<<@LincolnN0 says : Great vid>> <<@martinbrenner6664 says : This guy has to be the greatest teacher on Earth. Bless you adr. Sowell.🙏🏼>> <<@kiwihans100 says : On his resurrection! Jesus appeared in a 'body' but the fact he wasnt recognised often by close disciples shows it was a MATERIALISATION. He had RETURNED to the glorious SPIRIT he was before he came to earth ( see John 17:5). Both John & Luke testify that all these appearances were by means of 'PROOFS' & 'SIGNS'! . John 20:30 "And by many OTHER SIGNS" ( Jesus had just appeared through a locked door to the disciples!) Acts 1:3 "Many POSITIVE PROOFS" Why needed if he was in the SAME BODY?>> <<@tonyr6365 says : Jesus's ministy had lot's of supernatural elements. He said believe in Him becaue of His works. If you need an encounter with God to break what you know about reality it is posible.>> <<@jakepavlicek4334 says : I’m no expert, but I would have ruled out suicide before an accident. I guess I can’t imagine a suicide by knife in the back, but I can think of a fluke accident ending up that way.>> <<@senorcaballero9061 says : It's a very good class but... 18:12 was too much.>> <<@johnboehmer6683 says : Why do so many get caught up on the possible existence of something/someone supernatural? Especially with an abundance of evidence, and billions of people who claim to have had an encounter with it? God is merely someone we do not have a natural explanation for, the same way we don't have natural explanations for countless things in our existence. He has not appeared to anyone in a long, long time. But there are animal species all over the world who have never appeared to a single person, yet they exist...and there is no evidence for them.>> <<@MichaelLeath-w5w says : Next theyr going ro say evil against the christ ? REPENT !>> <<@MichaelLeath-w5w says : Ues its real jesus dies and rose again>> <<@haroldhart2688 says : RAPTURE PASSOVER 2028>> <<@JamesBailey-q2m says : I believe he died on the Cross of Calvary and arose again on the 3day>> <<@bik5916 says : Excellent presentation. Thank you.>> <<@prophetspath.319 says : Jesus didn't die.He is alive. God of Abraham will decide his role in the end time........>> <<@jimmoore9490 says : Sudarium of Oviedo, Shroud of Turin, WAXS>> <<@Servant2112 says : Yes I did. Many times. And still many lives>> <<@joanneg7646 says : He did! HE REALLY DID!!>> <<@facelessshadow92 says : This is a masterclass. Thank you for this, God bless you 🙏>> <<@screwvo83 says : Did Jesus know he was already going to die and did he already know he was going to come back to life? If so then how could he have died for everyone's sins if he came back to life 3 days later. And then died at the age of 33. Which Christians will say he didn't die and went to heaven and sat on the right side of God, jile also saying He is the Trinity and is God. Is confusing>> <<@greatness768 says : Yes he did! How else did Satan start in its defeat. Snake= neuter. Neither male or female. In other words, the living tail that follows Gods will and testament, through consuming itself. Hallelujah.!.!.!.>> <<@debistanley2791 says : I’m thinking back in the day, the Romans wouldn’t like you very much helping people sort this out. LOL!>> <<@phanthomwizard9435 says : Yes he does>> <<@bradrook3919 says : Of course he did... He was and is the Living God...Take a deeper look at the Death sheet called the shroud of Turin...if any lost souls need science>> <<@AlabamaMothman says : Its a mortal sin to deny it. So go ahead tell me what you think. Atheists.>> <<@andretso5842 says : I've always struggled with the actual ascension.... People claim to have touched his body so it was clearly human and then ascended into the sky and then space?... How long did he travel for in space.... Is heaven a destination ?,,,,a planet? My understanding of heaven Is that it is within us..... It is not a location somewhere in the universe.. Please help me understand anyone who wishes to explain further>> <<@bertlexington7716 says : The thing is , Jesus told the 12 he would rise from the dead 3 days later. If you believe what you read in the Bible . It all makes sense. That you God , lord Jesus , you saved me with your blood.>> <<@thegarzado1470 says : Jesus is a lord 🙏. In the beginning there was nothing And created the space from nothing.when Jesus was born, inside Merry created from nothing it was a holy spirit inside Merry. Bingbang believers never answer how it is possible to create things from nothing.God is big and beyond explanation you must be lucky and blessed to understand him. My God opened the children's minds.>> <<@EricHort-cx1jp says : Jesus died but His body did not see corruption or stink . An eternal God cannot really die. He was God incarnate. His humanity died but not h Hid divinity. He had power to raise Himself.>> <<@plasntawmlajlim9310 says : The SUPER NATURAL CAUSE of the big bang theory was the ALL MIGHTY GOD's power.🌈🌿🌎>> <<@cmvamerica9011 says : How would Paul know how many people saw it?>> <<@edwinmalachy says : FUnny.. It was a CATHOLIC PRIEST and scientist who came up with the "big bang" theory.>> <<@theinvisibleworld888 says : Biggest question ever is why when he is out of the tomb , he was dressed differently and why would he tell the women at the cave to LIE>> <<@curtismoh says : If heaven is everywhere, why did Jesus have to go up?>> <<@terryvalentine369 says : What about spiritual death, ever heard of Opus Dei.