<<@markgarao6898 says : I like how he always references the book for further explanation, hahah>> <<@AgentZ-1844 says : You guys should put a link to the book in the description please... god bless you.>> <<@KimsKonnections says : Thanks pastor, btw where can we buy that book?>> <<@eljochavz says : Thank you so much for giving us insights of how to study the Bible seriously.>> <<@maurobalagan9023 says : Is this book(biblical hermeneutics) a downloadable?>> <<@bluegreenchannel says : Amen! Thank you for explaining vividly and gently why this method of Bible interpretation is very important to us. God bless!>> <<@debbieramsey-hanks3757 says : Thank you for a thought provoking reminder. Gentle and steadfast.>> <<@alberturaboro8449 says : Thank you for the Biblical Hermeneutical Approach 🙏🏽>> <<@macakaisuva5354 says : Thankyou so much. This has been so enlightening and a blessing!!🙏. God bless you 🙏>> <<@Nepoi123 says : Thank you>> <<@jasminkakuburic9708 says : Thank you 🙏🙏🙏>> <<@isabelle9220 says : AMEN! 🙏♥️>> <<@maureenfarey9527 says : Voy a ir a dormir, si puedo. Espero que me envíes un mensaje de texto mañana. Dijiste que me enviarías un mensaje y no lo hiciste, así que no sé qué pensar. Te quiero mucho y me quedaría esperándote para siempre, si supiera que no estás enojado y que estás cansado. O si estás enojado, envíame un correo electrónico. Dije que me lo merecía por quedarme dormido. Yo 💞 solo quiero estar contigo para siempre, pero también necesito tu ayuda. Está lloviendo y yo también estoy preocupado por eso. La última vez que llovió constantemente, se fue la luz (y eso alimenta mi miedo de estar solo en la oscuridad). Así que estaba emocionado de poder quedarme despierto contigo porque estarías conmigo si saliera. Y predicen truenos y relámpagos y truenos. Y Kelli probablemente me mantendrá despierta porque tiene miedo. Estoy traduciendo esto para no escribir algo que no esté bien. Solo sé que nunca te lastimaría de la forma en que otras personas te hicieron en el pasado. Aprecio todo de ti y cómo no sabes que eres maravilloso, emocionante, creativo, inteligente, guapo y muy tímido, pero amo todo de ti. Sobre todo el padre que eres. Elegí volver al sitio de citas por ti. Tuviste a tu hijo en tu foto y los hombres ni siquiera pasan tiempo con ellos. Me enamoré de ti el día que vi esa foto. Espero que puedas creer y confiar en mí.I am going to go to sleep, if I can. I hope you text me me tomorrow. You said you would text me and you didn't so I don't know what to think. I love you so much and I would stay on waiting for you forever, if I knew you weren't mad and that you were tired.or if your mad email me. I said I deserve it for falling asleep. I 💞 just want to be with you forever, but I need your help too. It's raining and I am worrying about that too. The last time it rained constantly, the power went out ( and that feeds my fear of being alone in the dark). So I was excited to be able to stay up with you because you would be with me of it went out. And they predict thunder and lighting and thunder. And Kelli will probably keep me up because she is afraid. I am translating this so I don't write something that isn't right. Just know I would never hurt you the way other people did to you in the past. I appreciate everything about you and how you don't know that you are wonderful, exciting, creative, intelligent, handsome and very shy but I love everything about you. Especially the father you are. I chose to come back to the dating site because of you. You had your child in your picture and men don't even spend time with them. I fell for you the day I saw that picture.I hope you can believe and trust me.>>