Sabbath day for us. We have found our rest in Jesus Christ. We don't have to roam restlessly to find rest in Judaism, Islam or Hinduism or Budhism.... We should observe this Sabbath rest till we receive our glorified body in heaven.>> <<@mauricerose3082 says : The Great Controversy as an Appendum to the King James Bible.>> <<@edithdotson7603 says : When churches seek to be the consciences for people this pleases Satan, promoter of FORCE and fighter against religious liberty and freedom of CHOOCE. Thse are some of the best gifts given us of God and are to be treasured and used to bring honor to His Holy Name. May the Lord help us to to love him supremely and serve Him devotedly. Thank you Pastor Wilson for sharing.>> <<@debbieramsey-hanks3757 says : Amen>> <<@jejoo4607 says : Praise God ❤ Thank You, Pastor Ted! 🙏🏻🙏🏻 God bless you and family, and our ministry.>> <<@patrickmatemwa7222 says : Amen and Thank you for this information 🙏🙏🙏🙏>> <<@jorgeluisosoriobustillo9687 says : 🎵 Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling 🎵 ....Today is the time for decision.>> <<@angelaruiz6015 says : AMÉN ❤>> <<@stevenuzhca7091 says : Great>> <<@achdebrah says : This is the message we need at this time of the world‘s history. Thanks so much dear Pastor Wilson.>> <<@AyandaMokoena-i7e says : Thank you mfundisi ❤>> <<@gregcox6165 says : This is excellent!>> <<@kitutudiana9250 says : Amen 🙏🙏 Lord help us to choose the life that will lead us to eternity in Christ Jesus name l pray amen>> <<@lingchristine6413 says : Amen❤>> <<@AmandaDubberley1981 says : I rather life>> <<@SolaScriptura21 says : EGW taught in EW that the chart had errors in it and they were not seen until after 1844, these errors were about the 1843 chart teaching that Jesus would return instead of enter the most holy place in heaven. In 1SM EGW taught that Jesus would have returned in 1844 if more adventists were faithful, implying that the chart was correct.>> <<@juanalonsocobarrubiasverdu5087 says : Book The Great Controversy. Step by Step , Ellen G.White>> <<@oleksandrhrytsak400 says : thank you, Pastor Ted for your important message>> <<@JokpeterMonywut says : Amen>>