>> <<@nathanatoragaming8075 says : Heya! Atheist here, loved your talk as you bring character and life into the topic that is really hard to capture. You are a great speaker. Before I give a critique I will give some context. Many atheist will throw around the points you offered (other than the late legend point) to “play on the same field” with Christians, as we often love forcing people to think outside of ridged mindsets which we often broke from, by giving alternate explanations just to test their ideas and see if they have sound proof for their beliefs. No former Christian has become an atheist because “well it could have been a hallucination” for example. We make those points more as an interesting question and a slight challenge for Christian beliefs rather than a key reason for not believing. In that regard I believe you did very well at disproving those points and I have no real critiques of those sections that I can think of at the moment. I am saying this in all good faith, but I think you really really dropped the ball on the one point that I really wanted you to focus on and what I would define as the key point in most people’s de-conversion. That point being the whole “late legend” point because it seems that you answered it by stating well it’s “not late and he’s not a legend.” To be frank I don’t see any evidence offered for that section which is the key issue. That is the point in which this whole argument can fall apart disastrously and you gave no defense for it which I find baffling. I would love to see you add evidence that Jesus is not a late legend.>> <<@SherylWynn-e9s says : What do you not understand JESUS CHRIST DIED ON THE CROSS .HE WAS PUT IN A TOUMB AND ON THE 3RD DAY HE AROSE JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS TO SAVE ME YOU AND EVETYONE ELSE FROM GOING TO HELL AND GOR ALL OF OUR SINS UNFORTUNATELY NOT EVERYONE IS WORRIED ABOUT THERE SINS JUST LOOK AT THIS WORLD WHEN WE DIE WE WILL SEE GOD AND WE WILL ALL ANSWER FOR WHAT WE HAVE DONE DONT LIE BECAUSE GOD ALREADY KNOWS WHAT YOU HAVE DONE>> <<@brianebanks213 says : This is an excellent lecture, very persuasive. How ever, i feel like he didn't mention one of the most compelling parts of this whole argument. Just imagine, these followers of Jesus were willing to die for this lie. They were tortured, imprisoned and eventually martyred for this lie and not one recanted this lie. When i consider this fact that was also recorded, i thought to my self, it would not be unreasonable to believe that they truly believed what they had witnessed and what they were saying. Speaking for myself here, if i had heard jesus make some of the unbelievable claims that he made and witnessed some of the supernatural things he did, including raising the dead. Then it would not be difficult for me to believe that he could raise himself from the dead and had eternal life in him. They lost all fear of death so it was worth dying for if eternal life was the prize.>> <<@rebaadefope6142 says : Some people believe that the transfiguration in Matthew chapter 17 Was the actual ascending of Jesus going back to the Father>> <<@sandragcorbett3157 says : People can say, "I don't believe in RAIN." I will guarantee, you may not believe in RAIN, but you WILL get wet if you go out in it!>> <<@TayDaley says : Thanks so much for this! I’m a musician/pastor and I also just started a channel called CCMP (cold cases & missing persons). I’m trying to cover and hopefully help solve some of these cases. Blessings- Tay>> <<@tyhawkins7757 says : As a Christian the answer is yes.>> <<@ro.nwells2605 says : I went to school in the. 60ts+70s,they didn't even have a security guard, much less police officer, the most trouble you could get into was talking in class the WORST was smoking behind the gym.then. They took prayers out of school, and invite Satan in nowadays school has been the Killing fileds..!!>> <<@andrewlawrencei3239 says : The Lord Jesus really dead and resurrected again, that’s absolutely true .>> <<@eensio says : I heard from muslim friend that ”they killed wrong man.”>> <<@Sarah79978 says : Yes he will came very soon 👏👏👏👏👏>> <<@TheMeJustMe75 says : Christ wasn't just a man but God in human form. The Shroud of Turin in my heart is the real burial cloth of Jesus and not just some random guy or artistic hoax. It took the power of God to create the image that is in the shroud.>> <<@felitotunguia7882 says : If anyone do not believe the nature of God, no reason that they can not believe Jesus. If they say Jesus is not God and can impossible to believe that he was God that impossible to from in a man, meaning they also questioning about the power of who God is. For God was and He is.>> <<@Andy-vh3mc says : What if there was nothing supernatural about Christ's resurrection? This can be reconciled by using the same scientific logic you used to complete the conclusion about Christ by examining the scriptures. The framework was established in the old testament for the necessity of a perfect sacrifice. The new testament states the consequence of sin is death. Had Christ have sinned in His life, He would not have resurrected. His resurrection proved he had never sinned, therefore, this was not supernatural, but rather within the framework of the natural? Furthermore, the art of crucifixion was perfected by the Romans. Even they were surprised that He was dead, hence the spear. Christ's own words proved He willingly gave up His life bearing our sin. He wasn't killed, but laid down His life in death as the only acceptable propitiation for our debt.>> <<@teresacastillo1783 says : Yes nothing is impossible to God>> <<@winniecash1654 says : Wow this material is fascinating. Thank you for speaking to young people .>> <<@midimusicforever says : Spoiler: Yes, He did!>>