<<@1stMikeWhite says : Do we also have prayer meeting on Sabbath mornings? I’m going to start joining everyday as I should’ve been!>> <<@debbieramsey-hanks3757 says : Hallelujah>> <<@kaweesiabigail says : Happy sabbath Brethrens>> <<@lyltonpowell8691 says : Lord thank You for this day; a day You allowed me to see and to function. Lead us this day and continue to give us Your daily Bread through Your Word, in the name of Jesus AMEN!>> <<@lyltonpowell8691 says : God’s Blessings>> <<@veronacaine6331 says : Amen 🙏>> <<@richardsenner4173 says : The Bible is Good, but really like Ellen White Why is it that parents do not understand the greatness of the work that has been committed to them? The most patient, unremitting culture is required in order that children and youth may be preserved from the formation of habits that will deteriorate their character. Parents, with much prayer, should carefully guide the inexperienced feet of their children into safe paths. To let the child do as it pleases is to insure proficiency in evil. Satan will manage to make children wise in disobedience, in selfishness, and in all manner of waywardness. Look upon a field that is left unworked, and what an unsightly place it is! Weeds and tares overshadow the precious plants, until finally nothing of worth appears. Early childhood is generally a period when marked depravity is made manifest. The child manifests a strong inclination to evil, and it requires a firm, wise hand to control the little one, or it will grow up in sin, a disagreeable, evil element of society. Parents who do not control their children will be controlled by them, and will indulge their children in vain desires, will gratify perverse appetite and inclination. Unless some one, in the providence of God, shall step in, and undertake the missionary work of training the child, will take it away from its parents, where they will have no opportunity to interfere in its discipline, or to indulge it in perverseness, there will be no hope that the terrible work done by its parents will be counteracted, or the peril of the child's soul be removed. {ST, April 16, 1896 par. 5}>> <<@CUSTANTV23-w4w says : God is good>>