<<@graftme3168 says : I think the main reason people are misled is because they don't truly comprehend the Gospel message. Without the proper foundation, it doesn't really matter what you believe, or don't believe.>> <<@mickme8914 says : Can we all agree that Christianity is a spiritual faith?>> <<@jazefs says : True about the educational plan in church. Good 1 Allen>> <<@jerurenteria325 says : I am still shocked at the fact that this account doesn’t have millions of subscribers!!!!>> <<@nobodymanjustme2402 says : Jesus Christ almighty king of heaven and earth amen help am drinking to much with your help Jesus I’ll get there please god 🙏✝️❤️😇👑>> <<@WhosMolly says : In the first few minutes of the interview, you identified the problem; people are just lazy. To become a mature Christian takes work. Buying a book, watching a video, attending a service once a week is not going to get you there. Salvation may be instant, but I have not found anything else about Christianity to be so.>> <<@ernee100 says : Difficult to follow. I got 6 of the 7 problems. What did I miss? 1 Discipleship 2 tongues 3 prosperity 4 prophets 5 progressive Christianity 6 lose salvation>> <<@allenbrininstool7558 says : I am reading Dr Michael S Heiser’s books Supernatural and The Unseen Realm. Truly opening up scripture that has been confusing to me in the past>> <<@davidreynal2985 says : Thank you for presenting these issues in a clear and concise manner. These are vitally important issues in the Church today. I have seen friends leave the faith when God doesn’t heal a loved one that they had been promised would be healed. I have seen others take a condescending attitude towards those who ‘had not yet properly understood the authority that God gives us’. Biblical authority gives way when false teachings take over a life or a church. Keep doing what you’re doing, relying upon His Word.>> <<@4everchristian says : I LOVE BOTH OF YOU and I watch a lot of your videos BUT THIS VIDEO was more of a promotional video about a book than really the teachings of CHRIST. I LOVE YOU GUYS I probably will buy the book BUT GET YOUR WALK STRAIGHT>> <<@jamesmunn8144 says : As a young adult in my 20’s, some 30+ years ago, I came into the church just after being born again. (John 3:3) Having been witnessed to by a friend and the Holy Spirit took over. My point here is that at that point in my life, I had no theological background. Many I suppose are like that. My spiritual walk has been a journey. Through non-denominational, Baptist, Pentecostal, Adventist, and reading the “entire bible”through 9 + times I have learned a lot. I am now in the Hebrew roots movement (such as 119 ministries) and fellowship in a Messianic congregation which is “close” to my understanding and beliefs. That is my journey, I hope and pray ALL believers get moving and test everything they hear or read to the scriptures. Shalom. <><>> <<@krystal6612 says : So good I love these 2 men of God souch❤>> <<@valerieprice1745 says : I just finished reading Cold Case Christianity. I really enjoyed it. I want to be a competent ambassador for Christ, to offer substantial answers for anyone who questions. I plan to get God's Crime Scene on Friday. I also read the Bible everyday. Still studying.>> <<@robindoyle2875 says : I just started reading Cols Case Christianity and Misled. You guys are spot on. I've been a Christ follower since I was almost 16 (35 years) and I'm just now, within the last couple of years, started focusing on why I believe what I believe and really digging into scripture. I realized that if anyone asked me why I'm a Christian and who Jesus really is, I wouldn't be able to articulate the answer intelligently. And as for being Misled, I bought into pretty much everything this book addresses. Thank you guys for all you do!!>> <<@bucketmcpretty9786 says : Great interview. Thanks for introducing me to Allen and his book!>> <<@MoonPhaze5 says : Sometimes God will speak a message to one of us personally, but it's not intended to be shared to a bunch of people, or even one other person. I treasure my private relationship with our God and King.>> <<@bethmushisky1867 says : I absolutely love these 2! They explain everything in such relatable ways. They speak THE truth!! Thank you for all your hard work!!>> <<@mac9869 says : Great conversation with Allen Parr!! We live in an era that does not appreciate Truth, that does not see the value of hard work in order to understand, that is over-emotive, that is looking for fast and easy application of spiritual concepts. And people who have sloppy theology mislead the nonbelievers about the Truths of Scripture, and the beat goes on. Thank u for the book and thank u for the interview.>> <<@celiaweaver1323 says : I just love the discussion🙏👆>> <<@michellemybelle9591 says : I was/am Biblically illiterate. Learning now. 🙌🎚. I was sucked into the prosperity gospel... now both my sons are wayward. One of which studied the word and ended up running from the church. This is why so many 90's-early 2000's people are deconstructing.>> <<@davidplummer2619 says : Tongues has been in many churches reduced to a status symbol. They forget that certainly when this gift first appeared, there was a very practical purpose for it: to proclaim the gospel to foreigners who spoke languages the apostles didn't know and who didn't know any languages the apostles could speak. I've been in churches where some well meaning folks just get up and start going LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA, the same syllable over and over. First, that's not a tongue, that's at best scat-singing. Second, there was no-one to interpret and everyone always ended up leaving the service with no clue what the tongue-er said. Again there has to be a practical purpose for the gift of tongues, otherwise you're just making noise and thinking you have a gift you don't have. I do not believe any of the gifts, including tongues, have ceased. There doesn't seem to be any reason to think they have. God can use people in any way he wants at any time. But just because somebody is scatting like Mel Torme or Ella Fitzgerald doesn't mean they're giving us anything from Heaven's throneroom.