<<@maagu4779 says : I should be more concerned about "ME" not being a contradiction to the Gospel...as it is Jesus is still alive and if I posses Him, then I have what people want! Human arguments seldom work and hypocrisy never works.>> <<@ShepherdsHook says : A harsh truth. Some like "Dr Bart Ehrman" or "Dr Shabir Ally" would not be able to put forth their junk click bait for trolls YouTube segments into an article for professional academic review. Prime example being Barts, "Copies of copies of copies." Um. The originals were there to refer back to. In the writings of Peter of Alexandria, who died in A.D. 311, he relates how the original of the Gospel of John still existed in his day.>> <<@rontcurry says : Jesus saves>> <<@dianeglover479 says : What book did he write???>> <<@Romero610 says : I have said this before and i will say it again, Jim Is the man ! His unique approach to Christian apologetics has made a huge impact on my faith.>> <<@dale1963. says : Many people have always thought that we just followed grandma's religion but that was not true about me. As a 7 year old I simply looked up and asked if you are Jesus or someone else and I felt him say " follow the truth wherever it leads and don't do anything like murder or suicide and you will do alright " and Jesus Christ has been with me for 53 years and I thank God for his unspeakable gift and Jesus Christ for his life and the Holy Spirit for keeping me until he leaves this earth and takes us with him.>> <<@Justheretowatch321 says : those languages back then they did not write the same as we do in chronological order these days. They organized their ideas differently. Also these people wrote in a “wide eyed trance” inspired of god. So we can know that it is all the word of god.>> <<@Keaton411 says : Siri is EVIL!!! I agree!!! 😂😂😂>> <<@jackbrown7341 says : The word of Yehweh doesn't need defending, it needs to be read, and understood, and mostly " obeyed ". Obedience is the path to God, and a life worth living.>> <<@Coastie011 says : As a believer and former cop, I appreciate this so much!>> <<@GideonArmy333 says : Wow 👏 Hallelujah Praise Jesus! U’re presentation & exposition is awesome using what’s supposedly normal critical examination to apply to Scriptures. May your tribe increase>> <<@paulus7 says : Back to the Bible because false teaching/is attacking & destroying our sociate>> <<@midimusicforever says : The Bible is legit!>> <<@jurimand5006 says : Eranditult kõigi piibliraamatute autoriks on KIRIK, ei kristlik kirik saa eksisteerida ilma piiblita. Vaidle vastu kui oskad.>> <<@rolandgo6744 says : The Bible defends itself. Everything will melt away but His Word stands forever.>> <<@Tanengtiong says : All my sexes were paid, are they deadly sins? Are you a fundamentalist regarding the Bible?>> <<@cs77smith67 says : I've been telling people that the Bible is not in the Bible 📖>> <<@GarciaonlyJesus says : Very good brother!!! Hope one day you can come to charlotte !!!>> <<@thebuff7271 says : Ok..there is some serious problems when it comes to translations..>> <<@A.P.T.-Explanations says : This video is fantastic. I've heard many iterations of your Cold Case presentation before, you even presented at my church about 7 years ago. I love your apologetics and hope to incorporate this form of presenting the evidence (along with other methods out there) in my own walk with Christ.>> <<@mikesamuel9175 says : Imagine that....; some NINCOMPOOPS unashamedly and unapologetically told me that...err....the Word of YAHWEH does NOT need anyone to defend it. Indeed the Word of YAHWEH stands alone without calling anyone to defend it as though it is weak and liable to be DEFEATED by would be mockers and insulters! In many ways, it is absolutely true to the Last TITTLE! I ain't the least perturbed about that; however, I'm most concerned about the state of the FAITH of the person who admitted that the Word of YAHWEH does NOT need the Christians to defend it! You see, my question is: "When MOCKERS call the YESHUA of the Bible as a LUNATIC, a FAKE and a LIAR, and that the Bible that you are holding and reading today is a CORRUPTED version of the ORIGINAL Text and that your JESUS is NOT and has NEVER admitted that he is the son of God; and most of all...ever Character that you've been reading in the Bible was a Moslem and NEVER were they Jews or Christians...; what kind of a BELIEVER, a FOLLOWER of the YESHUA of the Bible is such a person who SHRINKS on ice-cold condition, and just KEEP absolutely QUIET in the face of a TOTAL onslaughts on EVERY CORE Doctrines of the Bible; INSULTING and BLASPHEMING against the TRIUNE Elohim of the FATHER (YAHWEH), Son (YESHUA) and the HOLY SPIRIT????" Well, my answer is that, such a person is BOTH a COWARD and an UNREGENERATE Spiritually DEAD FALSE believer / follower of YESHUA. And I PRAY you are NOT one of these MOCKERS or BLASPHEMERS!