<<@highfive9835 says : Now I know how to talk to unbelievers AND how to get out of jury duty. Many thanks to you, sir.>> <<@davidhensley2710 says : Thanks so much for your videos.>> <<@fennek5351 says : Thank you for sharing this clear and practical teaching!>> <<@midimusicforever says : Your ministry is a blessing!>> <<@BE_WERM says : 13:00>> <<@aliciasearvogel7933 says : So good!!!>> <<@ChristMinistries4 says : lol you were wrong about CeeDee Lamb not being a #1 šŸ¤£>> <<@astrawboiii1853 says : ā¤ā¤>> <<@Jason-dv8zf says : Literally listening to this as Iā€™m checking sheep pastures. Everything he says is true. There is a reason God compares us to sheep.>> <<@josezapata9675 says : Is there a part 2 to this video? If so can someone post link please šŸ™šŸ¼>> <<@emmax9101 says : Watching from Malawi Africa>> <<@tbastrikes7847 says : I want to learn the scriptures to present once I overcome their objections.>> <<@tonyr6365 says : Speak the truth in love.>> <<@jacobdorman1817 says : Is there a link to the test for Christianity that Mormonism failed?>> <<@jonathanbonde8808 says : We are so blessed that God saw fit to bring us J Warner Wallace for a time like this! We are all brought to this time and place by God for a purpose, the purpose of advancing His kingdom of heaven. Take that seriously, and watch the blessings flow in!>> <<@Gutslinger says : One of the problems I think I have is knowing how to handle the discussion if the person doesn't stay on point and jumps around the place with different questions or talking points. And what to do if they say or ask something in which you don't know what to answer. Do you change the talking point? Stick with your previous talking point? Or admit that you don't have an answer and continue to do one of the former?>> <<@TeresaGray-de8ut says : W>> <<@tknciliba4743 says : Personally I rather debate with an atheist about Christianity than debate with a Catholic if Catholicism even falls under Christianity. Those who claim to be atheists, some genuine some by accident. Catholics taint the Word with unbiblical doctrine. Where does it say make a sculpture of Mary or she was a perpetual virgin. No assumptions...>> <<@rmwestjr says : Donā€™t get me wrong, I love J. Warner Wallaceā€™s cold case logic and approach to apologetics. However, he has been proven wrong on his assessment of Dallas Cowboyā€™s choice of choosing CeeDee Lamb over Amari Cooper, at least for this year. ;)>> <<@new_comment says : When a true Christian wakes up, and plants their feet on the ground, in their mind, the earth should quake, because of who their Father is, who's hand they are in, because of He that is with them>> <<@Bilfford says : God is good, and he's doing incredible things through this incredible man>> <<@mimim6681 says : I live in Utah (not Mormon) but am interested in the evidence that you found of Mormonism being false.>> <<@VegaChastain says : University system was set up so that a different worldview or universe-view could be spread (much of which is directly against the Bible). All of mankind has always known there is a creator until the 18th century when this was challenged. Humans had to come up with philosophy, propaganda, evolution, and the indoctrination of all three to convince people that creation wasn't created. LOL No lie, It's a strong delusion!!!>> <<@soteriology1012 says : I do not understand exactly how Judas Iscariot played a role in the identification and betrayal of Jesus Christ. What I mean is that if you in your town had someone healing the sick, making the blind to see, making the deaf to hear, making the lame to walk, curing all manner of diseases like cancer, heart attacks, strokes, infections, cleansing lepers, healing woman's issue of blood, healing the mentally ill & driving out demons, as well as forgiving sins, doing public acts of driving out the money changers in the temple, making the promise of eternal life to all that believe in Him, walking on water and turning water into wine, feeding 5000 on one occasion and 3000 on another with a couple of fish sandwiches, you might think that person would become a very popular beloved or hated famous or infamous figure among his competitors. He makes more followers