<<@alexismichos2642 says : Someone please help this woman someone please help Aaron because she cries on every single episode there’s something going on with her I will keep praying>> <<@lizdelgado1419 says : This hit home I’ve been trying for 6years after a few miscarriages it’s so hard not to think about my time is ticking 😢 lord I trust in you🙏🙏>> <<@mrssheilasworldoffuninspir1919 says : ❤❤❤❤❤>> <<@carolinetruyol6776 says : Thank you for sharing this. It helps me a lot to hear that and to strengthen my relationship with God within my struggles.>> <<@valeriemyers1780 says : Praying for Jamie!>> <<@freda10623 says : My daughter in-law and son were married 10 years and gave up on becoming pregnant. Then she found out she was pregnant at 6 months and then had my grandson at 28 weeks. He was in the Nic unit for 67 days. He came home and very healthy and is the biggest joy! He is turning 1 in June! This such a blessing especially since my beautiful daughter in-law’s mother, father and sister and her 18 month old son was killed the year before in car crash! I am very thankful to the lord for giving a son to our precious daughter in law.>> <<@carriekeubler7781 says : Beautiful! Such a painful topic! I'm so glad that God meets us in our struggles! That He is a god of love! That He cares about us! Thanks to you all for sharing your hearts!>> <<@bridgeegibson2790 says : Thankyou.>> <<@Ladyloxxi says : ❤❤❤❤>> <<@rosedavis-duffy483 says : Such a wonderful topic. I'm 86 years now and married in 1958. A couple friends of ours were married the same year and right away my friend got pregnant. Every Sunday I was asked when was I having a baby. That was very hurtful. Long story short, after six years of marriage and praying, we adopted a six week old daughter 😊. Seven years later, I became pregnant and had our daughter! God came through and I have two granddaughters, two great grandsons and one great- granddaughter.❤>> <<@valeriehutkowski6630 says : I can’t wait to meet my three babies one day. Thank you for having this talk and sharing so we do not feel alone.>> <<@vanessatorres4494 says : Thank You Lasies 🙌🏻 Thank you for being so transparent so vulnerable and provide encouragement God bless you all in Jesus name 🙏🏻 amen>> <<@godsgrace2124 says : God is good all the time, even in the hardest situations, sometimes we are just to hurt to see His protection. Thank you, God bless you all.>> <<@caiponge7153 says : I'm 44 years old. I had 2 anembryonic pregnancies in 2020. Now I'm pregnant again for the 3rd time. I had my first ultrasound last March 27 and there is no baby in may gestational sac. The ultrasound was repeated this April 25 and praise God, there was the baby and has a heartbeat. But yesterday I had a spotting, I went to the OB this morning and at first she said, there's no heartbeat, but right away I said to God please let the heartbeat be shown, I am not agreeing that there is no heartbeat, then the OB said, wait it was detected but it's weak. So she advised me to double my heragest and return to her on Monday to know the status of the baby. As Joyce Meyer said, I TRUST GOD. Please unite us in prayer. Thank you so much. God bless you more!>> <<@rosalindquinones2791 says : God bless you both-as we are learning that he has and does Thank God for His Peace and Purposes>> <<@rosalindquinones2791 says : How heartbreaking that you should be told that you are too old when the reality is that ,as you said you were stable and willing to love So sorry That is also an aadditionalbirden when thereos such a need>> <<@rosalindquinones2791 says : Is considering fostering and adopting diring the wait a-when there is such a need -maybe a part of God’s plan for some?>> <<@ifeanyionweazu8121 says : Tough but God is always in the wait with us!>> <<@leeshc5952 says : I’m 39, single, praying for marriage. I know God has a plan for me. Not every day is easy, but I have to remind myself to thank God for the blessing he does provide. It’s hard to understand the whys, but God knows the ultimate plan and I keep telling myself that in those hard moments. ❤>> <<@alicewillis5923 says : Please agree with me in prayer due to my son & daughter-in-law has been doing ivf without any success! God is able! 