<<@lingchristine6413 says : Amen and Amen.🙏❤️>> <<@debbieramsey-hanks3757 says : Amen>> <<@residue-er5dooo says : *The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth, He does that by us obeying His commandment to "PROVE ALL THINGS'', not by mystically revealing secret truths in dreams. 99% of all believers totally ignore that commandment, and THAT'S why Jesus said many will stand at the Gate crying about how they had prophesied and cast out demons in His name only to hear Him say that He knows them not, because they did not do the will of the Father. He clearly told us that we would perish only from a lack of knowledge.* *Now with that said, I tell you that Amos **8:11** has been perfectly fulfilled right under our noses! That's where God said He would send us a famine for hearing His word in the last days. We all interpreted that prophecy to mean some evil group would take our bibles away from us, but that's not ever going to happen because God gave the AC power to change times and laws temporarily (Daniel 7:25) and he used that power to change history and scripture, along with laws of physics. Long story short, he made thousands of changes to every bible in the world!!! When hearing preachers or reading your bibles now, you're hearing or reading **_some_** of Satan's words mixed in UNAWARE! Unbelievable, but absolutely true and 👉100% documented!👈 I studied this thousands of hours by watching hundreds of videos our Brothers and Sisters are making when they find proof of what was written in the KJV 10 years ago +/-, which they refer to as "residue"... like my name. I studied my KJV since 1961 and memorized many verses out of it word for word, and I can draw a picture of my baby stroller. I made a playlist from this research and the films in it show lots of ''residue'' and point out all the end time prophecies which were actually about this phenomenon but were misinterpreted previously because we had no idea they could happen **_supernaturally!_** What's funny is how many "Christians" scoff at the idea when claiming to believe all the stories in their bibles that were just as incredible. SMH* If the spirit in you is the Holy One, here's how to prove if this is true so you can help warn our Brothers and Sisters, type in PROOF OF BIBLE CHANGE RESIDUE JUNKIE, and open up your King James. All other versions were destroyed too but Satan didn't have to make NEAR as many changes in them...go figure. And it doesn't matter HOW old a bible is either, the Dead Sea Scrolls were changed to match! So was every concordance, dictionary, encyclopedia and history book on Earth. Amos 8:11 is done, but if you hurry, you can STILL find God's word recorded in these films and others and in PDF's of written lists of documented changes like the one I show at the top of my playlist. (amos)(8)(.)(org)*                     *I welcome any replies but YT won't post my replies most of the time so write me at the address on my ABOUT page if you want.* *God bless you all!!!* ❤✝️💪 *P.S. After people have taken all of the required 💉's, they will apply a quantum dot invisible tattoo to their head or hand, but anyone who has had just one has a bluetooth mac # that can be read by any smart phone and when you walk through the deal at an airport they know if you have it. The no buying or selling is happening incrementally and will be complete when cash is abolished and worship can be defined as "to fear, obey and trust in someone or something" which is what they are doing with the Beast System and the Image of the Beast, (NWO and TV!). Yes, this absolutely is it, and if you write me at the address on my about page I'll send you 15 **_shocking_** films that will PROVE it to anyone who has the courage to watch them.*>> <<@residue-er5dooo says : The most dangerous thing about sda is telling people that Sunday worship is the mark. Billions have already been tricked into taking it and many of the people who believed that lie are now lost. You'll find out this is true at the Gate too.>>