<<@wallabea9750 says : Thanks JWW for what you do. Just wanna share another perspective on the necessity of faith. Faith has a knowledge component and a trust component. We have to know and trust other persons to have any meaningful relationship with them - that's a fundamental property of all personal relationships. No faith, no relationship. What is needed for personal relationship is 1) a true knowledge of the other and 2) an unwaivering trust in them (and we need them to reveal themselves truly and to always be true). This is also what they need from us. True knowledge + unwaivering trust = "faith". Regarding faith in God, though, how can we gain a true knowledge and trust in Him? When He is invisible and infinite? Turns out we have to seek Him with our whole heart and act on the indications that He is good and gracious, despite the confusion and hardship entailed in the process. That is, we use the confusion and hardship in the world to consciously find out what God is like and to experience that the best thing we can ever do in any circumstance is to trust Him to work it for good. Against the encumbrances of 'disinformation' and suffering we exercise and strengthen our capacity for faith. As a kite rises only against the wind, and a muscle is strengthened only against resistance, so our faith grows only(?) (or mainly?) in a world such as what we have now. Thus this world and its "slight momentary affliction" is setting us up for an Eternal, ever-deepening relationship with God - that is, "for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." So we also see that our growing willingness and confidence to act on the knowledge content of our faith contains an important ingredient over and above raw knowledge of an experiential or academic kind. The knowledge that comes from experience or study concerns what happened in the past; "knowledge" and "experience" looks backward in time. But we live in the present, looking forward to the future. Faith steps into the future on the basis of past experience and academic knowledge. By faith we confidently grasp hold of what is not seen and what is not yet! (cf Heb 11:1) Blessings on you!>> <<@kvelez says : Good video.>> <<@GodleyFrench says : The holy spirit wrote the gospels. He was the quiteria to write the gospel. Without the spirit of God were just whistling dixie.>> <<@NoTrashInHeaven says : Maybe I missed him saying so, but. Im sure there were many people *praying * for him.>> <<@SM-fq4fw says : Well said!>> <<@nieustraszonywujek8538 says : Love from Poland! ❤>> <<@robindoyle2875 says : Thank you for your books and videos. I'm 50, got saved at 15 and I am just now on a journey to understand why I believe in Jesus. I don't doubt my faith. But if I was asked why I believe it, I couldn't give an intelligent answer for why I believe in Jesus. Just saying because I know He loves me, and I asked Him in my heart isn't enough. As I keep reading scriptures, reading your books and watching your videos will help me give a more intelligent answers for my faith. So again, thank you for what you do!!>> <<@joshuaj.jackson says : These books are so amazing! I highly recommend them to everyone!>> <<@printer69tom says : Hebrew 11 , 12:1 Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. And even the rocks cry out the glory of god. Of creation of flood etc. How can we not believe God's evidence to the truth>> <<@steveh572 says : So many gems>> <<@Skarlet-ju8sr says : Love this. Shared with family.>> <<@johnglad5 says : ....PTL>>