<<@pimeshpjp7057 says : Praise the loard. Jesus bless madam>> <<@captbob9378 says : Stop moving around so much you are too animated and it detracts from your desire to be a respected spokesperson .>> <<@krisbeckwith7105 says : Preach it sister... Amen>> <<@JohnPaoloLamson says : Amen 🙏💖>> <<@dilailahkawane8458 says : Thank you, God keeps His promises 🙏 Amen Indeed 🙏>> <<@jaggg.3821 says : Thanks for Sharing my awesome Adventist's Family.>> <<@bobberboss says : I feel un-impressed by her.>> <<@sandradarick7209 says : Amen>> <<@TheKingjudah1 says : Amen! I love this. ❤️>> <<@DVGomes says : There is nothing wrong or hateful or evil about what this lady is saying, but this is a generic Christian subject that can be preached in ANY SUNDAY CHURCH IN TOWN. This psychobabble is self-talk that even a Roman Catholic "priest" or Psychiatrist could say. THIS IS NOT A SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST MESSAGE NOR IS IT THE THREE ANGELS MESSAGES of Revelation 14:6-12. People listening to this will be burning in hellfire for ignoring PRESENT TRUTH.>>