than does John the Baptizer. Likewise on the day before He comes into Jerusalem in his "motorcade" and is so popular that all the people make a carpet of palm branches to welcome Him like a ticker tape parade and a royal carpet treatment. The high priests and Jewish elite hate Him but obviously know Him. He gets up on the mount and on the plain has followers galore in public speaking. He grew up among them teaching in their synagogues and even healing people there and casting out devils. He attends parties thrown by both the disciples and the Pharisees. He heals people on their sabbath. He does everything in public demonstrations of power. Nicodemus a member of the Sanhedrin has no problem finding Him in the middle of the night and a woman plainly identifies Peter as having been one of the disciples of Jesus. What I mean is WHY WASTE YOUR 30 PIECES OF SILVER when someone to claims they can identify a famous person who has been plainly seen and well known throughout all of Jerusalem and grew up teaching in synagogues and any one could find? I mean this would be like Michael J. Lindell coming into a meeting of Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Baruch Obama & Hillary & Bill Clinton and other democratic leaders telling them that for a few grand he could lead them to identify and locate Donald Trump. Then we must also ask if Jesus Christ was hiding or on the lam? Did Jesus issue orders to His disciples not to tell anyone where He was staying? Why then would Jesus change His policy of operating in plain sight amongst all the people to one of hiding out on that particular night? Can any one explain this?>> <<@rafaelshumaker1883 says : In livitical law, a person can be convicted of any capital crime, for which the penalty is death. However, that person can only be put to death on the testimony of two or more eyewitnesses. Circumstantial evidence is not enough for capital punishment. And even then, those eyewitnesses must take part in the execution. Later on, if it is discovered that the eyewitnesses lied, they are guilty of the murder of that innocent person, and must then be put to death themselves. Circumstantial evidence cannot be put to death. But a false witness could be. This distinction is quite stark. That was a very good system, to protect the falsely accused from being falsely put to death. We have ventured far from that standard. Even so, in cases which did not call for capital punishment, circumstantial evidence was quite powerful.>> <<@bryanoldenburg9870 says : PS: It amazes me how the Lord took Jim Wallace from Design/Architecture to Homicide Detective, all the while knowing how he'd use his skills. It also amazes me how much Jim learned about Christianity in a relatively short amount of time. He puts most lifelong Christians to shame.>> <<@bryanoldenburg9870 says : J. Warner Wallace works. Like the Apostle Paul, he was a 4 (an enemy of the cross). Just think how far he had to come in order to turn from staunch denier, to defender of the faith! This kind of person is gold in a courtroom, because their testimony stands head & shoulders above the rest. (Perhaps this is why the Apostle Paul's considered the most effective Christian ever, and could equally be remembered as the "Apologist Paul"). JWW also stands extremely effective in the courtroom for Christ, and was definitely born for such a time as this!>> <<@amaraheavens says : Great presentation. I enjoyed it and learnt a lot. Thank you. I have often wondered whether debates are helpful in spreading the gospel. Good thing he touched on that. I somehow agree but I think it depends on the circumstances. We shouldnā€™t go about trying to debate people, thatā€™s not what we are called to do. We are called to raise disciples. But sometimes we may have to defend the reason for our faith through debate.