<<@tariekambeu says : This was a really good conversation, thank you. I first came across ANN when they did an interview with Heather Thompson Day, I believe. My memory fails me and that may not be true but what I am sure of is, in 2021 I watched an ANN episode here on YouTube, I have no idea why I stopped following their content. Alyssa, I'll be your very small addition to the viewer's count on the website in hopes that we can reach the 1 million milestone by the next GC session :). Also, I had always wondered how things work at the 'top', it was nice to gain insight. I hope to become a writer in/for ANN one day, by the grace of God. I love writing, just have always been in conversation with The Lord how to use that gift for the Kingdom and alas, this episode. Praying for you both and the church at large as we continue to minister. Our Saviour is right at the door, let's labour whilst we still can. Blessings. 💙💛>> <<@sonemariner3166 says : I thoroughly enjoyed this- very inspirational and educational. Praying for your goals>> <<@veritetotale4194 says : From Quebec Canada>> <<@veritetotale4194 says : May God continue to bless you and your ministry. I'm so excited about the topics you have been discussing. I can not wait to see the transformation of our church we love so much.>> <<@elviaspurgeon7717 says : I am bless by the profile segments.>> <<@arbees8684 says : 👌🙏 you're doing great, keep going, I'm learning a lot about the church from your program,thank you❤🙏>> <<@clc7378 says : Thank You! 🙏4ANN!>>