>> <<@wisanat says : Whenever I feel down I just go back to my favorite verse Ezekiel 23:20>> <<@craigbachman5765 says : That is why the books written about our nations founding from around 1900 forward contained so many lies about our founding fathers. There is no one alive who could have had any first hand experience with anyone who could have known the any of the founders personally.>> <<@viscache1 says : Perspective is so important. Two people who have lived together for over 40 years will have vastly different perspectives on something that happened…daily…>> <<@Daedal71 says : So, when did we finally have the correct word of God? Do we yet? Did God preserve his word and then hide it for eighteen hundred years?>> <<@CDGMR1 says : Luv his book. ❤❤>> <<@davidjarvie9546 says : This was fantastic, the best evidence I've heard about the truth of our Lord ,even though I'm a true believer I really loved this detective and how he explained the evidence. Just reconfirmed every thing I believe. A must see. 🇬🇧✝️🙏🙏🙏>> <<@marcj3682 says : Excellent.>> <<@doctrineofmessiah says : We can't defend the Bible. The Bible defends itself>> <<@dnisey64 says : Thank you>> <<@abundleofmyrrh says : Absolutely brilliant!! Thank you so much for all the years of study that you have put in! I loved every minute of your teaching 😁>> <<@beaupierrebondurant5651 says : The Bible is our sure anchor. Know the Word,to defend the Word.>> <<@dianereinstadtler7267 says : That's why I don't want an iphone>> <<@Mandysmith5775 says : And with all these truths, I always think what about the Holy Spirit, alive and well today, so many testimonies still everyday… Jesus is the same, today, yesterday, and forever… it’s so so so good… any question I have… I ask the Holy Spirit and he shows you in ways that are sooooo crazy crying, trembling amazing… I can’t even tell my husband… sooooo amazing! I love you Jesus… the name says it all… when I hear the name Jesus Christ… I can’t even explain… not religion but his name…. He’s the Ultimate ….. ❤>> <<@ProdigalSon_8 says : Jesus was making a point in a lot of things he said if you read but yea Jesus is real for sure and he is God for sure>> <<@RaginiBhatt says : I was a Hindu and now saved by the grace of God and proclaiming His gospel with the help of the Holy Spirit 🙏 Thank you Jesus>> <<@majorphenom1 says : Thanks for sharing 🙏🏾 His grace and mercy be upon you and your loved ones 🕊️🥛🍯>> <<@sue9151 says : You can tell the Bible is 💯 by reading the old Testament that biblical prophecy has already come to pass .Bible prophecy 91 Percent has already come true .Threats of War Earthquake Everything that's happening in the world right now nbiblical prophecy is jumping of all the pages and not many pages to go .The Bible is not a comic .It took 1600 years to write and 40 different groups of people and come up with same scriptures.Also by Faith because God doesn't lie and can't lie ..And with only with 9 Percent left of the bible to go .And when Jesus Christ comes to Earth iwould say as we are in the End times..And you see Jesus do you need anymore proof it's 💯 it's not Fake news it's called the Good news>> <<@nea273 says : I remember all her Valentines. For the last 33 years I have been doing the same in "Valentines ." Nothing!>> <<@n9wff says : There are over 150 Bible translations in the world. There appears to be a new translation once every three years, each one declaring theirs is the "best and literal translation". Which Bible? Secons, there are no "four gospels". There is ONE gospel, told by four different men. Third, you don't need to drill a hole in a tree that obviously bears good fruit. Do we have the fruits of the Spirit?>> <<@amazinggraze4063 says : Awesome work, Mr. Wallace. Thank you.>> <<@Churchofhell says : We're to defend the word, not a version of a book! And the word of God isn't in any of those books either!>> <<@GWConsultant says : 39:00-… is claimed that “Jesus never said about” this or that. My Remark: all the Bible are the words spoken of God. That’s not due to Mat 5:17 (BTW NT IS NOT THE SAME AS OT!!! IN CHRIST we are not bound by the law anymore BUT WE ARE IMMERSED INTO Jesus, into FORGIVENESS OF SINS, WITH ACCESS TO GRACE and we live in faith that works through AGAPE-LOVE who is God the Father. That’s how we are required to “fulfill” the law — living by “the law of faith” — doing good because you love God and neighbor; rather than living by “the law of works” worthlesly attempting to earn your salvation). “ALL the Scriptures are from Jesus” works like this: ALL words of Scripture are from Jesus, there is no partiality JESUS SPOKES ONLY AS GOD HIS FATHER TEACHED: Jn 8:28... I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things. JESUS SPEAKS NOT OF HIMSELF, BUT OF THE FATHER: Jn 12:49 ...the Father who sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. THE SOURCE OF ALL THE WORDS OF THE PROPHETS AND THE WORDS OF JESUS IS ONE - GOD THE FATHER: Heb 1:1-2 1 God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, … THE GOSPEL OF JOHN PREDICTS JESUS HIMSELF TO BE THE WORD OF GOD COME IN THE FLESH. SO HE