<<@GarfieldEdwardsJa says : Wonderful study>> <<@jerrystilwell7666 says : Very good info and insight. Thanks and God bless.>> <<@edithdotson7603 says : I should, however, say Thank you three for the discussion. Some good insights were shared.>> <<@edithdotson7603 says : With all due respects, I think that the emphasis on "theological experts" should be replaced with prayer to begin the study/discussion.of these important doctrinal topics. I like that you read the specific doctrinal position as is written but where are the Bible references in the discussion? Well, we finally added a few. Thank you. We need to use more. I also remember the day when we referred to this very sacred service as Holy Communion. Today most everyone just calls it Communion.Just as they say Bible instead of the Holy Bible, Sanctuary, instead of the holy Sanctuary and matrimony instead of Holy Matrumony and Holy Sabbath.. Both adding to, or deleting holy from these words makes a big difference, Think about it.>> <<@billkinga9676 says : Thanks for sharing, appreciated much 🙏>>