<<@smjoshkim says : Sounds pretty straight forward that an intelligence, an amazingly intelligent one at that, created DNA... then there's some of us believing we still came from a warm soup of chemicals....>> <<@williammcleroy558 says : Clearly DNA was formed accidentally on a chaotic planet during earthquakes and rainstorms. All that rain and shaking accidentally formed a working code and it accidentally slipped into an accidentally formed cell membrane that perfectly supported it. That code just somehow accidentally told the cell how to divide and it somehow lived long enough to do so. There ya have it... Accidental life... 😂>> <<@BillieBurke-eb3hk says : This is mind blowing, but not a surprise. These scientists are looking at the work of the one who created everything. Our Creator is so far above these guys who are trying to deny him, it’s like they are first grade students. The more they deny God, the worse they look to the world. Yes, they will see the truth, and it may be sooner than anyone expects. I believe from reading the Old Testament in my Bible that God has a sense of humor. I would imagine he is laughing at all the ones who won’t acknowledge him.>> <<@ungmd21 says : As a physician-I can't begin to understand the over 10^21 chemical reactions per second in the human body all somehow interrelated, come about by random chance. Also even if you had meaningful DNA strand, it could do nothing by itself. It would need the cellular machinery and multiple enzymes and proteins to make it useful. its like having the plans for something without the components and the factory to make it>> <<@Gg-rssystG8 says : Yes 😊👌 Psalm 34:8 O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him>> <<@nb7524 says : FACTS!>> <<@rg442 says : The debate in science shouldn't be whether God exists, it should be how and where has He revealed His plan for us. There is strong evidence to believe that place is within the Bible.>> <<@plowhand5591 says : Most founding fathers in the scientific community were Christ followers. Most current scientists don’t follow the evidence where it leads because they rule out God before and during their research. I’m not a scientist but I did design computer systems for 35 years. God/Jesus is real. Atheism is illogical. I have researched and studied the existence of God for 37 years. There is ample historical and empirical evidence that the earth and cosmos are not billions of years old. Atheists believe that “nothing” exploded and created this vast amazing complex fine tuned universe. And that a bolt of lightning struck a primordial slime rock and DNA (infinitely more complex than any database known to man) was created. And many of them believe there are more than 2 genders. Laughable. There are hundreds of people, places, events and predictions in the Bible. For thousands of years people have been trying to disprove anything in the Bible is in error. None have succeeded. Every time someone digs a new hole in Israel these Bible facts are verified. God can’t be proven “scientifically” because he is outside of time, space and matter. He created them. Atheists are willfully blind.>> <<@amypope9098 says : Everyone will see this TRUTH soon enough 🙏>> <<@zorothe9th says : What's even more outrageous is that a huge chunk of the DNA is practically "useless", which means it doesn't produce protein, God knows what it's used for. Crazy stuff>> <<@jerurenteria325 says : ❤️>> <<@terrifictomm says : I'm rewatching "Stargate: Universe" and I'm convinced that show was cancelled because it dared to suggest, using science fiction science, that the universe was designed by an Intelligence. The show even dared to have characters arguing over what the information the "Ancients" discovered in the Cosmic Background Radiation compellingly implies. That the universe was designed by an Intelligence. The vehement atheist characters, which is a lot of them (the rest are agnostics with a couple of nuts being believers in God. Of course, no one is an actual Christian in the series) keep trying to make the argument that one doesn't have to believe in an intelligent designer just because all of the evidence points to it! In spite of the evidence one can still keep one's atheism intact. If one simply just keeps believing! The show was cancelled very soon after this plot twist was revealed. What made it so bad was the fact that it was this information at the creation of the universe that compelled the Ancients to build the destiny spaceship in the first place. It's mission, its raison d’être, is to eventually reach the this cosmic background radiation and look behind it too see what's there, if anything. This was the mission of the starship and by extension, the mission of the television series. But no one at the network wanted that mission to continue! Do it didn't.>> <<@douglasgarcia777 says : Thats why he's called The Only Wise God Amen 🙏🏽>> <<@Hellohellohello803 says : It's just chemistry.>> <<@travist7777 says : "People aren't on a truth quest, but rather, they're on a pleasure quest." -- Frank Turek>> <<@ronfswanson says : If you believe then you don't need proof. That's why we have faith. You can't have faith if you've got proof... I believe in God and that Jesus was his son. That he sent his son to pay for our sin and the only thing he asks of us is to believe. I may be a Christian but I also am somewhat scientifically literate and can recognize pseudo science. We don't need you to prove God we need you to put down the Kool aid.