>> <<@janwilson6763 says : Regarding the conflict between OSAS and the ability to lose salvation due to a lifestyle of choosing sin over righteousness comes from something that both sides agree on...salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit brings us to want to do God's will instead of our own sinfilled desires. We will always fall short and grace covers that but the desires of our hearts, hearts now under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, will grow towards doing His will.>> <<@authorjwkitson says : Great concept for a book and so glad you wrote it. I think we are still missing something even deeper as a foundational truth in the Church: 2 Timothy 2:15 and how it relates to The Mystery taught by Paul. My next book will hit hard on how Christians have so much of their hermeneutics completely wrong. Again, I appreciate these doctrinal topics, but the foundation of the Church is crumbling!!!>> <<@KISStheSON... says : Unfortunately, Calvinism is leading Christians into false teachings about another Jesus and another gospel by another spirit. 2 Corinthians 11:4 “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”>> <<@msjayl0vely says : I can’t wait to read it!>> <<@wintermatherne2524 says : I don’t disagree on the question of salvation not being works based, However, the other side of the equation is if you are to be saved, you must board the ark Jesus provided. It’s not enough to proclaim you believe because that word could mean anything from a vague suspicion to a conviction. A vague suspicion is impotent in regards to salvation. I see this point confused a lot. It must be a conviction. To be a solid conviction, the foundation of the conviction must be objective. If you have a bona fide conviction, the works are the evidence as nobody will board an ark unless they are CONVINCED the flood is coming. If you are convinced, you will act. I’m sure we all agree, but the church in general doesn’t clarify and many people are seriously confused.>> <<@tylersburden2593 says : Thank you for your time Jim and Allen! I follow you both, and you guys have had a great Influence on my walk with Christ. Apologetics and theology go hand in hand 🖐>> <<@JonathanMeyer84 says : I agree with everything you said about the danger of teaching or even implying work-based salvation. I agree that we cannot accidentally lose our salvation, or sin so grievously that Jesus' death did not atone for our sins. To that, I would add that we can only lose our salvation if we reject Jesus and walk away from him. At the same time that his death atoned for all our sins, that is no excuse to sin all we want because we are essentially locked in.>> <<@wintermatherne2524 says : The mainstream church doesn’t teach proper epistemology. Or any at all.>> <<@Disciple793 says : I haven't purchased the book "Misled", but the 7 doctrines discussed are being promoted heavily on various Christian YouTube channels. And it's creeping into the Church which is more disturbing. Praise God for cold case Christianity and the Beat for being a torch in this dark culture we live in. (Psalm 119:105) "Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.">> <<@ouuwee2154 says : W!>> <<@NewyorkRicanSoulPodcast says : Reading the Bible will change your life. Thank you for all you do both J. Warner Wallace and Allen Parr. 🙏🏼>> <<@519921702 says : What is the title?>> <<@boison.a says : Just wondering if this is just another Calvinist anti-charismatic book. I hope it deals with real excesses and errors, and not just another one of those... "Christian Cancel Culture".. books.>> <<@HighPraisesWorship says : Awesome !!! I'm at large in a very liberal church environment in Germany and the both of you encorage me sooo much in the faith and my ministry! (being very very excited to read your book, Allen)>> <<@MrDavidObeid says : #1 reason for woeful Biblical hermeneutics is Sola Scriptura itself.>> <<@BarrieBrown says : "Churches" today teach a new gospel message, "You only have to agree with your mind (intellectually acknowledge) Jesus" then God TRANSFERS the virtue credit for JESUS obedience to your account without the need of obedience on your part. What the paid preachers will not tell you is that the word _BELIEVE_ in the Bible is actually the word from which we get "fidelity", a legal term and it means "faithful OBEDIENCE CONTINUALLY TO THE END" . The Apostle Paul condemned those who taught that false message to hell. First Corinthians 10:13 explains why you have NO EXCUSE FOR CONTINUING IN SIN. We can stop willfully sinning. No one is perfect in knowledge and understanding the way God is, but that's the way many translations incorrectly translates it, and that's what Jesus blood covers. The sin we can stop is wilful disobedience to God's known demands. The online pundits confused you today by mixing up two TOTALLY DIFFERENT WORDS: Rebellion and ignorance. Both are (incorrectly) translated "Sin". Obey God and live. Disobey and die. Want proof? Read the book of James. (Over and over till the LIGHT comes on in your heart)>> <<@SpielbergMichael says : God bless both these men and the ministries he has given them.>> <<@carmenmarcinkiewicz7149 says : I just went to Allen's channel and became a new subscriber. Thank you so much for interviewing him. Such a man of God!!!! I ordered the book Mislead and have signed up for the classes as well. Thank you for writing this book!!>> <<@johnglad5 says : ....>> <<@genxnewb says : Allen is gifted by God in how he delivers the Word. Thank you both 🙏>>