<<@Wayne_Wilson says : The Adventist message is pretty simple: *The Sabbath vs Sunday*>> <<@NoSundayLawComing says : In 1902, Ellen White said said God was "pleased" if Adventist held religious meetings and performed missionary work on Sundays. If God is pleased by such activity, then why do Baptists and Methodists receive the Mark of the Beast for holding religious meetings and doing missionary work on Sunday? If both SDAs and non-SDAs are holding religious meetings and doing missionary work on Sunday, how are authorities going to be able to determine who is breaking the National Sunday Law?>> <<@NoSundayLawComing says : *_So where exactly do we find the Sunday law in the Bible?_*>> <<@susankane8728 says : Thank you. We could certainly use more topics on, and early founders of Adventist History.>> <<@alongcamejones309 says : See "Christian Scholars Forum". ' The Sunday Law that never was "😔😊>> <<@alongcamejones309 says : The Sunday Law or was it a blue had absolutely nothing to do with Religion whatsoever. It was a social consious law to make sure the working classes could be guaranteed one day a week of work. Foolish SDA's in their brainwashed imaginations tried to convince people it was a religious law. He was the author of his own demise.>> <<@nelimaginister3578 says : Amen>> <<@thandemoyo485 says : I believe he did very well not to make a promise to do no work on Sunday. We're accountable for whatever comes out of our mouths, and to agree would be to acknowledge that Sunday is the Sabbath of the Lord. I salute his stand for the truth and his conscience.>> <<@bmr4566 says : romans 12:19, you vile are condemned by God>> <<@SouthernUnionConference says : Thanks for sharing these stories! The Southern Union has so much history and we appreciate you highlighting one of the stories from our territory!>> <<@jennefercaga-anan6547 says : Wow very interesting God bless you all staffs>>