<<@kennyharlan9784 says : The Goat😊>> <<@SongsAboutGod258 says : Thank you LORD for all the graces, aches & pains of life, everything that ive'd been through but came out victorious by GOD's mercy & love❤. It made me a stronger person to weather out whatever comes. You:ve been my SAVIOUR PROTECTOR & GUIDING LIGHT in my life. I offer my life to you. Thank you PRAISE YOU LORD🙏>> <<@RichardNoe-gf8jt says : Yes, it's not about me and God Himself gets the glory>> <<@RichardNoe-gf8jt says : I'll stop speaking my intentions before others>> <<@RichardNoe-gf8jt says : I understand what you mean, and will correct my behavior.>> <<@RichardNoe-gf8jt says : Hi Joyce, I haven't left you. You are special to me, love you so much. Richard>> <<@natashadaniels196 says : Joyce you rock. Love. ❤. In Jesus name. Please bless her.>> <<@sonampalmo3578 says : Am I wrong, or does her mouth look evil? She doesn't need a pulpit, she needs a talk show.>> <<@sumanpal3183 says : God bless you abundantly greetings from suman punjab plz pray for us>> <<@nilawarriorprincess says : Pastor Meyer, your sense of fashion was the first thing that drew me to your ministry. I was even more thrilled that your sermons were exactly what I needed to grow closer to Christ. As a twenty-something fashion design major who'd just rededicated her life to Christ, I was really struggling with the thought of having to dress modestly. It really wore at my heart & I thought I'd have to give up my my passion for fashion in order to completely dedicate my life to God. Seeing you was a revelation! I'd never heard such sound Bible biased teaching come from such wonderfully dressed woman of faith with such incredible fashion sense. When I saw you I finally understood that dressing modestly wasn't equivalent to dowdyness. I could still serve God through my earthly pursuits as He was the one who planted & cultivated my enamorment with dress. Thank you for always delivering your message in such lovely attire & makeup. It meas so much to a faithful fashionista. A decade & a half later I still find inspiration in both your fantastic wardrobe choices & solid Biblical teaching. Thank you for showing me I that I can praise God through something as superficial as fashion.>> <<@phuongtrang280 says : Mmmm, that motive message was really good. I needed that, thank you>> <<@leegalloway9508 says : i still think you should be nice to your employees even though you pay them. the attitude you had with Amanda didn't sound very nice, like she didn't do her job, which may be true, but still. i have employees that i pay and have in the past and i try to be thankful and show gratitude that i have them as employees cause i might not have them if i don't!>> <<@user-bw6gh6ip9n says : great video, thank Joyce, and thank You Jesus.>> <<@KarenRicks-jf8sw says : And she's not a she came out>> <<@KarenRicks-jf8sw says : Because a whoe has a heart>> <<@KarenRicks-jf8sw says : He made me take it off so that's why I'm playing and ugly but I'm not ugly ugly beautiful>> <<@KarenRicks-jf8sw says : So I'm understanding you more and more>> <<@KarenRicks-jf8sw says : So he been teaching me to give to my enemy people that I don't I know don't love me teach me to give without feelings I guess because I should be mad about it>> <<@KarenRicks-jf8sw says : Now like now>> <<@KarenRicks-jf8sw says : I'm glad the father came and got me the unloved I learned to love loving the father because he was the only one loving me>> <<@soxlearning says : Amen Joyce! Thank you for this teaching. It helped me to look more deeply through what I do and why.>> <<@Makanakapa says : Amen 🙏>> <<@JackieAndresen-l4n says : I didn't know complaining was a sin. It's what I do most of the time. Forgive me Father>> <<@berangereradar2417 says : And futhermore, let's do things to please God... and not to be rewarded by Him. Reward should be the fruit, and not the aim.>> <<@nigelwisani5586 says : Glory be to God 🙏🙏>> <<@bell5020 says : ❤️🔥❤️>> <<@demarkuslacy-yn6cc says : God bless you and the family Joyce please pray for me and my family>> <<@hopemataka07 says : Been helped, thanks alot❤>> <<@vmarie.94 says : Amen 🤍>> <<@crivera43 says : I really needed to hear this msg today! I'm a huge ppl pleaser, and to hear the reasons why is a new healing for me. It's a process to stop. Makes me wonder do I even know who I really am? Loved this message thanks Joyce 😊 🙏>> <<@joeycan6801 says : With all due respect……. Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Matthew 19:21 Hummm …… Don’t know of any pastor that is practicing what Jesus was preaching……. Why ? Thank you>> <<@jerrysmith6303 says : Jesus said the violent take heaven by force Mom the truth is violent at 1st but oh how sweet the healing when We let Him in God Bless>> <<@jennyhogan4561 says : Beautiful words for the world that loves to listen Beautiful words. But when the bible say... no idolaters, no liars, no sexual immorality people, no vanity people an all kind of sins that GOD DOESN'T WANT. THOSE PEOPLE WON'T ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD. THIS PEOPLE GETS OFENDED. THIS IS THE FALSE DOCTRINA!! 2 TIMOTHY 3:1–4 3 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God REVELATION 21:8 But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death JUDE 1:7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire. 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-20 9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.>> <<@gailrode1974 says : Thank you for this message. I wish we had more people like Joyçe Meyer.>> <<@TorishipWOW says : This video …😢 speechless… thank you for this.>> <<@besthillsongworshipsongs48 says : It's amazing how small your "problems"really are when you think semoene lost their mother today, somebody's spouse was diagnosed with cancer a hardworking person lost their job & has a family to support.Even on a bad day, you've to realize how blessed you really are.GOD is good all the time, & all the time GOD is good.>> <<@segybold604 says : >> <<@brooe469 says : Amen>> <<@brooe469 says : Amen>> <<@lataciajackson6574 says : AMEN AMEN AMEN>> <<@carlahubbs8833 says : This is all about putting God first>> <<@ssekabembebob-eb5cw says : 💖💋💋🇳🇬🇺🇸🇺🇬🇬🇧🇮🇱👩‍🌾🏋️🙏🙏🙏🙏>> <<@ssekabembebob-eb5cw says : 👏👏👏👏🙏>> <<@KariLynnEdge1988 says : I'm Always Judged Extremely Harshly In Real Life And On Social Media!This Really Spoke To Me!Thanks Joyce!God Bless!❤>> <<@brendadegraw1688 says : I believe we are love and all that encompasses it through Jesus to seek God's infinite capacity. Amen🙏💓>> <<@haleemaforson8985 says : Enjoy all your free phones .....Thanks Kelly>> <<@genesismytribe1696 says : Thank you Joyce ❤>> <<@conniemendes1243 says : 🙏>> <<@karenbrown5239 says : Joyce I remember this story It's one that I have said. Love you Joyce you were my first Destiny helper. Still are. Upper Westside, Nyc.>> <<@karenbrown5239 says : Joyce Your vibrancy in what better way to look a live. This message is alive in the life of Jesus Christ. A beautiful soul ***( Sister )*** Kiss the son. In your message.>>