IS THE ONE THROUGH WHOM GOD SPOKE WORDS TO THE PROPHETS. Jn 1:1-2 1 In the beginning was the Word [3056. λόγος lógos], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 The same was in the beginning with God. Jn 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,… Jn 2:22 When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the Scripture, and the word which Jesus had said. ALL THE WORDS OF THE BIBLE ARE FROM JESUS, SO THE IMPORTANCE OF A PARTICULAR SCRIPTURE DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE PROPHET OR APOSTLE WHO WROTE THOSE WORDS. JESUS CONFIRMED THAT ALL THE SCRIPTURES ARE TRUE - "The Scriptures cannot be undone" - BECAUSE JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD HIMSELF AND NOTHING CAN BE JOINED WITH IT. Jn 10:35 … the Scripture cannot be broken [3089. λύω luo; loosen what is fast, bound, meaning to unbind, untie.] THIS IS THE FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH FROM ABRAHAM, THE FATHER OF OUR FAITH - GOD IS FAITHFUL AND KEEPS HIS PROMISES. Rom 4:20-21 20 He [Abraham] staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; 21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was also able to perform. BELIEVING JEWS CONSIDER THE SCRIPTURES (OLD TESTAMENT) AS AUTHORITY AND TRUTH, THEREFORE THE BEROEANS VERIFIED EVERYTHING SAID BY THE APOSTLE PAUL IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES: Acts 17:11 These were more noble [2104. eugenḗs with “better genes”] than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word [3056. lógos, hence -- Jesus] with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures [1124. graphḗ - the written word] daily, whether those things were so. THE SCRIPTURES (OT) CANNOT LIE BECAUSE GOD CANNOT LIE Num 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Tit 1:2 ... [gives] hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; 3 But hath in two times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me [Paul] according to the commandment of God our Savior; PETER COMPOSED THE EPISTLES (NEW TESTAMENT) OF THE APOSTLE PAUL WITH THE SCRIPTURES, I.E. CONSIDER THEM AS AUTHORITY AS THE OLD TESTAMENT WRITTEN BY THE PROPHETS: 2 Peter 3:15-16 15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the OTHER SCRIPTURES, unto their own destruction. CONCLUSION: It is clear from the above that Jesus himself showed that all the Scriptures are actually His words, the words of Jesus - who once born in the flesh being the Son and the Word of God. Therefore, ALL words of Scripture are trustworthy and have the same high authority.>> <<@GWConsultant says : 41:40 Remark: Both Moses and Aron did miracles, e.g.: Exodus 7:12 Aaron (not Moses) rod swallowed up -- the rods of sorcerers of pharaoh; Exodus 7:19-20 Aaron (not Moses) took the rod, and river became blood; Exodus 8:6 Aaron (not Moses) stretched out -- his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up, and covered -- the land of Egypt. Exodus 8: 17 And they did so; for Aaron (not Moses) stretched out -- his hand with his rod, and smote -- the dust of the earth. Etc.>> <<@edbrackeen5979 says : You need to investigate and defend the King James Bible as the real perfect and inspired word of God for our time. The King James Bible was translated at exactly the time God chose and the words are exactly what God has for us. All the modern perVerions remove Jesus and his saving blood in many passages and Satan uses Mark 16:9... to cast doubt on the perfection of God's word.>> <<@mikescahill277 says : Holy is God’s name!>> <<@kellybarndt8483 says : I played with a Ouija Board when I was 9. I communicated with demons that then appeared to me. I called on Jesus and they left! I don’t know theology but what I do know is, “I was blind, but now I see!”>> <<@russiansvoloch says : 1 Cor 1:21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.>> <<@wesleycody2314 says : Not trying to be negative. My hats off to anyone that will stand but we are not called to defend God's word. He needs no defense but we sure need his. We are only called to proclaim his word. All these debates, arguments, etc. are futile. I DONT HAVE TO PROVE GODS WORD! You're playing into Satan's hand. Notice God has never argued with the devil in the Bible? From the first account in Genesis when the adversary raises into question what God hath said with eve, our creator doesn't take part in it. The more people argue with the world... the more pull they get. You either believe or not. Your choice.>> <<@Bless-the-Name says : You don't need to defend the bible. If a person reads it and sees something they disagree with - they are denying themselves the opportunity to live eternally. In other words ... the arrogant are going to remain ignorant - and they will die in their sin (delusion). Those who acknowledge the authority of the Word of God - will embrace the eternal estate to establish their faith in Christ (Yáhusha). They will enter eternal paradise with confidence and joy - which is the peace of Yâhusha.>>