<<@Jackline-j7j says : This is pantheism, warned by e g White>> <<@LydiaOnchieku says : AMEN>> <<@emmanuelndikumana2084 says : Thanks pastor but why in some Adventist books we find trinity instead of Godhead?>> <<@Watchman_on_Zion777 says : God is not a fellowship. John 17:3 [3]And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 1 Corinthians 8:6 [6]But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.>> <<@sdastoryteller3381 says : That's Modelism Ted Wilson! Not the best analogy.>> <<@zakhelemthethwa5287 says : Amen>> <<@christinasears6232 says : Amen!>> <<@cabituculansdachurch says : Amen❤>> <<@misslinda772 says : Very well explained! Thank you.>> <<@nelimaginister3578 says : Amen>> <<@plushie.fans.inc.toy-reviews. says : That's modalism... God is Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit... 3 in one. Not at all like water.>> <<@richardbulahan7890 says : Incorrect understanding>> <<@richardbulahan7890 says : Your wrong Brother.>> <<@Mcchabby says : “These men are false teachers”>> <<@patriciaababio8770 says : Ànother example used by some preachers is an egg: The Shell, the albumin and the yoke. Three distinct functions but one substance. Only the shell is dispensed of when cooking or hatching>> <<@patriciaababio8770 says : Thank you for this analogy. Thanks for indicating your uncertainty too. We shall surely see him as he is when Jesus comes. Amen>> <<@walkiriavespa5838 says : Great! I love it explanation>> <<@starcityrc3298 says : It's an amazing analogy and more importantly the fact that you said "God is kind of like this". You don't say God is like Water. It's just a simple way to explain the Trinity to someone who needs things explained in a simplic way>> <<@BubbaWatson-ou9xb says : @answeringadventism>> <<@bonbalab_ says : Amen,praise God Halleluyah>> <<@sylviaturgott says : It doesn't matter what our sinful state is, God can handle it!🙏🏾🙌🏾>> <<@susankane8728 says : Three persons in the Godhead- yes. I see more and more how beautifully they work in perfect harmony. What a great analogy Pastor Ted Wilson- water in its three forms. Wonderful! Thank you.>> <<@mulifenamaleka390 says : AMEN>> <<@aklilugedefaw7269 says : beware to compare Godhead with nature because there is no thing that compare with creator>> <<@marshallcolquhoun1581 says : Best explanation I have heard>> <<@danward4170 says : Incredibly trite>> <<@jeannine7002 says : 3 persons of the Godhead, beautifully put! Hallelujah!>> <<@brightgakabediaku64 says : Great is His Mighty work>> <<@susanstrudwick6275 says : This is a lie that comes from Babylon. Study to show thyself approved and you will find that there are only 2 persons that share one spirit in the Godhead. Worshipping 3 people is a violation of the first commandment.>> <<@balukujockim2729 says : Amen, inspirational>>