>> <<@rolandovelasquez135 says : "People who... are open minded and more interested in the truth." Perfect>> <<@Andreas.A-ICXCNIKA says : I'm a Greek Orthodox Christian and on my final year of studying theoretical physics. Firstly, I'll try to explain why Orthodoxy is the only True/Correct faith. Secondly, I'll suggest some things that could help anyone who is interested in Orthodoxy. For the first part: Orthodoxy is the First, Original (Historically) and only True faithĀ  which is the outcome of the direct revelation by God Himself (the Ī™ncarnated Word of God = Jesus Christ -> Bible) and thus is not a relegion (religion=a man-made belief system which is trying to explain God, as all known religions (Islam,Hinduism,....) or Christian heresies (Protestantism, Catholicism,...) are. Also, Orthodoxy is not a gesture of men reaching God, but is a gesture of God revealing himself to men) Also, is called "Orthodoxy" which in Greek (The language in which the Bible was written by the Apostles originally) means the correct(Ortho=ĪŸĻĪøĻŒĻ‚=correct) belief(doxy=Ī”ĪæĪ¾Ī±ĻƒĪÆĪ±/Ī”ĻŒĪ¾Ī±=belief/faith/dogma/tenet) and is the faith of all Greeks (to which Jesus=God said: (John 12:20-24): " Ā²ā°Some Greeks had gone to Jerusalem to worship during Passover.Ā Ā²Ā¹Philip from Bethsaida in Galilee was there too. So they went to him and said, ā€œSir, we would like to meet Jesus.ā€Ā Ā²Ā²Philip told Andrew. Then the two of them went to Jesus and told him. Ā²Ā³Jesus said: The time has come for the Son of Man to be given his glory. Ā²ā“I tell you for certain that a grain of wheat that falls on the ground will never be more than one grain unless it dies. But if it dies, it will produce lots of wheat") Prophesying that the time has come for Him (Son of Man = Jesus as 100% human as the son of Virgin Mary/Theotokos) to die on the cross (...grain of wheat...it dies) and then given His Glory (Jesus as 100% God) after His Resurrection and Ascension to the right hand of God. Also Prophesying that His death "will produce lots of wheat", which is linked to Greeks stating that Greeks (and also all other people which are not Jewish and follow the same path (as Greeks in that time symbolized all non Jews), will glorify Jesus by recognizing Him as their Messiah, Savior and true God and they will keep the True and Correct Faith (Orthodoxy), and they will not go astray (as the Heretics or other religions), and In this way they will participate in the "production of lots of wheat", (In contrast to Jews and other Heretics (Catholics, etc which will do go astray and so they won't be able to inherit God's Kingdom and be Gods by grace)) (Jesus was always, before and after His death and always, simultaneously 100% human and 100% God. At first as 100% God He took the human nature by His gestation in Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit and became simultaneously 100% human too. Then by His tortures and the death of His human nature on the cross He took upon Himslef the sin of the entire fallen human nature and put an end to it with the death of this fallen nature of humans which didn't had the ability of Theosis (Theosis=To become God not by nature but by grace), but was the outcome of spiritual death and sin (see Genesis in the old Testament and the fall of Adam and Eve). Finally, with His Resurrection and Ascension (As 100% human and 100% God simultaneously) to the right hand of God (The Father, and also with the Holy Spirit to Which He was fully connected to both of them always as the second Person of Holy Trinity by his 100% God nature), He led the human nature to the ABILITY of Theosis and the inheritance of God's Kingdom making humans who manage to go to Heaven the same as Him (by grace not by their nature)=Gods by grace. But there is a big misconception in some heresies: God didn't Ī™ncarnated, became human and died on the cross to put everyone who says that believes in Jesus in heaven. Instead He did all that to give to people the ABILITY of Theosis and the inheritance of God's Kingdom. Whether this ABILITY is reclaimed and a person is saved and not go to hell, depends on the person's FREE WILL, (and what they truly believe in their heart), which is expressed by their actions in their lives on earth, the acceptance of God's Truth by becoming members of His one True Church by Being Orthodox Baptized (Other heretic baptisms as Catholic, etc are invalid even if some orthodox priests who are in places where Orthodoxy isn't very common say otherwise) and Chrismated (also this two things are necessary in order to be able to commune with the Holy Spirit and then Jesus Christ and Actually see God Himself and his Uncreated Light from this Life on earth) and having a correct lifestyle which includes Gods commands and participation in the liturgical mysteries, and having a spiritual father for guidance. This belief that everyone will be saved just because they say they are Christians is wrong, it was made just because it's suits people as the easy path and this is a typical example of why all these diefferent heresies were created. All known religions are either man-made paganistic phylosophies (Islam,Hinduism,....), or heretic ideologies (influenced by the Revelation of God by God Himself=Orthodoxy---historically precedes all its heresies and islam too which is influenced by Orthodoxy too anyway) where the truth is falsified, misquoted and manipulated in order to conform to the sinful prejudices and to the enforcement of authority of the different people that made them (Pope, Mohammed,....). And that's why they changed the original faith into all this heresies and religions known today (Protestantism, Catholicism, Islam,...). The belief that every belief is true and correct as long as someone refers to the word Jesus is wrong, the truth and Gods' presence and grace is only in Orthodoxy.People don't know this things andĀ  continue to be misleaded from generation to generation. Also, an other proof is the miracle of the Holy Light at the day of the celebration of Resurrection in Easter which always is done by the Orthodox Patriarch until today, and one time in history (In 1549 AD) when the heretics didn't let the Orthodox Patriarch perform the miracle and tried to do it by themselves, the miracle didn't happen and the pillar next to the Orthodox Patriarch opened and the Holy Light came out illuminating only his candles. The Emir watched the events from the minaret of the mosque opposite the Temple and shouted "One is the true God, the God of Christians. I believe in the Risen Christ", Then the Muslims caught him and beheaded him. His holy relic is kept to this day in the Holy Monastery of the Great Virgin of Jerusalem. The crack of the pillar located in the middle column to the left of the entrance to the complex of the Holy Sepulcher is 1.20 meters high and, it looks like a rising flame. From then on Heretics gave back to the Orthodox Bishop the right to do the miracle himself. THE BIGGEST PROOF IS THAT IN ALL THIS RELIGIONS PEOPLE CAN NOT SEE GOD, BUT IN ORTHODOXY GOD CAN BE SEEN DIRECTLY, EXPERIENCED WITH ALL SENSES, EATEN AND DRUNK UNITING DIRECTLY WITH A BAPTIZED PERSON'S HEART (BY THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY EUCHARIST) AND A PERSONAL EXISTENCIAL RELATIONSHIP AND COMMUNICATION WITH GOD, THEOSIS AND THE EXPERIENCE OF HEAVEN AND GODS KINGDOM CAN BE ACHIVED BY THIS LIFE ON EARTH AS THE MAIN ELEMENT OF ORTHODOXY. For the second part, some things that could help are: The Channel "trisagion films" which has videos about Orthodoxy and lives of saints in English and the movie of "the life of saint Joseph the hesychast" which is available in English in youtube. Byzantine Music and hymns. The book "Great Gerontikon" and the lives of saints. Elder Ephraims of Arizona monasteries throughout US (who is most probably to officially declared a saint in recent future). Holy mountain of Athos and Vatopedi monastery and its youtube Channel. Pray to God by your own words or with known Orthodox prayers, as much as you can, in order to start feeling the grace inside your heart. LEARN ABOUT THE "UNCEASING PRAYER OF THE MIND AND HEART" ("JESUS PRAYER"). AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Find a spiritual father for guidance Start having a correct lifestyle which includes Gods commands, and learn as much as you can by studying. Participate in the liturgical mysteries of the church. When you feel ready be Orthodox Baptized (Other heretic baptisms as Catholic, etc are invalid, even if some wrongly say the opposite) and Chrismated (2 things necessary to be able to commune with and see God Himself and his Uncreated Light from this Life on earth, and for later to be able to inherit God's Kingdom and achieve Theosis). THE ONLY PURPOSE OF ALL THOSE THINGS IS TO HELP A PERSON ACHIVE COMPLETE COMMUNION (PERSONAL