<<@anitahmoreetsi3251 says : Very eye opening! Amen🙌🏽>> <<@zainabuogesare says : Thank you, we are in an error of intellectual thirst and as long as something is written we are ready to consume that information. May the Holy scripture and scripture alone be our guide and reference point that we avoid being deceived.>> <<@vannieB says : Thank you so much, sister, for this session.... I really needed toheR this so that I keep myself from being deceived again.>> <<@susankane8728 says : This is Great, sister! We have so needed this teaching because we often wonder how these seemingly harmless, so-called healing philosophies and techniques could possibly be harmful for the Christian who seeks a healthy way of living. I will listen to your talk several times so that it sinks in. As you said, JESUS said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by me.” All of this convoluted philosophy is really just confusing, empty and without Jesus. Let us study the Word of God diligently, so that we don’t fall into the dark world of deception that He has warned us against🙏🏻>> <<@danasrustytypewriter says : DAVID WAS THE TRUE SAVIOR AND YOU DENOUNCED HIM 🔥>> <<@polycarpsmith1419 says : The *“System”* that Adventists despise with all their being is the apostolic authority of the Church set in place by CHRIST HIMSELF, saying to Peter: *Whatsoever YOU (PETER) BIND SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN! And whatsoever YOU LOOSEN shall be LOOSEN IN HEAVEN!* The Adventists like all the cults DESPISE THE AUTHORITY Christ set in place HIMSELF>> <<@fomcgirl says : Thank you for sharing this video. I too am 3rd generation SDA & went through our schools but over the years fell into the devil's new age, new thought & prosperity gospel philosophies. Thankfully the Holy Spirit recently brought me back to the truth. Now everyday I pray & study His Word that I will not be deceived again.>> <<@debbieramsey-hanks3757 says : Love in Christ. Brave testimony Joshua 1:9>> <<@darrellfort1668 says : AMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@chazanythompson says : Amen sister>> <<@samuelwilson5848 says : Blessings to you, it is for this reason God gave gifts to us, for the edification of the church, until we all come into the knowledge of the truth. Sadly though, there are so much deception in the church.>> <<@josiebranda1506 says : You don’t have any idea how your words help me today … thank you for your powerful speech here, and may God continue to use you🙏🏼>> <<@annacorbin6675 says : Thank you for this message!>> <<@ralphsio-lv5po says : If your reading the bible earnestly you will not be deceive easily 1 Thessalonians 5:17 pray without ceasing!!!>>