😊♥️🙏🏽>> <<@heatherblakley8329 says : So wonderful, thank you so much and God bless you. Would love to also see in the future please, an episode about the beauty of a life when you don't have children.>> <<@naturesbestart-vickiachard8067 says : Just listened to this again. Also so sorry for your loss Ginger, a sister and a baby, oh my. So much appreciate your uplifting and encouraging comments from you to everyone. God has given you a gift of encouragement with words full of wisdom - so much appreciate that in every one of your podcasts. Also love your sense of humor, so fun to listen to at times. Thank you all ladies.>> <<@ChildofGod-u8y says : Let go and let God. I was 40 and my hubby was 42 when we had our one and only baby. We had been married for 11 years. God’s timing is perfect. Trust in Him. He knows what is best.>> <<@Natasha-mq8he says : This is good stuff! I felt this one in my soul❤❤❤ thank you for sharing your stories and reminding me of God’s glory>> <<@elizabethwhite8684 says : I’m 38 and divorced, and I’ve been in such grief over knowing my time is almost gone 💔>> <<@rachelleedmond2326 says : totally random: I love seeing the people who work there come on the podcast. I wish all work environments were like a family!>> <<@lisadmarshall7484 says : Thank you TIOP ladies for your transparency ❤❤>> <<@maggieonsecurity says : My heart goes out to Kim. When I found out in my early 20’s that I couldn’t have children, it was so devastating. And I spent a good amount of my 20’s angry about it. Now, in my late 30’s, I am at complete peace with not having children. God knows my heart and what I can and cannot handle. He knows me more than I know myself. For me, in my particular situation, He knew that being childless is the best plan for my life. And you know, I am not completely alone because I do have two kitties and one tortoise to love as well. I know a lot of mothers tell me it’s not the same thing. And they are right. It’s not the same. But I got to be a Mommy in a different way. For my life and my situation, I believe God knew best for me. I pray for all women praying for children. My heart breaks for those still waiting and hoping. Pls trust God. He knows the plans for our lives. And His plans are to give us a great life, not to ever harm us. I pray that God brings the desires of your hearts to fruition. ♥️ Praise God! He is ALWAYS good! 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@pamalamarcum227 says : Adoption? So many children really need someone to love them.>> <<@cecilminnis says : “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11‬:‭1‬ ‭AMP‬‬>> <<@violetmuringai6326 says : Thank you very much for sharing. May God grant you the desires of your heart Jamie and Kim.>> <<@TheEulamae1 says : This is so encouraging just knowing that you are not alone!!! God is Amazing in spite of!!!>> <<@nancyhooper1742 says : Great podcast, we are praying to move to Granville NY but not there yet and money is short so praying everyone gets what they are praying for and God bless everyone ❤❤❤❤>> <<@KathyMcDowell1 says : This might help someone-search Barbara O'Neil Hormones>> <<@lucillelaurenzi4510 says : Hi talk it out podcast.I love Jamie and Kim testimonies.This show is very inspirational.>> <<@naturesbestart-vickiachard8067 says : So very sorry for your pain and sorrow Jamie and Kim. You both are in my prayers. Thank you all for sharing. As always you 3 girls care so much for others and wonderful to see you sharing your love for others. May the love of God continue to be with us all to help each other through difficult times.>> <<@vivredefoi says : I loved this video. It's so refreshing to hear testimonials without happy end like "I prayed for 3 years, put God's Kingdom first and then yeaaaaah I got my baby!" ... It's so hard to never become the blessing we are waiting for. I really appreciate the testimonials. Thank's for this podcast!>> <<@shandranewell2837 says : I love it here..tears laughs prayers and love ❤>> <<@Speakupok says : Im 46 and i also want a baby. I trust Gods will for my life.>> <<@lindashaling8979 says : I still want a baby and I am 53>>