<<@J-aiJ-ai says : 💯%!! We cannot argue anyone into believing. It’s only by the power of The Holy Spirit that hearts can be changed.>> <<@201950201950 says : Praise God>> <<@michaelstephens360 says : Your comments about experts in the jury box just made me think of Nicodemus in a whole different way>> <<@jessebryant9233 says : 3:30 – And that is the escape clause of so many skeptics, scoffers, cynics. "Oh, you don't have a degree? Then you don't know anything and there is no good reason for me to listen to a word you say!" Of course, that is a philosophical claim they are making, and not many folks have a degree in philosophy, even though virtually ALL men are philosophers. Oh snap!>> <<@christiandad5920 says : The theoretical attacks are the vanguard of the physical attacks. In the West we aren't there.... yet. But Jesus did state EVERY nation will persecute His followers, so be prepared and pray for endurance.>> <<@maryhunt3083 says : John 6:44>> <<@nadams8863 says : Amen✝♥>> <<@justice8718 says : Remember this, we are always attacked in America, because if they’ve managed to steal away our influences, they will steal our kingdom and slaughter the entire world. Every nation counts.>> <<@rocketscientisttoo says : Many years ago my very first pastor told the congregation "If you can convince someone that Christianity is true then someone else can also convince them that Christianity is false." We, as Christians, are called to disciple people not convert them. That is the job of God the Holy Spirit. Becoming a Christian involves more than just a change of mind it involves the change of a person's heart, and as God said through the Prophet Jeremiah "The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?".>> <<@jimfarnell5813 says : Single most important thing is Paul’s point that he planted, Apollos watered BUT GOD gave the growth…>> <<@chrispaige8880 says : If you start w/ the premise that you are a "good" person who deserves to be saved (which is the nearly universal premise of the modern world), then you're not likely to conclude that there is a God because you won't see the need for this God to exist. That is, if He does exist, you'll be saved. If He doesn't exist, you can't be saved. So what's the upside to believing? And the downsides are obvious as this God fellow's going to be making demands on you which, even if trivial, outweigh the nonexistent benefits (given our premise). So self-esteem or whatever you call it really is fatal to any sense of God. People who love themselves won't believe in God because they won't have any reason to, pretty basic economics if you think about it. Show me a scoffer & I'll show you someone who considers himself or herself to be a good person. It's that self love that leads the doubt. I mean why do you think God tells us repentance must come first? There's no room in your heart for God if it's already filled with love of self. As wiser men than I have explained, you can't sell parachutes to people who think they can fly, and that's true regardless of what evidence you might have regarding the merits of parachutes. These people can't be saved because they don't think they need saving - only God can convict them (in part because the rest of us have given up trying - we're too eager to be tolerant and nice, so we allow these self delusions to persist). When's the last time your church told you that you were a sinner who deserved eternal damnation? If we won't say that truth to ourselves, what hope can we have for the others, who are told from dawn to dusk how "good" they are?>> <<@JRTIGER07 says : God had to blind Saul for him to become the Apostle Paul ....his Testimony in *1 TIMOTHY 1:12-17* Is my Testimony as well 🙏 Praise The Lord ...Thanks Jim for you Work in the Kingdom of God 🇳🇿 Shalom 🇮🇱>> <<@Classified-bn9bi says : “And whoever will not receive you, when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet as a testimony against them.”” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬>> <<@Michael_the_Servant says : The majority of the people who wrote scripture down were not PHD’s, nor were the followers of Jesus. This message in the video is exactly what the body of the church needs to hear! I once on a plane sat next to a very unique specialist PHD, one of the top in his field in the nation, and as I sought guidance from the Holy Spirit as to how I was to witness to the unknown gentleman that was getting ready to sit down beside me, I was prompt to merely plant the seed. I found out he was a specialist in a field that I knew a little about, but he knew way more in his field of expertise than I will ever know, but there was something that I taught this man with decades of time in his field that he had not ever been taught, because a specialist would never think about it, as it required the knowledge of another scientific field. I have a particular scientific field that I enjoy studying just for the sake of knowing it, and that knowledge allowed me to add to his knowledge of his field. When he realized I had a wealth of knowledge on a broad scope of topics, it opened the door for discussing other topics, including the Bible. It was my personal experience and interests that God had gifted me with to plant that seed. He later took the time to find me in the terminal and thanked me for such an intriguing discussion on the entire flight. God will work through you to reach who He wants to reach, you just need to realize that God has already set you up with Gifts or the blessing of Grace to do the work he has for you.>> <<@kennethrjurekjr says : I so appreciate J Warner Wallace and Frank Turek when they say Christians in America are not “under attack” nor truly persecuted for their faith when you simply consider that Christians across the globe are STILL, to this VERY DAY, being tortured and murdered for the sake of the gospel and the name of Christ. Perspective is important.>> <<@JiraiyaSama86 says : Wow! I hadn't yet articulated that someone's expertise can cause bias. But it makes sense. Especially when we consider how prideful one can get in that area.>> <<@mikehorton3664 says : 7th grade educated, following Christ 30 plus years, not a pastor but have and always will be a light in a dark world showing love when peolple expect hostility or anger, been through tornadoe and other stuff that helped us grow, my wife of 30 plus years has been with me through it all. always enjoy the content it is real life and truth. God bless,Matthew6:33,Proverbs3:5>> <<@skyjoshuavlogtv1751 says : Good job sir>> <<@uwekonnigsstaddt524 says : God takes the Divine Initiative that causes people to see God’s truth. Also see 2 Corinthians 4:4>> <<@MrWeebable says : This undercuts the whole idea of apologetics. If it's ultimately God who decides whether a specific individual should come to faith, then He can make that happen with or without a well-prepared apologist. Apologetics becomes icing on the cake of God's irresistible grace. It would mean that we are NOT 'without excuse'. Our excuse would be: 'God hasn't decided to open up his/her/my heart yet apparently!'. Now every good Calvinist will come back with 'God USES apologetics' to which I respond 'God doesn't NEED your apologetics to irresistibly save someone, so your apologetics is REDUNDANT'. God has decided to give work of evangelisation to US. Paul himself argued for days in the hopes of convincing people. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead so that his disciples may believe. We have received the power of the gospel to convince people, so present it well and not lazily with the attitude of 'I said the basics the rest is up to God, if He wants to save that person'. God desires every person to come to faith. You CAN convince people and you can fail to convince people. Perhaps that person is resisting or perhaps your presentation is poor, or both. It's a consensual process, not Divine Mind/Heart Assault.>> <<@danielanthony8373 says : Christianity is definitely under attack all over the World and absolutely in the West The population have been captured by Marxist Ideology The West is slowly moving left and the left hate Religion especially Christianity as it is a threat to their power The left do not want people to worship a Higher Power The left want people to Worship the State>>