>> <<@nataliebritton8602 says : THANK YOU!!! Concise Wisdom 👌🏽🥰🧬🩸🦠 HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!! 🙌🏽👑✝️❤️‍🔥☝🏽>> <<@Justas399 says : Yet the evolutionist want us to believe dna is the result of the mindless-purposeless forces of nature. That's magic.>> <<@PEoplearepeople says : We live in a time where “doubting Thomas” needs to put his hand where the spear pierced the side of Jesus……. Did not our Lord provide evidence, even for Thomas??? Believing y faith, yes, but there is nothing wrong with asking questions and seeking understanding. “You will search for me and you will find me, WHEN you search for me with all of your heart.” If someone is sincere in there investigation, and their investigations come down to OBSERVING the work around us at a more intricate level than just looking at the rocks, trees, waterfalls, mountains, etc…. Isn’t that the same as “creation declaring the works of God’s hands,”? I say SEARCH !!! But do so sincerely, in faith, that God will reveal himself in his creation, as He has before.>> <<@JRTIGER07 says : He word also proves God ...One God One Man & One flock 🙏 God bless brother 🙏>> <<@JesusIsTheOnlyHopeForUs says : The only hope we have is in Jesus. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for he alone saves us, forgives us of all of our sins, and promises to give us a new eternal life in him. “If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” Romans 10:9-10 God offers us the free gift of salvation, we only have to accept it. You can start by praying this prayer as a profession of your faith to God: (Dear God creator of the Heavens and the Earth, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that your son, the Messiah, Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and in 3 days he rose from the dead. I ask that his blood covers me and pays my penalty for my sins. I turn from my sins and invite the Holy Spirit to come into my heart and my life. I want to trust and follow You Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior.) This prayer was not magic words that save you, but an open profession of your faith, a confession of your sins, and hopefully the belief in your heart. You are now set free from the burden of your past sins and you have been made clean in God’s eyes. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 Now go and get BAPTIZED in the name of your Lord and savior Jesus Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit (this can be down by any other believing Christian). “And Peter said to them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38 Stand strong and believe in your salvation through your faith in Jesus Christ’s shedding of blood for you. “In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” Ephesians 1:7 Your salvation is not through religion it is through your relationship with God through Jesus. Develop that personal relationship, by praying and reading the Bible. Trust in the words of Bible (in the original text), not solely in words of a pastor. So read the Bible for yourself, then pray and God will use the Holy Spirit to help you understand. Become a disciple of Jesus Christ following all that he has commanded in your life and he promises to be with you always. (Matthew 28:18-20) Lastly, turn from your wicked ways and openly rely on God's grace. This doesn’t mean you are expected to be perfect (only Jesus was perfect) we are just expected to follow him. “For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,” Hebrews 10:26 Remember we are not saved by our works (earning our way into heaven), but only by our faith in God’s grace. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 God Bless You and my God give you wisdom to see the truth. 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 1 John 3:6“No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.">> <<@paulalane8638 says : Apart from God we are nothing and can do nothing. John 15>> <<@hiroyuki2857 says : Someone ask me "How can i say that the bible is the Word of God?" I can't answer it, but I believe that it's from God❤>> <<@randono213 says : That’s so interesting!>> <<@war13death says : DNA is way too complex for it to have happened by chance, it must be from an intelligence infinitely greater than man's.>> <<@mjazzguitar says : For since the creation of the world God's invisible attributes have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. -Romans 1:20 This is more true now than ever before in history, and people still refuse to believe. It goes to show how spiritually dead mankind is.>> <<@bryant475 says : Precisely! As a biochemistry researcher and future physician, the more I've learned about the intricacies of our human bodies, including DNA- the more I've appreciated God's handiwork!>> <<@rob_9876 says : DNA is basically the most complicated software code ever. You really have to stick your head in the sand to believe that just time and randomness lead to this.>> <<@Truthjustice23 says : Interesting . So why Atheists still not believing in God who created that for a reason. Those people are so hard headed 🤔😬 🙂✝️❤️👍>>