EXISTENCIAL RELATIONSHIP THAT HAPPENS WITH ALL OUR BEING-BODY AND SOUL) WITH GOD, THEOSIS (AS AN OUTCOME OF THE FORMER) AND THE EXPERIENCE AND INHERITANCE OF HEAVEN AND GODS KINGDOM (=GOD'S PRESENCE), FIRST FROM THIS LIFE AND THEN FOR ETERNITY IN THE OTHER LIFE, BY SACRIFICING THE ONLY THING THAT WE HAVE/CAN PRODUCE BY OUR SELVES WHICH IS OUR FREE WILL (AS A GOD GIVEN ABILITY...EVERY OTHER THING EITHER COMES FROM THE GRACE OF GOD/HIS PRESENCE OR THE ABSENCE OF THE GRACE OF GOD/HIS ABSENCE...) (FREE WILL = THE ABILITY TO ACCEPT OR REJECT THE PRESENCE OF GOD IN US...WE ARE LIKE A MECHANICAL MACHINE, WE CAN DO CERTAIN THINGS (THAT ARE SIMILAR TO THE THINGS GOD HIMSELF DOES...IF GOOD..., AS WE ARE IMAGES OF GOD) BUT ONLY IF WE HAVE THE NECESSARY FUEL IN US WHICH IN THIS CASE IS THE GARCE OF GOD (IF WE ARE SPEAKING ABOUT GOOD THINGS), OR THE ABSENCE OF THE GRACE OF GOD (IF WE ARE SPEAKING ABOUT BAD THINGS...THERE IS NO EMPTY SPACE IN THE SPIRITUAL WORD, BUT THE "EMPTY SPACE" OF THE ABSENCE OF GOD IS "FILLED" WITH THE OPPOSITE TRAITS OF GOD WHICH ARE THE EVIL THINGS...). EVERY GOOD THING IS A RAY OF LIGHT OF GOD'S INFINITE UNCREATED LIGHT AND EVERY BAD THING IS AN ABSENCE OF A RAY OF LIGHT OF GOD'S INFINITE UNCREATED LIGHT.>> <<@elizabethann8228 says : Not watching Netflix. Iā€™m a Great Dane. šŸ˜…ā¤>> <<@Skarlet-ju8sr says : Thank you for clarifying the burden of proof. Something didn't quite feel right hearing people talk about burdens.>> <<@soy.ingrid says : Does anyone have a Bible school they recommend?? Iā€™m leaning towards SES šŸ™šŸ¾>> <<@raythomas2628 says : Man you done an awesome jobā€¦.. I really love the way you present the evidence, and layman terms. Thank you. I love watching you, and Frank Turk. I pray for you guys a lot too!šŸ™ā¤ļøāœļø>> <<@jdstaley3710 says : I love these events that J does. I always learn something. God Bless you J and family.>> <<@edwardflanagan5769 says : I literally had a pastor yesterday say we should NOT argue for the faith!>> <<@misslinda1589 says : I'm meeting with an atheist aquaintance tomorrow to discuss Christianity. This message is perfect inspiration!!! If anyone sees this tonight, please pray. ā™” Thank you!>> <<@JoylieC says : Very insightful and helpful..!>> <<@JoylieC says : Wonderful training!>> <<@valerieprice1745 says : Jesus was wrongfully accused and falsely convicted. In Texas, He would have been executed even faster. It's no joke when the justice system misfires.>> <<@jessemayhem7063 says : This is so excellent I absolutely love this presentation man. Itā€™s so cool to be able to look at apologetics from this angle, which is something I completely never wouldā€™ve thought of doing until seeing this. Thank you so much. What a blessing.>> <<@bella-bee says : In the late 80s I was in LA, and was taken out to a restaurant, and there was blood on the sidewalk outside and a white body outline. True!>> <<@nawaababdul9667 says : Timothy actually encourages all Christians to be an apologists.>> <<@gabrielcaleb9277 says : Hello from France . Frenchman here...Absolutely fabulous! And Oooooo.....thank you soooo muchā¤ for "putting the cookies on a lower shelf" by helping us resist some of these new words that sound pretty awful actually. . apologist...and othe rs like " eschatology (!!!!šŸ˜± Gimme a break...)we don't t need complicated words long live simplicity!šŸ‘ā˜ŗļø Next time: please always film the slide screen! I might attempt to translate this into FranƧais...āœŒļø>> <<@tishnlms says : I was so looking forward to the after lunch portion!!! How can I find it?????>> <<@ladder41 says : OMG, LAPD SWAT has said thisā€¦ There are 3 kinds of people 1) The sheep 2) The Wolf 3) The Sheep Dogā€¦. We ( SWAT are the) Sheepdogs !>> <<@rejitvm9490 says : Plz , I want to be an apologist,I need to train , anyone here respond me>> <<@LisaDavis-d6c says : About to go on my mission to Utah with a group of youth. Thank you for all the reminders, Gods Grace to my friend.>> <<@marcomclaurin6713 says : I've made my case in my video 'Begining of understanding ' please consider it My icon is a seraph on its knees Godspeed>> <<@analizarivera6250 says : Love this, very informative and such delight to listen to, super humble approach.>>